Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Orange FD responds to house fire

The City of Orange Fire Department responded to a report of a house fire Tuesday night at 1106 Pine St. at 11:30 PM. First arriving fire units reported heavy fire coming from the front of the structure. The house was vacant according to the neighbors. Fire crews brought the fire under control within 20 minutes, and remained on the scene for over two hours extinguishing hot spots.

The fire marshal was called out to determine the fire cause and origin, and the fire is still under investigation. One fire Captain sustained a injury to the knee while pulling a fire hose.

Unfortunately, fire crews had to return to the house Wednesday morning at 6:30 AM to extinguish the fire again. Obviously the crew missed a hot spot earlier and the fire rekindled. The second fire was brought under control in 15 minutes, and a fresh crew took over extinguishing hot spots at 7:00 AM when shift change occurred.

The new crew performed extensive overhaul activities to insure the fire was completely extinguished.


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