Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

MMS students visit with author via Skype

Writing students in Julie Pelt and Kaycie Donnaud’s seventh grade classes at Mauriceville Middle School got to visit by Skype with the author of several young adult books on Tuesday, March 24. Frank McMillan, who has penned books such as “The Young Healer” and “Cezanne is Missing,” used Skype to talk to the students about being an author and the art of writing.

McMillan, a geology professor at Texas A & M University in Corpus Christi and award-winning author, told students some of the things that helped make a good writer, including being a reader of books. He told students that what he wanted readers to take away from his books was the idea that the world is a good place. “Be inspired, be brave, be happy, make a contribution to improve the world. Be the very best you can be,” he told his audience.

One of the students’ question, “What inspired you to be a writer,” brought on a discussion about heroes. McMillan explained that he was inspired by real life heroes and then told them the background stories that prompted the writing of his books mentioned above. According to teacher Julie Pelt, “Skyping with an author like Frank McMillan was a great opportunity for students to experience first-hand how reading, writing and literacy can lead to a successful career and a bright future. It encourages students to strive for excellence in their education so that they can change the world.”

Being able to have an exchange between students and someone such as Frank McMillan is an example of how education is enhanced through the use of technology.

Pictured is MMS seventh grader Morgan Sonnier asking the author a question during the Skype session.


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