Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

OCP season opens with Lend me a Tenor

The season opener of the Orange Community Players hits the stage Aug. 13.

It is a madcap comedy set in 1934. Tito Morelli, IL Stupendo, the great Italian tenor is making an appearance at the Cleveland Grand Opera Company. Saunders, the opera company manager is nervously awaiting the arrival of Morelli with his assistant, gopher, flunky, Max.

The trouble begins when Maria, Morelli’s wife, throws a fit and upsets Morelli. In a well meaning attempt to calm Morelli and get him ready to appear on stage, Max gives Morelli a concoction that makes him go comatose. Has he killed the great Tenor? What will Saunders do? He stands to lose thousands of dollars if he cancels the performance.

Saunders sees his only option as making Max the replacement tenor.

The production is reminiscent of a Marx Brothers comedy with an addition of zany ladies. This is a “roll in the aisles” comedy with non- stop action.

Show times are 7:37 p.m. Aug. 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22 with a matinee Aug. 23 at 2:37 p.m. Ticket prices are $15 for adult, $10 student/child.


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