Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Filing period opens for May elections

The filing period for local elections in May has begun.

The filing period for places on the May general elections is now open from Wednesday, Jan. 20 through Friday, Feb. 19, 2016 for several cities and school districts, along with various water districts and the port and navigation district. Early voting for the general election is from Monday, April 25 through Tuesday, May, 3. Election day will be Saturday, May 7.

Some new laws are in place for this year's general election. One of the new laws has changed the uniform election day to the first Saturday in the month of May, instead of the second Saturday. Another change pertains to voters who wish to apply for a ballot by mail. The last day to apply for a ballot by mail will be April 26. It must be received by the Orange County Election Administrators Office on this date, not postmarked.

City of Bridge City

The City of Bridge City will have four positions open for filing this year, and two are guaranteed to have new representatives.

Mayor Kirk Roccaforte and Place 2 councilman Mike Reed have reached their term limits and neither will be able to seek re-election, so both positions are open for filing and will have new officials this May.

Also open for filing are seats in Place 4 and Place 6, which are held by Eric Andrus and Danny Cole, respectively.

Call the city secretary at 409-735-6801 for more information.

Bridge City ISD

The Bridge City Independent School District has three seats on its Board of Trustees available for filing this election year. Seats currently held by Rebecca Rutledge, Place 3; Thad Hill, Place 4; and Jerry McInnis, Place 5, will be on the ballot. Interested candidates may call 409-735-1511 for more information.

City of Orange

The City of Orange will have three council seats open for election this year. Positions open for election include District 2 seat held by Dr. Wayne Guidry, District 4 position held by Mary McKenna, and Bill Mello, who holds the Place 5 at-large position.

People interested in filing may contact city secretary at 409-883-1042 for more information.

City of West Orange

The City of West Orange has three at-large city council positions open for filing, which includes seats held by Shirley Bonnin, Dale Dardeau and Mike Shugart. Anyone interested in running for office may call the city secretary at 409-883-3468 for more information.

City of Pinehurst

The City of Pinehurst will have three seats open for filing this election a well. Seats available include the Mayor position, which is held by Pete Runnels, as well as at-large council seats held by John Zerko and Mike Anderson.

Call the city secretary at 409-886-3873 for more information.

West Orange-Cove CISD

The West Orange-Cove Consolidated Independent School District will have three seats on the Board of Trustees potentially on the May ballot, as at-large positions held by Bryan Thomas Muhammad, Hardy O'Neal and Linda Pratt-Bryant are available for filing. Call the superintendent's secretary at 409-882-5500 for more information.


The Little Cypress-Mauriceville Consolidated Independent School District's Board of Trustees will have two positions up for election this May. Seats open for filing include Position 6, currently held by Rex Peveto, and Position 7, which is held by Ray Rogers. Call 409-883-2232, Ext. 2320 for more information on this election.

Orange County Navigation and Port District

Two Commissioners seats are set to be on the ballot this May for the Orange County Navigation and Port District. Seats held by Barbara Winfree, Precinct 2, and Jimmy Smith, Precinct 3, are available for filing. Interested candidates may call 409-883-4363 for information.

Orange County Drainage District

Two seats for the Orange County Drainage District's Board of Directors are open for filing this election period, which includes the seats occupied by J.B. Arrington, Precinct 2, and Jimmy Scales, Precinct 3. Potential candidates may call 409-745-3225 for more information.


Orange County Water Control and Improvement District No. 2 will have Board of Directors positions up for filing for the May election. No information was available prior to press deadline. Interested parties may call 409-883-4003 for more information.

Mauriceville MUD

The Mauriceville Municipal Utility District could have an election this May as two positions on its Board of Directors are open for filing. Positions held by Dennis Rountree and Jay Scheiderer are set to be on the ballot. Roundtree was appointed to the Board in October 2014 and Scheiderer was appointed in September 2015.Call 409-745-4882 for info.


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