Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

OHS band students advance to State UIL Solo and Ensemble contest

Pictured are Orangefield High School band students who recently participated in the region UIL Solo and Ensemble contest. From left are Cameron Hutchison, Jesse Wilson, Suzy Madrid, Justin Dupuis and Dexter Mize.

Friday Feb. 5, several band students attended the region UIL Solo and Ensemble contest. This contest is an individual event in which the students learn the students chose a solo or ensemble from the state prescribed list. There are three classifications of difficulty for these solos. Class three solos bring a bronze medal, class two bring a silver medal, and class one bring a gold medal. The students learn the solo with little help from the directors.

Five students returned home with medals. Those students are:

Dexter Mize, Class two Trombone, solo, Silver Medal; Jesse Wilson, Class two, Baritone Solo, Silver Medal and Suzy Madrid, Class one, Flute Solo, Gold Medal.

Students who learn a class one solo, perform it memorized and receive a medal advance to state. Two students will be advancing to state. They are:

Senior, Justin Dupuis - Trumpet Solo and Sophomore, Cameron Hutchison -Tuba Solo.


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