Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

BC Chamber names Turley as Orangefield Student of the Month

Pictured left to right are Jillian Turley, Wanda McGraw, Timothy Turley, Ashlyn Turley, Stephen Patterson, Michele Turley, Candi Patterson and Zach Quinn.

The Bridge City Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce that the Student of the Month for Orangefield High School is Ashlyn Turley. Ashlyn was presented her certificate and gift bag by Chamber Ambassador and Director Wanda McGraw of Sabine Federal Credit Union at the Sept.13 coffee hosted by Complete Staffing.

She received gift certificates and gifts from several local merchants

Ashlyn is the daughter of Michele Turley and Chad Andreu and Tim Turley and Jillian Turley. She has a GPA of 4.39 and is ranked 15 of 108.

Ashlyn’s awards and honors include National Honor Society; All A honor roll; Teacher Appreciation Awards in several subjects throughout high school and second team All District Volleyball.

Her clubs and organizations include varsity tennis and varsity volleyball.

She has volunteered for OHS Volleyball Camp and Little Dribbler's Concession Stand for community service.


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