Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

The Bridge City Middle School 7th grade track girls

The Bridge City Middle School 7th grade track girls as a team have finished 1st place at their first two meets of the year scoring 179½ at the WOS meet and 193 at the Cleveland meet. Leading the way with highest individual point totals was Caryss Carpenter, Reesie Ryder and Lauren Richter. The following were 1st place finishes:


100 Hurdles & High Jump - Carpenter

Long & Triple Jump - Ryder

Pole Vault - Boswell

Sprint Relay - Richter, Ryder, Carpenter, Fountain


100 Hurdles & High Jump - Carpenter

Pole Vault - Boswell

Sprint Relay - Richter, Ryder, Carpenter, Fountain

800 Relay - Sprint Relay - Richter, Ryder, Carpenter, Dosch

Triple Jump - Ryder

200 - Richter


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