Hometown News For Orange County, Texas


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  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Sherlock Breaux, For the Record|Updated Jun 15, 2021

    FATHER’S DAY HOW DO YOU REMEMBER DAD Come Sunday we will celebrate Father’s Day. Not all of us have the same memories about our childhood and good ole dad. For many of us, then and for many youngsters today, there is not a live-in dad at home. The late poet Pearl Burgess wrote a great poem we are publishing in this issue detailing an ideal relationship with dad but it is just the opposite of the childhood some live. It reminds me of the war years when my classmates’ milit...

  • Do you want to see a Biblical scenario of where the church is today, our Country and where it is all headed?

    Pastor Charles Empey, For the Record|Updated Jun 15, 2021

    Judges 6 and 7 ...Where is Gideon' s army today? Like in Gideon's day when Israel had been delivered from sin and the world, they became lazy in faithfulness and began to blend into the world...so much that they became comfortable with it and it's ways, even giving attention to what the world thought important. Israel embraced the idols of the Amorites and the world society of the Midianites. God quit blessing Israel and they became impoverished and sunk to living in caves and...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Sherlock Breaux|Updated Jun 8, 2021

    SPECIAL LUNCH BUNCH GATHERING Next week, on June 16, the Wednesday Lunch Bunch will dine at Robert’s Restaurant, 12 noon. County Judge John Gothia and tax assessor-collector Karen Fisher will host all of the county mayors and their city managers. The county wide participation will allow everyone to interact with the civic leaders., break bread and get to meet the new mayors. It also will be a great opportunity for the citizens and county officials to share how they might be o...

  • My Five Cents

    Senator Robert Nichols|Updated Jun 8, 2021

    With session over, there’s time to reflect on what happened toward the end of session and the new laws the legislature passed over the past 140 days. Here are five things happening around your state: 1. Legislature adjourns Sine Die The 87th Legislative session has ended and this week both chambers adjourned Sine Die. In total, the House and Senate filed 7,025 bills combined. Of those, the House filed 4,834 bills and the Senate filed 2,191 bills. However, only 1,081 bills from...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Sherlock Breaux|Updated Jun 1, 2021

    DEMS WALK OUT TO BLOCK CONTROVERSIAL VOTING RIGHTS BILL Republican-dominated Texas Legislature, despite pleas nationwide, is closing out the legislative session with many of its conservative priorities heading to the governor’s desk. Lawmakers also approved the so-called “constitutional carry” bill allowing Texans to carry handguns in public without a permit. Texas House Democrats staged a dramatic exit from the state capitol last Sunday, blocking the passage of a contr...

  • My Five Cents

    State Sen Robert Nichols|Updated Jun 1, 2021

    The last week of session is coming to a close and the long nights have stretched into the early hours of the following mornings. We’re sprinting to the finish of an unusual session and passing consequential and substantial legislation. Here are five things happening around your state: 1. Budget Conference Committee Report approved by Senate In one of the last steps the State budget needs for approval, the Senate passed the final version of the budget this week. This session’s budget appropriates $248.5 billion in All Funds fo...

  • Nichols My Five Cents

    Senator Robert Nichols, For the Record|Updated May 25, 2021

    Session is drawing to a close. This is the last week for Senate committees to realistically consider bills to vote out of committee. We have until May 26 to vote on any bill on the floor. After that, the Senate can only vote on Conference Committee Reports or concur with House amendments until we adjourn Sine Die on May 31. Here are five things happening around your state: 1. Gulf Coast Protection District bill passes the House This week Senate Bill 1160 was voted off the Hous...

  • My Five Cents

    State Sen Robert Nichols|Updated May 18, 2021

    One hundred and thirty-three years ago this month, the present Texas Capitol was formally dedicated. On May 16, 1888, the dedication ceremony was held with a service, parade, and a celebration to mark its opening. Over 20,000 people attended the week of festivities. There were military displays, concerts, drill team competitions, and fireworks. Senator Temple Houston, Sam Houston’s youngest son, accepted the building on behalf of the state. Here are five things happening around your state: 1. Texas launches mobile vaccine t...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Sherlock Breaux, For the Record|Updated May 11, 2021

    TIME SLIPS AWAY Here we are already coming to May 19. A month ago we set this date for our next Wednesday Lunch Bunch gathering so mark your calendar for next week. We had planned to have a special guest but the Texas Legislature is still in session until May 29, then after a few days off, will go into special session. We will probably still have a surprise or two. Everyone is invited. We hope everyone has had at least one vaccine shot. If not, please get one. The Bunch will...

  • Prayer - Why do God's children take so little advantage of such a gift from God in Christ?  

    Pastor Charles Empey, For the Record|Updated May 11, 2021

    Matthew 7:7-11 "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: 8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. 9 Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone? 10 Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent? 11 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in...

  • My Five Cents

    Senator Robert Nichols|Updated May 11, 2021

    At the end of this week, we’ll only have three weeks left in this year’s legislative session. These last three weeks are some of the most intense weeks, with long hours and lots of bills to read. A number of deadlines begin to crop up during this time. For example, May 26th is the last day for the Senate to consider all bills and joint resolutions, whether they originated in the House or Senate. We adjourn Sine Die, the last day of session, on May 31st. Here are five thi...

  • My 5 Cents

    Senator Robert Nichols|Updated May 4, 2021

    Last week, the House passed its version of the state budget for the next two years. It differs in some significant ways from the budget the Senate passed. In order to reconcile our differences, we’ll convene a conference committee with 5 members from each chamber to work out the details. I’m honored to once again serve as a conferee for the state budget. Here are five things happening around your state: 1. Texas to gain two new congressional seats The US Census Bureau released...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Sherlock Breaux, For the Record|Updated Apr 27, 2021

    VOTE LOCALLY IT'S IMPORTANT GET A SHOT-IT MIGHT SAVE YOUR LIFE It's come on another week. They sure seem to be flying by quicker than I recall when I was much younger. Health wise the past year has been a bitch. Thank God I got both COVID vaccines. I never feared anything as much as that virus. I knew the odds were against me if I caught it. Wednesday, about the time you'll be reading this, I will be getting a bone marrow test. Maybe than I'll get some answers about why I've...

  • My Five Cents

    Senator Robert Nichols|Updated Apr 27, 2021

    On April 21, 1836, General Sam Houston led the Texan Army in a decisive victory over General Santa Anna in the Battle of San Jacinto. The fighting lasted a mere 18 minutes. Though Santa Anna escaped the battlefield and fled, he was captured the next day and held as a prisoner of war for about three weeks until he signed the peace treaty that ended the conflict and paved the way for the Republic of Texas. Here are five things happening around your state: 1. Texas Senate passes...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Sherlock Breaux, For the Record|Updated Apr 20, 2021

    MAYOR McDONALD HONORED AT LUNCH BUNCH By Dave Rodgers Justice took a lunch break in Orange Wednesday to honor the longtime leadership of retiring West Orange Mayor Roy McDonald. No fewer than eight Orange County judges, three county commissioners, one current and one past neighboring mayor and a rondo lawyer or two came to Wednesday Lunch Bunch on April 14 to honor retiring West Orange Mayor Roy McDonald. Roy Dunn, owner and publisher of The Record Newspapers, called the first...

  • My Five Cents

    State Sen Robert Nichols, For the Record|Updated Apr 20, 2021

    We have less than 50 days left in the 87th legislative session and the pace is picking up rapidly. Just this week, the Senate unanimously passed the Texas Consumer Privacy Act Phase 1, a bill I authored to ensure that the data the state has on private citizens is protected. Protecting consumer privacy is a priority for the Senate this session and I was proud to author this bill and see it pass unanimously through the Senate. Now, on to the House! Here are five things happening around your state: 1. Vehicle title and registrat...

  • My Five Cents

    Senator Robert Nichols|Updated Apr 12, 2021

    This week the Senate passed Senate Bill 1, the Senate’s version of the budget for this year. The budget includes over $11 billion for children and teacher public education support, $8 billion for mental health support, including an almost $20 million increase for children’s mental health programs, and over $25 billion for highway improvements and new construction. The budget is a reflection of our priorities this session and took over six weeks to put together. Here are fiv...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Sherlock Breaux, For the Record|Updated Apr 6, 2021

    SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY EDITION NEXT WEEK Next week's Record will feature the naming of the "Person of the Year," along with historical articles and other special articles and columns. We will print extra copies of this edition so it will be a good time to advertise your message at our low advertising rates. An award ceremony will be held next Wednesday, April 14, at Robert's Restaurant, 12 noon. Robert will provide special seating for distancing. Everyone is welcome to attend. Co...

  • My 5 Cents

    Senator Robert Nichols|Updated Apr 6, 2021

    This week the Senate unanimously passed Senate Bill 5, a bill I authored that would address broadband access across the state. I appreciate the support of my colleagues and the leadership from the House author Rep. Trent Ashby. Here are five things happening around your state: 1. Texas Department of Transportation offering Project Celebration grants The Texas Department of Transportation is offering $750 mini-grants to high schools for alcohol-free and drug-free parties after...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Sherlock Breaux, For the Record|Updated Mar 30, 2021

    MARK CALENDAR FOR APRIL 14 On this day The Record Newspapers will celebrate its 62nd anniversary. For the 20th time, The Record will announce its choice for "Person of the Year." The ceremony and presenting of the awards will take place at the Lunch Bunch gathering, Robert's Restaurant, 12 noon, April 14. Everyone is welcome. The Bunch hasn't met for a year and the gang is looking forward to gathering and dining after a year under COVID-19. The Record is inviting some special...

  • Sin and Satan's Greatest defeat

    Pastor Charles Empey, For the Record|Updated Mar 30, 2021

    Romans 10:9 "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." On the day they crucified Jesus there was hopes by the religionist and others of that day that they would be finished with Jesus. Satan especially was seeking the end of Jesus, the Son of God. He knows that Jesus is on track to put him in hell someday, but he could only hope that this would resolve that for him....

  • My 5 Cents

    Senator Robert Nichols|Updated Mar 30, 2021

    This week marks the halfway point in the 87th Legislative Session. We’ve spent the first 70 days filing bills, attending hearings, and working on the budget. Now that we’re halfway through session, things will really start to pick up. We’ve already started voting on bills in committee and on the floor of the Senate. There’s a lot going on down here in Austin and more to come! Here are five things happening around your state: 1. Senate passes Senate Bill 25 I was proud to join...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Sherlock Breaux, For the Record|Updated Mar 23, 2021

    MAYBE NEW BEGINNING AHEAD The end of March marks a year since I've lost my freedom. That's how long I've been in lockdown. It wasn't only the worst year in our country's history, health wise it's been an awful year for me. One health problem after another, a dozen doctor visits with three different doctors and two hospital stays. The worse was a bleeding ulcer that had me bled out. I nearly waited too long on that one. My problems continued to mount but at least I dodged the...

  • My 5 Cents

    State Sen Robert Nichols, For the Record|Updated Mar 23, 2021

    This week in 1836 the Convention of 1836 adjourned abruptly as the Mexican army approached Washington-on-the-Brazos. The convention, which began on March 1, drafted the Texas Declaration of Independence and the Texas Constitution, organized the government, and named Sam Houston commander-in-chief of the military forces before the delegates had to be evacuated. Here are five things happening around your state: 1. Texas to receive over 800,000 COVID-19 vaccine first doses The Texas Department of State Health Services allocated...

  • My Five Cents

    Senator Robert Nichols, For the Record|Updated Mar 16, 2021

    Twenty-seven of my colleagues and I signed a letter to the Public Utility Commission this week urging them to correct the billing errors related to last month's winter storm. According to the Independent Market Monitor, ERCOT allowed emergency pricing to continue for almost a day and a half longer than necessary, resulting in $3.2 billion in overbilled charges. Correcting these billing mistakes is a critical step in reforming the system. Here are five things happening around y...

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