Hometown News For Orange County, Texas


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  • When The Storm Becomes Fearful

    Pastor Charles Empey, For the Record|Updated Sep 7, 2021

    Luke 8:23-25 "But as they sailed he fell asleep: and there came down a storm of wind on the lake; and they were filled with water, and were in jeopardy. And they came to him, and awoke him, saying, Master, master, we perish. Then he arose, and rebuked the wind and the raging of the water: and they ceased, and there was a calm. And he said unto them, Where is your faith? And they being afraid wondered, saying one to another, What manner of man is this! for he commandeth even th...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Sherlock Breaux, For the Record|Updated Aug 31, 2021

    LABOR DAY BOUGHT, PAID FOR WITH HARD WORK As the years go by, celebrating the efforts of the working men and women, who through their crafts built so much of this country, has diminished. Proud union members went to school, worked years as apprentices and in time moved up to journeymen, totally skilled in their craft. Even today, the best skilled labor still comes from union craftsmen. What happened? Where did so many union jobs go? I'll tell you, but first let me remind you a...

  • My 5-Cents

    Senator Robert Nichols|Updated Aug 31, 2021

    On August 27, 1908, Lyndon Baines Johnson was born near Johnson City, Texas. LBJ would go on to become a US Congressman, US Senator, the Vice President under President John F. Kennedy, and finally the President of the United States. His birthday is celebrated as a state holiday. Here are five things happening around your state: 1. Elections bill advances in the House The House is set to consider Senate Bill 1, the election integrity and security bill. It passed the House Commi...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Sherlock Breaux, For the Record|Updated Aug 24, 2021

    TEXAS AND VOTER SUPPRESSION Texas is preparing to pass a sweeping voter bill that is designed to hamper minorities and elderly at the polls. Republicans are using the specter of cheating at the polls to push through voting restrictions that are not needed. They are selling the story that our elections are under attack and that the only defense is to limit voting access. Its political manipulating based on a lie. The bill will be awful. While they claim it will be harder for...

  • My Five Cents

    State Sen Robert Nichols, For the Record|Updated Aug 23, 2021

    On August 17, 1786 frontier icon and brave defender of the Alamo, Davy Crockett was born in Tennessee. Throughout his life, he acquired a reputation as a sharpshooter, hunter, and outdoorsman. He left his home state of Tennessee when he was 49 and set out for Texas. He arrived here in February 1836 and joined the Texas Revolutionaries at the Alamo. On March 6, 1836, he died during the Battle of the Alamo. Here are five things happening around your state: • Proposed amendments to Texas Constitution This week, Governor A...

  • My Five Cents

    State Sen Robert Nichols, For the Record|Updated Aug 16, 2021

    Summer is drawing to a close and back-to-school season is here. TxDOT asks all Texans to be aware of school zones and school buses as children head back to campus. Remember to slow down for school zones and be prepared to stop for stopped school buses. Here are five things happening around your state: 1. Second special session begins This week Governor Abbott called a second special session starting on August 7. For this special session, he added several more agenda items to the call from the first special. Some of the new...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Sherlock Breaux, For the Record|Updated Aug 10, 2021

    SENATE PASSES BIPARTISAN INFRASTRUCTURE BILL (MAJOR VICTORY FOR BIDEN) The Senate voted to approve a roughly $1 trillion bill to revamp the nation’s infrastructure on Tuesday, delivering a bipartisan breakthrough on legislation that includes key portion of President Biden’s domestic agenda. The final vote was 69 to 30, with 19 Republicans and 30 Democrats voting yes. Vice President Kamala Harris presided over the final vote. The bipartisan bill represents the first part of...

  • My five cents...

    Senator Robert Nichols, For the Record|Updated Aug 10, 2021

    The Battle of Nacogdoches occurred 185 years ago this week. On August 2, 1836, a group of Texas settler defied an order from a Mexican Army commander and did not surrender their weapons. This battle is often referred to the opening gun of the Texas Revolution. The revolutionaries were successful in this first conflict and cleared East Texas of military rule, allowing citizens to meet in convention without military intervention. Here are five things happening around your...

  • Have you ever been in the belly of the whale?

    Pastor Charles Empey, For the Record|Updated Aug 10, 2021

    Jonah 2:1 "Then Jonah prayed unto the Lord his God out of the fish's belly…" This world dishes up some very interesting stuff. Don't misunderstand me, I love life and having a heart created by the Lord in His saving grace, I am always learning how to negotiate all of those interesting problems the devil, or the world throws at me or something of my own doing. As much as we find sweet times in daily life from time to time, so do we encounter problematic ones. Every now and t...

  • My Five Cents

    State Sen Robert Nichols|Updated Aug 6, 2021

    The Battle of Nacogdoches occurred 185 years ago this week. On August 2, 1836, a group of Texas settler defied an order from a Mexican Army commander and did not surrender their weapons. This battle is often referred to the opening gun of the Texas Revolution. The revolutionaries were successful in this first conflict and cleared East Texas of military rule, allowing citizens to meet in convention without military intervention. Here are five things happening around your state: 1. Texas Historical Commission approves plan for...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Sherlock Breaux, For the Record|Updated Aug 3, 2021

    THE PANDEMIC OF UNVACCINATED When the pandemic hit the United States we prayed for an answer, otherwise millions of Americans would die. God answered our prayers. In record time two vaccines hit the market. Before enough people could get vaccinated over 600,000 people had died from COVID-19. Now a more contagious virus has hit. Delta Variant, 100 times more infectious than COVID-19 is spreading throughout the country. Fortunately the God-sent vaccines are also effective for Delta. Hospitals all over the country are filling...

  • Great Coaches Change Lives 

    Debby Schamber, For the Record|Updated Aug 3, 2021

    “A good coach can change a game. A great coach can change a life,” said John Wooden, college basketball coach. My daughter, Jessica, was fortunate to have a coach who changed her all too brief life. Coach Frank gave her a second chance to actually play softball and more importantly believed in her. She carried the lessons she learned with her, such as not giving up and hard work pays off for the remainder of her life. Jessica will forever be 21 years old since gallstones too...

  • My 5 Cents

    Senator Robert Nichols|Updated Aug 3, 2021

    The 2021 Olympic Games have begun in Tokyo, Japan. Over the next few weeks, we will all get to watch and enjoy the very best the United States has to offer compete on a global scale. I'll be watching and cheering on our Olympic athletes, particularly the 40 athletes who are from Texas. Here are five things happening around your state: 1. Grandmother of Juneteenth Opal Lee honored in Senate Last week, Fort Worth activist Opal Lee was recognized in the Texas Senate with a...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Sherlock Breaux, For the Record|Updated Jul 27, 2021

    IT’S GOING TO GET WORSE—FAR WORSE I have real concern about what the Delta Variant, blending with COVID-19, will look like come mid to late September and possibly spiking in October. Last week our reporter Dave Rodgers wrote about the first Delta case in the county being in Vidor. We are getting little to no information about how rapid that first case has spread. We don’t have information as to how many virus cases are now spreading through the county. We know that hospi...

  • My 5 Cents

    Senator Robert Nichols|Updated Jul 20, 2021

    Even though many House members and some State Senators are still in Washington, D.C. to break quorum, special session continues in Austin. The State Senate has enough members at the Capitol to continue working on important legislation we've been called to address. Though these measures cannot be finally passed until the House has a quorum, the Senate's work continues. Here are five things happening around your state: 1. Elections bill passes the Senate The Texas Senate passed...

  • Senator Nichols my 5 cents

    Updated Jul 13, 2021

    On July 4, 1845 the Convention of 1845 was called to meet in Austin to consider the joint resolution of the US Congress proposing to annex the Republic of Texas. By a vote of 55 to 1, the delegates formally accepted the annexation offer from the US Congress. Texas was formally admitted to the United States later that year on December 29. Here are five things happening around your state: • Agenda for special session called by Governor Abbott released This week, Governor Abbott released eleven agenda items for the L...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Sherlock Breaux|Updated Jul 13, 2021

    FROM THIS DAY FORWARD Billionaire Richard Branson has hurled the world into a new orbit. Aboard his own winged rocket ship Sunday, he brought Astro-Tourism a step closer to commercial space travel. He beat out richer rival Jeff Bezos. Branson, age 71, and five crew members from his Virgin Galactic space tourism company, reached an altitude of 53.5 miles over the New Mexico desert, experiencing four minutes of weightlessness, witnessed the curvature of the earth, then glided...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Sherlock Breaux|Updated Jul 6, 2021

    JEWEL OF THE GULF COAST TURNS 51 Bridge City incorporated 51-years ago, on July 7, 1970. I think it’s important to examine what brought a mostly knitted community to come together and a few years later become a city. The community, up until 1965, was clannish and some of the old timers were KKK sympathizers. My young bride and I arrived in 1955. It was some time before we were accepted. Everything changed after 1965, the year that ushered in the Worster era. Bridge City played...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Sherlock Breaux, For the Record|Updated Jun 22, 2021

    BFD OBAMACARE HERE TO STAY In 2016, Donald Trump ran on a platform to do away with the Affordable Care Act promising “On day one we will repeal and replace ObamaCare with something better.” The Trump administration did neither. Four years went by and when Trump ran for re-election he still didn’t have a health care plan. Instead they appealed to the Supreme Court that ruled republican states and the U.S. Justice Department didn’t have standing to bring the suit in the first pl...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Sherlock Breaux, For the Record|Updated Jun 15, 2021

    FATHER’S DAY HOW DO YOU REMEMBER DAD Come Sunday we will celebrate Father’s Day. Not all of us have the same memories about our childhood and good ole dad. For many of us, then and for many youngsters today, there is not a live-in dad at home. The late poet Pearl Burgess wrote a great poem we are publishing in this issue detailing an ideal relationship with dad but it is just the opposite of the childhood some live. It reminds me of the war years when my classmates’ milit...

  • BeeKeeping 2021

    Len VanMarion, For the Record|Updated Jun 15, 2021

    This past year was a real challenge for beekeepers. We had 2 named hurricanes and a named winter storm that brought historic cold, ice and freeze damage. Our homes were damaged our yards were damaged and our citrus trees were frozen. Even the plant nurseries struggled to supply plants for our gardens and yards. The local honeybees were impacted just like us. Their homes were blown over, flooded or exposed to the elements. Many hives died, many had to find new homes in the worst time of year. Many just starved. Flowers were...

  • Do you want to see a Biblical scenario of where the church is today, our Country and where it is all headed?

    Pastor Charles Empey, For the Record|Updated Jun 15, 2021

    Judges 6 and 7 ...Where is Gideon' s army today? Like in Gideon's day when Israel had been delivered from sin and the world, they became lazy in faithfulness and began to blend into the world...so much that they became comfortable with it and it's ways, even giving attention to what the world thought important. Israel embraced the idols of the Amorites and the world society of the Midianites. God quit blessing Israel and they became impoverished and sunk to living in caves and...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Sherlock Breaux|Updated Jun 8, 2021

    SPECIAL LUNCH BUNCH GATHERING Next week, on June 16, the Wednesday Lunch Bunch will dine at Robert’s Restaurant, 12 noon. County Judge John Gothia and tax assessor-collector Karen Fisher will host all of the county mayors and their city managers. The county wide participation will allow everyone to interact with the civic leaders., break bread and get to meet the new mayors. It also will be a great opportunity for the citizens and county officials to share how they might be o...

  • My Five Cents

    Senator Robert Nichols|Updated Jun 8, 2021

    With session over, there’s time to reflect on what happened toward the end of session and the new laws the legislature passed over the past 140 days. Here are five things happening around your state: 1. Legislature adjourns Sine Die The 87th Legislative session has ended and this week both chambers adjourned Sine Die. In total, the House and Senate filed 7,025 bills combined. Of those, the House filed 4,834 bills and the Senate filed 2,191 bills. However, only 1,081 bills from...

  • My Five Cents

    State Sen Robert Nichols|Updated Jun 1, 2021

    The last week of session is coming to a close and the long nights have stretched into the early hours of the following mornings. We’re sprinting to the finish of an unusual session and passing consequential and substantial legislation. Here are five things happening around your state: 1. Budget Conference Committee Report approved by Senate In one of the last steps the State budget needs for approval, the Senate passed the final version of the budget this week. This session’s budget appropriates $248.5 billion in All Funds fo...

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