Hometown News For Orange County, Texas


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  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Sherlock Breaux, For the Record|Updated Feb 9, 2021

    WAIT FOR VACCINE FINALLY OVER For several months now I have been living in fear of contacting coronavirus. Over those months what made it worse was that unexpected illness comprised my system even more. The hospital stays and visits to doctor's office made my fears even more frightening. Those are not good places to hang out while trying to avoid any kind of sickness. My goal was to get the vaccine before the virus got me. Well, this Monday, I'm glad to announce, I got my firs...

  • Oh How God Loves You

    Pastor Charles Empey, For the Record|Updated Feb 9, 2021

    Oh How God Loves You The Lord's Love And Protection The Lord’s love and protection Are never so far, That he cannot reach us Wherever we are. His arm outstretched Like an eagle’s wing, Ever hovering with the love And care he brings. Enlightened by his strength And comforting power, We may rest and be assured Every day, every hour. By, Teresa C. Hates Hebrews 13:5 "…for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." Can we get our hearts around this? If you can,...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Sherlock Breaux, For the Record|Updated Feb 2, 2021

    SABINE RIVER FORD SPONSORS RODEO Come watch the cowboys in action. Two big days, Friday, February 5 and Saturday, February 6, at Tin Top Arena, 3810 Old Peveto Rd., Orange. The rodeo starts at 7:00 P.M. Pre-event tickets on sale at Sabine River Ford, $10.00 each or at gate $15.00 each. Trey and Amie Smith are the top management team for Sabine River Ford. Trey is the son of Ross Smith and is an Orange native. Sabine River Ford is locally owned and operated. The Smith’s are l...

  • Senator Nichols My Five Cents

    Senator Robert Nichols, For the Record|Updated Feb 2, 2021

    The third week of session is coming to a close. The Redistricting Committee has been meeting every day this week to hear testimony from the public and Senate Finance will start meeting next month. Here are five things happening around the state this week: • Texas Gun and Ammo Sales Rise Gun and ammo sales are skyrocketing in Texas again this year. Some retailers said their sales doubled in 2020 when compared to 2019 and they're struggling to keep inventory on the shelves. A...

  • Victory In Jesus

    Pastor Charles Empey, For the Record|Updated Feb 2, 2021

    John 16:33 "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." There are some comforting thoughts to be drawn from this awesome passage. First of all, I want you to think about what is happening in this fallen world. We are seeing apocalyptic events all over the world. Nations are coming apart spiritually and morally. The consequences of such reality are devastating to t...

  • Benefits of Raw Unfiltered Honey

    Amber Geer Williams, For the Record|Updated Feb 2, 2021

    Good Day Everyone! I hope you all are having a beautiful week. This week I would love to talk about the sweet nectar of the world, Raw all-natural Honey and its many gifts to humankind. If it wasn’t for our special little buzzing buddies, we would be lost without this wonderful natural resource. Like many other topics we will discuss over time, honey is another one that has always been around as long as our flying friends have been there to create it. People of the past s...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Sherlock Breaux, For the Record|Updated Jan 26, 2021

    I’M WORKING BETWEEN DISTRACTIONS A BRIEF SUMMARY It’s never a good time to be admitted to the hospital, but now is really a bad time. Beds are not available at will and the ER walls are lined up with people lying on stretchers. After about 16 hours I got lucky and in the middle of the night I made it to a room. I swear the hospital style bed, those that the head and legs go up and down and in the middle leaves your rear sitting in a hole, was the very worst bed I have eve...

  • A walk on the Natural side

    Amber Geer Williams, For the Record|Updated Jan 26, 2021

    A Walk on the Natural Side Hello everyone I hope your week is going wonderful and many blessings come your way. This week I would love to discuss Lemons and the Power they hold. Lemons have been around for ages and are such a versatile fruit. The world uses them in a vast amount of different ways. A more traditional way of using them would be medicinally to help aid the body on a daily basis. Lemons have an array of benefits for the human body. As common as these little...

  • Sen. Robert Nichol's My Five Cents

    Staff Report|Updated Jan 26, 2021

    On January 25, 1839 the Lone Star flag was adopted by the Third Congress of the Republic of Texas as the national flag since Texas was an independent nation at that time. When Texas joined the United States as the 28th state six years later, the national flag became the state flag. Here are five things happening around your state: 1. Senate Redistricting Committee to begin hearings The Senate Committee on Redistricting will begin the important work of meeting to hear testimony from around the state regarding the redrawing of...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Sherlock Breaux, For the Record|Updated Jan 19, 2021

    THE WAY I SEE IT Well, its come down to inauguration day, January 20, 2021. It really seemed like it was a long time getting here. Joseph R. Biden, Jr. becomes the 46th President of the United States. Making history is Kamala Harris, the first Black, South Asian and female to serve as Vice President. She is the 49th V.P. Today is a great day for America. I relate it to the days when Franklin D. Roosevelt took over as president from a failed president Hubert Hoover. President B...

  • Honeybees in Winter

    Len VanMarion, For the Record|Updated Jan 19, 2021

    Do you ever wonder why you don’t see honeybees in the winter? Well it’s because they don’t leave the hive when temperatures are lower than the mid 50’s. The bees in the hive will stay clustered in the hive to keep the brood area 92 to 95 degrees F. They will eat the honey that they stored all summer to keep the hive alive. The cluster of bees will get tighter and tighter as the temperature drops. Some of the bees will shiver to produce heat. I say shiver but what they do is t...

  • A Walk on the Natural Side

    Amber Geer Williams, For the Record|Updated Jan 19, 2021

    Happy New Year Everyone! I hope the year ahead brings you many blessings! It’s an honor to share with you the natural ways of living. Under our current situation in society, dealing with the presence of Covid-19, It’s now more important than ever that we take care of ourselves; mind, body & spirit. Not only with just Covid-19 but with anything that comes our way! If this has taught us anything, it has made us take a look at how we care for our bodies. Building a strong imm...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Sherlock Breaux, For the Record|Updated Jan 12, 2021

    ROGUE PRESIDENT TURNS ON COUNTRY For over four years I have tried to explain who Donald Trump was. For over 30 years I've known him to be a New York shyster. A very corrupt con man with over 4000 lawsuits filed against him for non payment to contractors and workers. Six times he was forced into bankruptcy. From day one he was unfit to be president of the United States; he had absolutely no government experience. He ran in the Republican Primary after considering the Democratic...

  • The Light Of God In The Darkness

    Pastor Charles Empey, For the Record|Updated Jan 12, 2021

    In the Gospel of John 1:4-5 "In him was life; and the life was the light of men. 5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not." In the Epistle of First John 1:5,7 "This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all." In the Gospel of John 8:12 "Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Sherlock Breaux, For the Record|Updated Jan 5, 2021

    BATTLES BREW BUT DEMOCRACY WILL PREVAIL We are headed into the last 13 days of a four year nightmare. I told you in this column over four years ago that if Republicans nominated Trump he would wreck the GOP as we know it. Trump has presided over the most liberal administration since Jimmy Carter. For years, an issue Democrats couldn't claim was being the party of state rights, now Trump and the radical element of his base, have just handed it over to the Democrats by...

  • When Jesus Shows Up In The Storm (Matt. 14:22-33)

    Pastor Charles Empey, For the Record|Updated Jan 5, 2021

    When Jesus shows up in your storm, He'll be walking on water. The storm had been raging and had come to a tempest that it appeared all was lost, including the disciples lives. They had done everything to overcome, but nothing was working. It was now to only wait until the end. So, where was God? Why what appeared to be a delay? Where was the concern for their lives? Am I going to die? Have you had these times in your life? Maybe recently with Covid or a loved one with it. So...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Sherlock Breaux, For the Record|Updated Dec 29, 2020

    4: WORSE YEAR SINCE 1918 President Donald Trump's impeachment trial was overwhelmed by a deadly pandemic, a racial divide, and a president's baseless attacks on the election itself. The past 12 months have left the United States a different place. Even though the U.S. is 4% of the world's population, it has recorded nearly 345,000 deaths and 19.5 million cases of COVID-19, 21% of the world's deaths and cases. It didn't have to be this way. The Commander-in-Chief wasn't at...

  • Down Life's Highway

    Roy Dunn, For the Record|Updated Dec 22, 2020

    Long Ago Cajun Christmas, Town and Times Remembered Christmas will be different this year than our normal gatherings with an economy that allowed us to have many gifts under the Christmas tree. In a way it won’t be much different than the hard times we had during the Depression. Today, a pandemic prevents us from gathering safely but many people are also hurting financially because of a big downfall of jobs in this area. We have diversified industries that help lesson the b...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Sherlock Breaux, For the Record|Updated Dec 15, 2020

    LARGEST HEALTH CARE UNDERTAKING EVER The United States wasn’t the first to release the coronavirus vaccine; eight other countries beat us out, but now the U. S. has taken on the largest distribution of vaccine ever. Pfizer is a German owned company producing the vaccine. The U.S. has recorded more than 16 million cases of COVID-19 with 300,000 deaths and counting. The U.S. leads the world in deaths that have been averaging nearly 3,000 a day. The virus plays no favorites. Charley Pride, one of country music’s biggest stars, w...

  • The Greatest Story ever - the Gift of God

    Pastor Charles Empey|Updated Dec 15, 2020

    Luke 2:1-11 "And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed. 2 (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.) 3 And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city. 4 And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:) 5 To be taxed with Mary his espou...

  • The Christmas season is in full swing

    Pastor Charles Empey, For the Record|Updated Dec 8, 2020

    The season produces images of red, white, green, every color of light, family and church, and of course, gifts. Then there is the December dessert table that begins early and stretches far beyond Christmas Day…cookies and candy, pie, and did I say cookies and candy? Then there is cake, and did I mention cookies and candy? We won't forget to mention all the great holiday meals that will be served around that dessert. Although, as a kid, don't you remember sitting down at the ta...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Sherlock Breaux, For the Record|Updated Dec 1, 2020

    THE TIME TO MOVE ON "Have you no sense of decency." Those words, uttered by Army lawyer Joseph Welch to Sen. Joe McCarthy, R-Wis., during a 1954 congressional hearing, unmasked a bullying demagogue engaged in a crusade of smears and investigations that history now calls McCarthyism. And what of Trumpism? For weeks after Election Day, the defeated incumbent has spun fanciful conspiracy theories of a "rigged" and "fraudulent" election, all the while convincing tens of millions...

  • The Struggles of Maintaining a Social Life and High School

    Maddy Smith, For the Record|Updated Dec 1, 2020

    Maintaining a social life was not difficult when I went to private school and had only 1 friend I wanted to hang out with. However, public school, especially high school, is a lot more complicated. Especially if you have strict parents. High school has become a struggle not only in classes but also in maintaining my social life along with my personal issues. At times it can be really overwhelming. My parents are stricter than most teenagers’ parents now days which can be frust...

  • Down Life's Highway

    Roy Dunn, For the Record|Updated Nov 24, 2020

    I'm optimistic that by next Thanksgiving the times we are living today will seem like a bad nightmare. We will wake from this bad dream, on a bright new day. We will still be struggling to leave this past behind but in time the abscess will subside. Here at home we will still have to take care of our own. Our basic lives must be cared for. We have children to raise and to ensure they get a good, competitive education in our own school yards. This brings me to something I've be...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Sherlock Breaux, For the Record|Updated Nov 18, 2020

    THE PITIFUL STATE OF THE NATION In a couple of months we will put the most failed government in the last 100 years behind us and start to put our nation on a normal track. Because of so much sickness and 300,000 deaths, it's far worse than I had predicted four years ago. January 20, 2021 seems so far away and one can't predict the damage Donald Trump will inflict on this nation before we are rid of him. There will be plenty time to write about his legacy. First and foremost...

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