Hometown News For Orange County, Texas


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  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Updated Jun 18, 2019

    WHY TRUMP SHOULD OBEY CONGRESS’ SUBPOENAS Most Americans say the White House should comply with subpoenas for witnesses and documents issued by congressional committees investigating President Donald Trump and his administration. By nearly 2-1, they want to hear former special counsel Robert Muller testify publicly about his inquiry into the 2016 elections. A new USA Today/Suffolk University pollfinds these views are not simply partisan. Four in 10 Republicans say it’s important to them that Muller testifies and three in 10...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Updated Jun 11, 2019

    WHAT A WEEK IT WAS The Record’s 60th Anniversary Issue went off without a hitch. A great big thanks to all the advertisers and friends who participated by running ads. The rains came, boy did it, and our home delivery was a washout. We increased our circulation in stores to 5,000 and made our home delivery Thursday morning. By Friday, all locations were out of papers. The Wednesday Lunch Bunch hosted our “Person of the Year” and Roy’s 85th birthday celebration. Despite the rain a full house showed up. Both Jack Smith and Roy...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Updated Jun 4, 2019

    RECORD HONORS SMITH This week the Record celebrated its 60th anniversary at the Lunch Bunch gathering at Robert’s Restaurant. Jack Smith was honored as “Person of the Year” and Roy will celebrate his 85th birthday. You can view it all on our web site therecordlive.com Wednesday afternoon. We congratulate John Cash Smith on this selection. Jack is well-deserving and is a great example of the fact that our citizens can stay active and contribute to the community well into their senior years. Remember 80 is the new 65. We hope...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Updated May 28, 2019

    DON’T MISS SPECIAL ISSUE Next week, in a special issue, “The Record, celebrates the 60th anniversary of publication. The anniversary issue is always very popular; along with current stories, we publish stories from out of the past and some historic events from yesteryear. The big deal for the annual celebration is recognizing and honoring the “Person of the Year.” The award will be presented on June 5, at the Lunch Bunch gathering at Robert’ Restaurant, 12 noon. The presenter this year will be Judge Buddie Hahn. The recip...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Updated May 21, 2019

    SPECIAL MEMORIAL DAY EVENT SUNDAY The public is invited to the 16th annual tribute to Orange County Veterans, at 6:30 p.m. Sunday, May 26th, at the Heritage Veterans Memorial Plaza, 3810 M.L. King Dr., Orange. The event is free to the public and is held annually on the plaza on the campus of Orange First Church of the Nazarene, the program includes special speakers, patriotic music and more. The event will feature greetings from Col. Thomas J. Curtis, USAF Retired and author of “Under the Cover of Light.”The patriotic tri...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Updated May 14, 2019

    OLD SAILOR ON THE REBOUND Our friend and Pearl Harbor hero, Cedric Stout, 96, had surgery in Houston to remove some bone spurs in his throat. He’s home awaiting a call to return to hospital to remove feeding tube. He will have to learn to eat all over again. The guy has always had a good appetite and he likes to eat. After two months without real food he will be ready for some of Van Choate’s seafood gumbo to get started. His lovely wife Cherry has been taking good care of him. I love those great folks. *****Now I’ve got t...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Updated May 7, 2019

    HONORING ALL MOTHERS This coming Sunday, May 12, is the day we honor and remember all mothers, past and present. None of us would be here without our mothers. Mom is special in so many ways, but most of all when everyone else has given up on you, Mom is the one person who will always be there for you. As unhappy as she might become with us, she will never give up on you. A mother’s love is unconditional, her heart may get broken but she will wrap her arms around you, she may have a tear in her eye but she’ll have a for...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Updated Apr 30, 2019

    TRUMP WON’T FIGHT WHITE SUPREMACIST Violent extremism and homegrown terrorism have not abated since Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists marched two years ago in Charlottesville, Virginia. At the time President Trump made his now famous quote, “There where very many fine people on both sides.” Six months after, a gunman shouted, “All Jews must die” and killed 11 people at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. Another gunman, in another synagogue, killed one lady worshiping and wounded three in Poway, California, in between t...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Updated Apr 23, 2019

    BRENDA SCALES RETIREMENT RECEPTION Brenda, the Community DevelopmentCoordinator for the City of Bridge City is hanging it up. The city cordially invites everyone to her retirement reception next Tuesday, April 30, between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. at City Hall, 260 Rachal Ave.*****I’d best get started. Why don’t you come along, I promise it won’t do you no harm. MULLER REPORTS BOTTOM LINE Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation on interference in the presidential election was focused first on crimes or impeachable offense...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Updated Apr 18, 2019

    NOTRE DAME BURNS DURING HOLY WEEK Notre Dame, an 870-years old landmark,a Paris treasure cherished by Catholics around the world, went up in a blaze Monday evening and burned throughout the night. It appears that much of the main building will be salvaged. Efforts are underway to recover precious artifacts. Many of the sacred objects were preserved in a vault, including the Crown of Thorns, belived to be worn by Christ at the crucifixion. Construction of the cathedral took more than 100 years. It dates back almost 1,000...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Updated Apr 9, 2019

    OFFICALS AT HIGHEST LEVEL CONCERNED BY TRUMP’S MOVES Last week President Trump lavished praise on the Secret Service saying, “Secret Service is fantastic, these are fantastic people, I would say I could not be happier with Secret Service, the Secret Service has done a fantastic job from day one, very happy with them.” On Monday, Trump announced the removal of Secret Service Directory Randolph “Tex” Alles, who has over 40 years of service to the country. The White House offered no explanation for the Directors removal despite...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Updated Apr 2, 2019

    THIBODEAUX SHOULD SERVE AS LONG AS IT TAKES Judge Carl Thibodeax was the perfect choice, at just the right time, to come on board as county judge. It’s very early but storm experts at Colorado State are already looking ahead to the 2019 Atlantic hurricane season. Storm experts assessed five possible scenarios with possibly three storms entering the Gulf. An update and more comprehensive seasonal outlook is due out in a few days. An average Atlantic hurricane season brings 12 named storms, six hurricanes and three major hurric...

  • UPDATE: Thibodeaux named Orange County's Judge

    Updated Mar 27, 2019

    Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest THIBODEAUX—AS INTERIM COUNTY JUDGE Orange County Commissioner’s Court is leaning towards appointing former county judge Carl Thibodeaux to replace resigning judge Dean Crooks. Thibodeaux, who recently had open heart surgery, says he feels better than he has felt in years and would be up to the task of filling in as county judge. His retirement, insurance and his position as municipal judge of West Orange would not be affected. Judge Thi...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Updated Mar 19, 2019

    AWAITING JUDGE CROOKS REPLACEMENT Judge Dean Crooks financed most of his own campaign to become county judge. He won by a good margin and had looked forward to putting in four productive years with a court willing to put their shoulders to the wheel. Last May he was appointed interim county judge to replace resigning judge Brint Carlton. Everything over the first 10 months seemed to work well. Crooks attended all the required classes throughout the state and by the way, he paid all of his own expenses, travel and lodging to...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Updated Feb 26, 2019

    TRUMP TO HIJAC ANNUAL CELEBRATION President Donald Trump will probably kick off his re-election campaign with a big Fourth of July “Salute to America” celebration at the Lincoln Memorial, where he will address the nation. The nation’s capital is already home to a vast Fourth celebration; however Trump plans on high-jacking the event. This week Trump said this will be one of the “Biggest Gathering” in the history of Washington, including an address by your favorite president, “Me.” The gathering hasn’t been approved by the...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Updated Feb 19, 2019

    AUTO INDUSTRY ANXIOUS OVER TARIFFS Uncertainty over tariffs threatens auto industry jobs, sales and increase in average vehicle cost. The industry is anxious over what President Trump might do. Possibly 366,000 jobs could be lost, nearly 100 times what’s at stake in GM’s controversial plant closings. Over 1.3 million fewer vehicle sales and an increase of $2,750 average in cost. The Trump Administration hasn’t revealed what the commerce departments recommendations might be on new tariffs in what is called an Article 232 r...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Updated Feb 12, 2019

    TRUMP JUMP STARTS BETO One thing that is a sure bet is that there won’t be another Trump government shutdown. The Republican Party has been put in a bind over the shutdown. Another one, costing another $11 million, would be too big a load for the GOP to haul into the next two election cycles. Trump won’t get his $5.7 billion to build his concrete wall, 30 feet high, from sea to golden sea. That won’t stop him from saying the wall is being built and it’s just what he planned despite the fact that a fence will cover only 54...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Updated Feb 5, 2019

    WEAKENED TRUMP DELIVERS STATE OF THE UNION Trump’s State of the Union delivered Tuesday evening faced political headwinds. A weakened Trump called for unity that is expected to last until his first tweet. Trump has been weakened politically by a just ended, longest government shutdown in U.S. history and other factors, such as Fact Check reporting Monday that the president has recorded 8,454 falsehoods in his first two years. Senate Republicans are restless and now showing signs of standing up to the President. Meanwhile, S...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Updated Jan 29, 2019

    KAMALA HARRIS A DIFFERENT KIND OF CANDIDATE Every now and then someone comes along that sets them apart from the crowd. The first time I heard Sen.Kamala Harris and watched her actions, I noticed that there was something different that set her apart. Charisma, smartness, being quick on their feet stands out in the political arena. I had a chance to observe her more at her announcement for president Saturday in Oakland and again Monday at a CNN town hall. In 2016 she was elected to the senate with 61.6 percent to replace Sen....

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Updated Jan 22, 2019

    THE BORDER WALL—TRUMP’S TRAP Come hell or high water Donald Trump owns this shutdown. He said, and the world saw it, “I will proudly shut the government down. I will carry that mantle and not blame the Democrats.” Today he and McConnell are trying to rig a vote that the congress won’t go for, in order to switch the blame. That dog won’t hunt. Trump has created this mess. To rally his troops he came up with a political ploy that he would build a big, beautiful, concrete wall, 30-feet high and Mexico would pay for it 100 perc...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Updated Jan 15, 2019

    THE SCANDAL IS HERE TO STAY I never thought I’d live long enough to see a U.S. President shut down the government and be proud of it. Over a useless wall at that. I knew he would go to extremes for a monument. Not many schools will be named after him. A long time ago, I wrote there were two things Donald Trump would never do; release his tax statements and get cross-ways with Russian Vladimir Putin, both for the same reason. There’s a reason they are joined at the hip. I also wrote, back before he took office, that the cou...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Updated Jan 8, 2019

    NFL PLAYOFF FEVER Sean Cade Gros, of Bridge City will be at the Saints game Sunday, 3:40, where they will host the Philadelphia Eagles. Sean sweated out the Eagles-Bear game that Chicago lost on a missed field goal on the last play of the game. A Bear win would have pitted the Saints against the Cowboys, making it hard for a Texas boy to pull against the Cowboys, however Sean is a dedicated Saints fan, who attends all the games he can. Dallas will travel to Los Angeles to meet the Rams and defensive coach, Orange native Wade...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Updated Jan 2, 2019

    12 AND NEW EXPECTATIONS When I was a boy it seemed impossible that I would ever live long enough to see the year 2019 roll around. I had wished, in fact, I prayed, that I would see the year 2000 come around. I had thought how cool that would be. I realized that in order to achieve that goal I would have to live to be an old man. At the time life expectancy had just gone up from 54 to 56 years for a male. I often thought along the way how many more years before 2000. It was a big deal to me when we celebrated the arrival of...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Updated Dec 26, 2018

    11 COMES TO END--WELCOME 2019 Several weeks ago I made an observation and told the readers to remember where they read it first. Trump was bragging about the greatest economy ever like he was the one who created it. We all know he inherited a growing economy. Obama had predicted if it was cared for, it would continue to grow. Well, Trump didn’t take good care of it. He used it to brag, while causing trade problems with our neighbors Canada and Mexico, and putting tariffs on them and China. He bragged to his ‘Bubba’s’ that h...

  • Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest

    Updated Dec 18, 2018

    AMERICA WAITS AS CLOCK TICKS TOWARD SHUTDOWN I don’t recall at anytime when Christmas rolled around and our country, not being in war, was in so much turmoil. President Donald Trump has threatened to shut down the government if congress doesn’t give him the money to build his monument, the great southern border wall, one he can put his name and picture on, his own Mount Rushmore. If Trump is mindless enough to go to that extreme he will set the Republican Party back years and will take years to overcome. He has the emo...

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