Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

LSC-O Class Presents Customer Service Award

A local area employee was recently honored by students from Lamar State College – Orange with a customer service award for her friendliness, courtesy, and professional service to customers.

Melissa Paysinger, an employee of Sonic Drive-In, on MacArthur Drive, was presented with a certificate and flowers on April 25. Paysinger’s customers lauded her willingness to go out of her way to ensure her customers received the correct orders and were satisfied.

The purpose of the customer service award is to recognize area employees who provide the best quality customer service. The recognition project was part of a newly-formed course at the college, Customer Relations, taught by instructors Jim Ellis and Jackie Spears. “One skill we always need in business is customer service,” said Spears, who is also the director of the college’s Business and Technology Division. The course, which was offered for the first time ever in September 2007, teaches students how to process customer complaints and take responsibility for handling customers in a courteous and professional manner.

Spears’s class project this spring was for students to visit businesses throughout the community, complete a survey questionnaire, and return to class to discuss who provided the best quality customer service. The students collected a variety of names and responses from Orange area businesses, prompting several discussions and re-visits to businesses nominated for the award.

The class is part of the overall education and training the college offers to help develop and improve workplace skills. For more information on this or any other course contact Lamar State College – Orange at (409) 883-7750.


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