Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

From the Creaux's Nest

TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD THE REST OF THE STORY You folks who readthis column religiously each week in its entirety will recall a coupleof weeks ago I told about a Mockingbird tormenting a mama cat.

For daysthe bird would slam into the cat’s head and fly off.

Saturday, Mama cat out-foxed the bird.

She caught it.

I’msorry I missed the action but mama brought the bird to the front doorand deposited it as evidence.

She has two baby kittens and she wasteaching them how to eat a bird.

All that is left is the wings.

It tooktwo weeks but the sly cat won.

Right always wins out.

Speakingof birds, many years ago here around the Creaux’s Nest, we always hadquail and I used to mock them with a Bob White whistle.

This morninghere at the Nest I finally saw the first covey of quail that I’ve seenin ten years.

*****Scott McClellan, former Bush press secretary,dropped the hammer with his new book ‘What Happened.’ The book confirmseverything we were saying in this column at the time it was happening.Karl Rove and Scooter Libbey’s involvement in the Valerie Plane leak.Mostly it confirms what we said about 9-11 being used as an excuse toinvade Iraq, which had nothing to do with 9-11, and also lying aboutterrorist and WMDs.

I believe Scott tells it just like it happened.

Mymind always goes back to Dick Cheney and Ahmed Chalabi making the dealto invade at that Louisiana duck hunt.

This Bush bunch makes Nixon’soutlaws look like a bunch of choirboys.

I believe history will useScott’s book to define and teach about this period and theadministration of the 41st president.

I’ve just got to get that book.It sounds like what I’ve been preaching since before the oil boys tookover the country and Cheney ran the government.

‘What Happened’ will bea collector’s item.

*****The Bridge City Farmer’s Market sold outquickly Saturday.

The venders say they will have increased produce nextweek and possibly fresh corn.

Check it out Saturday, 7 a.m.

at theCommunity Center Pavilion.

*****Big Daddy’s is having a big crawfishsale this week.

It’s getting toward the end of the season.

I’m toldthey are large and tasty and a crawfish boil is always a great way tospend a day.

Because once they are gone it’s a long time before a fix.I go into crawfish withdrawals.

****Gotta move on.

Come along, it won’tdo you no harm.

OUR CONDOLENCES We were sorry to hear aboutthe death of ‘Chilie’ Alborn, 91, who died May 29.

Services were heldMonday.

A native of Longville, Louisiana, he was retired from DuPont.Among his large family is our longtime friend, daughter Debbie Rawls.We extend our condolences to her and her family.

He was a good man.*****Another WWII vet Daniel Fred Ognoskie Sr., 81, died May 31.Services held Tuesday June 3.

Fred was a lifetime Democrat and for aslong as I can remember he was Pct.

Chairman in the Cove box.

He did toride the range with.

To his wife Lorene and her family we send outdeepest sympathies.

TURNING BACK THE HANDS OF TIME 30 Years Ago-1978 WilliamL. ‘Bill’ Wright appointed Monday, June 5, to succeed Jim SharonBearden as district attorney when Bearden resigns on July 1.Commissioner Raymond Gould moved that Wright should be the appointee.Arthur Simpson seconded the motion.

Wright, 34, is a native ofCommerce.

He is a 1969 Baylor Law graduate, the same school attended byBearden.

Former D.A. Louis Dugas hired Wright in 1970 to work underBearden.

Wright and wife, Mary Ellen, married 12 years, have a sonChristopher, 7, and daughter Sarah, age 3.

Mike Shuff becomes firstassistant.

The new speedy trial law goes into effect July 1.

LizMorris, Wright’s secretary will be hired.

County Judge Pete Runnelsindicated that Wright’s appointment was unanimous.

Runnels hadpreviously favored Lonnie Jim Wallace for the position.

After a weekof political turmoil Bearden said, “I have never felt better or sleptbetter since I announced my decision to leave.” (Editor’s note:Investigation Wilson Roberts was one of the casualties of Wright’sappointment.

Often people had to wait to see Wright because he couldn’tbe disturbed.

He was usually reading his Bible.

I have no idea where heis today.

He left Orange County many years ago.)*****Orange Countyfolks take to the beach.

Spotted at Gilchrist and Crystal Beach were Joand James Brabham, the Brook Hills, Beth and Louis Dugas, the HoustonBakers, Edna and Butch Lusignan, Inez Hearn and Phyllis Dunn.*****Linnis Hubbard has opened an office offering complete polygraphservice in the Orange House building.

*****Wray Stark and CripTrahan thanked Grady Johnson for donating a portable building tocollect newsprint.

*****Tim Hughes and Roy Dunn celebrate birthdaysJune 5.

They both started their businesses on Green Ave. Tim withSuperior Tire and Roy with The Opportunity Valley News.

*****LarryGuyote celebrates a birthday.

Helen Harrington turned 40 on June 6.

A FEW HAPPENINGS Theemail has really come flying in this past week.

Some from our website,others from the newspaper’s address.

Most of them positive.

I found acouple that were interesting.

One came from Jack Calvert in Houstonabout our outdoor writers.

He says he enjoys Uzzle’s and Colburn’sarticles immensely.

They are better than any in the Houston paper.


In fact, Dickie’s column on the Redfish Cup (ESPN) got nearly9,000 hits, 500 the first six hours after it went on the web.

Inanother interesting email, Harold Tinner wanted to know why DougHarrington was the only one not wearing a cap in the Life’s Highwaycolumn.

That one is easy.

According to H.D. he didn’t have a cap onbecause he had just had his hair styled and sprayed and didn’t want tomess up that hairdo.

No reason not to believe him.

Doug had many people comeby, eat cake and tell him goodbye last week and he really appreciatedit.

*****The Harmon boys Jackie, Corky and Don bought the Chevroletdealership from Major Inman over 30 years ago.

As far as I know, theChevy dealership in Orange is the only new car dealership that hasalways had a local owner.

Other dealerships didn’t.

That will continueto be true when local guys Al and Dean Granger take over the Harmon cardealership.

The sale could be complete in the next few days.

That’s agood move.

The Harmons had several offers but were glad it will remainin the hands of homefolks.

*****Happy birthday this week to specialfolks.

Sandra Hoke celebrates June 4.

‘Perfect Gemini’s’ are born onJune 5 with the same number of days on each side.

Some of thoseGemini’s are Joyce Dowle, Roy Dunn, Tim Hughes, Kevin Doss, DonnaBenefield and Donna Rogers.

Best wishes to our longtime friend HelenHarrington Medsgar born on June 6.

Lynn Fields and Linda Sims celebrateJune 7.

Walter Riedel turns another peg on June 8.

Celebrity birthdaysare Tony Curtis, 83, on June 3; Tom Jones, 68, June 6; Angelina Jolie,33, on June 4.

*****This week in history D-Day was June 6, 1944; BobbyKennedy was assassinated in Los Angeles June 5, 1968.

*****Sen.Hillary Clinton got the shaft from the DNC Saturday.

Nothing I didn’texpect.

She just keeps on keeping on with a big win in Puerto Rico.***** The ‘Talking Heads’ have put negatives on her since Obama came onthe scene.

It would also serve the double crossers right if she tookher campaign all the way to the second ballot at the NationalConvention.

She will have a big rally in New York Tuesday night.

Istill believe she still holds an ace.

He can’t get elected without herand Bill’s help.

If Obama sews it up he’d better offer her thevice-president’s position even if she doesn’t take it.

Everyone elsewho endorsed Obama is going to get something, you can book that.*****It was a big party weekend at Sharon and Mark Dunn’s house.

SonJason, who’s on his third tour in Iraq, this one for 15 months, ishome on a short leave.

The first thing he wanted was his mom’s famousshrimp and crab gumbo.

She loaded up on both at Granny’s and made aperfect brew.

Sunday they boiled up a mess of crawfish from BigDaddy’s.

Jason says coming home is a trip to Heaven.

Brother Chris andwife Amanda came from Houston, relatives came from Louisiana and Texasand Jason’s fiancée, Shante, in from Georgia, wasn’t quite sure aboutthe Crawfish.

*****Bridge City Coach Stump has hired a new defensiveco- coordinator.

Coach Brad Conway brings many years of experience.(See story by Mike Louviere.) He’s a nice guy with a big job.

WhenStump arrived he found that most of the players had graduated and forover five years the off-season program had been almost non-existent.You win games in the fall with the work you do in the spring.

Its nosurprise coach Tarver caught a helicopter out of here.

Coach Stump isexpected to be assisted by a familiar and popular face to Bridge Cityfans next season.

No official word yet but it will be a great addition.It’s a tough haul building a program from scratch.

Most folks predictedit would take three years.

I say they will be much better in onlytwo.

*****We were sorry to learn that Roy’s 105-year-old aunt Evepassed away Saturday.

He and Ms.

Phyl had spent time with her on herbirthday April 4.

She was one of the oldest living women inLouisiana.

She was the last of Roy’s uncles and aunts.

He is nowofficially the older generation.

*****The Lunch Bunch will dine atVan’s Tuffy’s.

Newly retired Doug Harrington will be a special visitor.Everyone is welcome.

*****There is a less than 10 percent chance that astorm will affect our area this hurricane season but it pays to beprepared.

*****We went six weeks without rain in the Bridge City areathen we got one and a half inches.

Now we have gone four weeks withouta drop.

It rained in Orange last week but stopped when it got to CowBayou.

No rain in sight, gardens and lawns with burn up.

*****TheHouston Astros are in a slump.

They are hanging at around 500.

MargieStephens, an avid fan, is not a happy camper.

*****Johnny Dishon andthe LSU Tigers swept the regionals over Southern Mississippi.

Theyscored 36 runs in the sweep.

The Tigers have won 23 straight games andmight just be a team of destiny.

With Texas and A&M out, localfolks are pulling for Johnny and the Tigers.

*****The United Stateslost jobs for the fifth month.

Sixty thousand in May. *****Gas pricesare having some businesses and local governments looking at a four-dayworkweek to cut cost.

It’s a sign of how deeply these Republican gasprices are cutting.

*****’Big Brown’ can win the Triple Crown with awin at the Belmont Saturday with Kent Desormeaux as rider.*****Congrats to Bridge City resident Sissy Lemons Yeaman who guidedher Nederland Lady Bulldogs to the state softball finals.


TedKennedy had targeted brain surgery Monday.

Treatments will start inabout a week.

Long odds but he will be treated by the best expertsin the field.

His candidate Barack Obama should clinch the nominationTuesday night.

America would have again passed up the opportunity toelect the best candidate.

Down ballot candidates would be best servedwith Hillary leading the ticket.

Larry Hunter, from Vidor, is a perfectexample of what will happen all over the country.

Hunter will stillwin.

The voters want to change the Republican direction.

That’s whyObama will win in November.

McCain has gone to bed with the neocons; acontinuation of the Bush policies and the invasion of Iran would benext.

*****Ellen DeGeneres and Portia deRussi to be wed afterCalifornia’s gay marriage ban lapses on June 14, the day beforeFather’s Day.

Ellen is sure to be the daddy in that union.

BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK DavidLopez, Matthew Jagoe, Sandra Hoke, Donna Benefield, Donna Rogers, GenaGuyote, Jessica Freeman, Kevin Doss, Mary Jennings, Tim Hughes, TreyWild, Chris Andes, Eunice Benckenstein, Helen Harrington, LauraSilva, Lindi Torson, Lynn Fields, Gail Griffith, Kelsey Miller, LindaSims, Sarah Williams, Billy Frank Bradberry, Billy Killman, LoganSmith, Penny Robards, Tana Hightower, Walter Riedel, Aubrey Reynolds,Billie Wood, Carolyn Sexton, Crystal Wells, Dixie Armstrong, CharlieBlalack, Jessica Hilliard and Karli Choate.

CAJUN STORY OF THE WEEK OrisBoudreaux’s wife, Marie, went to da local newspaper in Mamou and saidshe wanted to put in da obituary dat Boudreaux died him.

Otis Comeaux,da editor, said dat it would be $1 per word.

Marie said, “Here’s $2, jus put “BOUDREAUX DIED.” Editor Comeaux axe, “Mrs. Boudreaux, surely you want more dan dat hanh?” Marie said, “Mais, no just “BOUDREAUX DIED.” Daeditor said, “Well Ms.

Marie, I know dat you a little upset.

Bringyourself back tomorrow and you will probably tink of something else.

Marieher came back da next day and said, “Mr. Comeaux I taught of somethingelse for da obituary me, put “BOUDREAUX DIED, BOAT FOR SALE.” C’EST TOUT ThankGod, as far as I know we made it through all the graduations withoutthe loss of a young life.

I really believe Project Graduation helped ormaybe we have a smarter group of grads that want to see what thefuture holds.

*****Hillary Clinton would have made a great president.I’m saddened that I will not live long enough to witness a woman becomepresident of the United States.

I hoped that some way she could havepulled it off.

A behind the scene conglomerate picked Obama.

He didn’tchoose to run, he was picked and made a star while Hillary was being slammed.She fought a good fight and is to be admired for hanging in against allodds.

Regardless, we will likely see history made in November.

Astrange Muslim name to go on a black man.

It just doesn’t jive with my thinking.

Thanks for your time.

Take care and God bless.


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