Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Bridge City Lions install new officers

The Bridge City Lions Club moved its den to Robert’s Restaurant for the annual installation of officers for terms starting in July. Lions international district governor Fred Renkema was installing officer. “This is one of the hardest-working clubs in the district,” he said.

“The Bridge City club gained Model Club designation for participation in the ‘Sight for Us Too’ campaign. There was only one other club in the district that gained that distinction and that club was Nederland, my home club,” said Renkema with a smile.

New officers include Travis Nations, president; Wynn Leleux, vice president; George Johnson, secretary; Betty Leleux, treasurer; R.C. Mann, Membership Chairman; Betty Mann, director; and Wynn Leleux, Tail Twister.

Awards went to outgoing officers with special recognition to R.C. Mann. The Melvin Jones Award notes outstanding service and is the highest award a Lion can receive.

The club also presented four $500 scholarships, two each for the Orangefield and Bridge City high schools.

“The scholarships that we give are based on need and scholastic ability. We want to help someone go to college who may not be able to attend without a little help,” said Johnson.

One of several community projects discussed was to aid Burl Lasalle of Bridge City with the restoration of his vision. For years Lasalle had faling vision, but without insurance and only able to afford minimal care. Lions were quick to obtain the information and funds needed for Lasalle to have surgery in Houston.

“I could see as soon as they replaced the lens,” Lasalle said. “While they were doing surgery, my vision returned. “My sight is good; I can see things that I have never seen before. I really want to thank all of the Lions for helping me.” The club also provided transportation at no cost to Lasalle.

The club also provides eyeglasses to needy students. “We probably provide one to two pairs per month at the schools in Bridge City and Orangefield,” said Nations. 

The Lions have a moonwalk available for rental for parties or other activities.

“We are always happy to have new members,” Nations aid. “We meet on first and third Mondays ... at Novrozsky’s at 7 p.m. You can also call 322-0181 for [more] information.”


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