Hometown News For Orange County, Texas
Travelers northbound on SH 87 in Bridge City where merged to one lane crossing the Cow Bayou Bridge, Tuesday. The Texas Department of Transportation is conducting preliminary observations of the bridge. The work will be completed Wednesday.
TxDOT plans to renovate the WWII era swing mechanism that drives the bridge. A study of the bridge was being conducted by consultants in moveable bridge technologies last month. The consultants were determining how to proceed in making the bridge most efficient.
In a rare event the Cow Bayou Bridge was swung opened May 2008 during the first phase of the project. It entailed the widening of the center armor joint to allow the bridge to open more easily and prevent it from jamming. The project called for a newly fabricated, but historically accurate, armor joint.
The Cow Bayou Bridge became eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places as an historic bridge in 1990 and is scheduled for nomination this May.
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