Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

BCLL registration begin

Bridge City Little League (BCLL) registration is here again. On three consecutive Saturdays–Jan. 9, 16, 23, registration will be held at the Community Center, starting at 9 a.m. Sign up fees will be $65 for the first child in family, $20 for the second and third child in family, with the fourth child registered for free. The baseball league is open for boys from ages 4 through 16. The softball league is for girls 4-14 years old.

Players registering on time allows the league to buy uniforms and form teams early.

Lack of funds for registration fees should not stop any child from playing. BCLL has payment plans and the league wants all children to participate. See the League President, Brigg Patterson, at registration for more information.

The league is open to all boys that attend Bridge City, Orangefield, and West Orange-Cove schools, plus some parts of the Little Cypress area.

BCLL has established itself as the best Little League program in Southeast Texas. In three years, BCLL has won a State Championship in Softball and Baseball. In 2009, BCLL captured 7 of 9 District Baseball and Softball Championships, 2 Sectional Championships in Baseball, 1 State Championship in Baseball, and advanced to the Regional Championship game in Major Baseball. This past year BCLL swept the Softball playoffs. Girls from all of Orange County are eligible to play softball at BCLL.

BCLL also offers the Challenger Program for the disabled children of SE Texas. These children may register at no cost, and are not expected to participate in the fund-raising activities of the league. Games are usually played on Saturday afternoons, with some night games sprinkled in during the week. Ages for the Challenger program is 4 through 20.

BCLL is accepting applications for umpires and concession stand workers. Please apply at the above registration dates at the community center. The league also has two openings for board members as well.

This past year, BCLL was selected to host three Sectional Tournaments. This was the first time in LL history that this honor was bestowed on a league in SE Texas. BCLL was selected because of their reputation of being one of the best run organizations in Texas.

Any boy that reaches the age of four by April 30 will be eligible to play T/Ball this year. Whatever a boy’s age on April 30 is his league age. Girls that are four by Dec. 31 are also eligible for T/Ball. Whatever a girl’s age on Dec. 31 is her league age.

Practice will start on Feb. 22 and the season will open the weekend of March 19-20. The season will last until the first week of June, with All Star season starting around the 22nd of June.


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