Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

County employee insurance going up

Because of amendments in state guidelines, Orange County employee insurance will undergo some new changes.

Commissioners Monday approved slight increases in regular session, including:

• Deductible: from $250-$300.

• Drug co-pay: to $15, $30 or $45.

• Premiums for dependents: 5 percent increase.

“This is the first change we’ve had on anything in four years,” said County Judge Carl Thibodeaux. “But keep in mind [the] total out-of-pocket expense had not changed. It’s still $2,000.”

Dependent premiums go to $338.76 for family medical coverage; $190.74 for spouse medical coverage; $116.90 for child medical coverage; $59.47 for family dental; $36.83 for spouse dental; and $29.39 for child dental.

The changes begin in October with the Texas Association of Counties and Employees Benefits Pool.

“This does no involve state guidelines for indigent care,” Thibodeaux said after the meeting.

Salvage citation

Commissioners said that through Les Anderson, county engineer, a citation would be issued to Judy’s Iron and Metal, 5643 N. Main St. in Vidor, with a charge of storing items at that address without a license.

The business failed to get a license renewal in April after several run-ins with commissioners over compliance issues.

“If you’re selling or you’re not selling, as far as I’m concerned you are operating a salvage yard,” Thibodeaux said. “You don’t have to sell to operate a salvage yard. If you sit there and collect it for 100 years, you’re still having a salvage yard ... I think it’s time for the courts to decide. We’ve dealt with this a long time.”


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