Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Heather Pope-Gregg to wed Shawn Price Hall

Willis N. Pope Jr., Sandra Neal and Larry Aaron are proud to announce the engagement of their daughter Heather Diana Pope-Gregg to Shawn Price Hall, the son of Paul and Rita Hall of Nome and Deborah Hall of Port Arthur.

Heather’s Grandparents are Willis N. Pope Sr. and the late Mary L. Pope, her children are Dillon and Chressy Gregg,

Shawn’s grandparents are Larry and Lou King of Broddaus, and the late Tony and Melba Hall.

Attending the bride and groom will be: Franchesca Simpson, maid of honor; and Ben Richardson, best man.

The ceromony will take place at at 7 p.m., Aug. 6 at the Garden District, 7536 N. Hwy 87, Orange.


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