Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Reflections of Melissa and Katie

This poem was featured in the Jan. 13, 1998 issue. It was written by

Cindy Claybar and Josette Choate after Katie Schossow and Melissa Mesch

passed away after an auto-pedestrian accident on Jan. 9, 1998.

Reflections of Melissa and Katie

If we could close our eyes and open our broken hearts,

We could feel our sadness and worries depart.

We must give ourselves to God above,

and let Him hold us in His love.

God gives us a vision as we weep and cry,

a word from two young Angels as they pass by.

We must leave you for a little while, even though you don't understand.

We have left this Earth suddenly to follow God's plan.

Please do not grieve and shed so many tears

or dwell on our lives throughout the years.

God has taken us into Heaven, His kingdom up above.

He has welcomed us with open arms, peace and eternal love.

Angels were there with the brightest lights,

leading us through the darkest of nights.

Heave is beautiful, a giant house of prayer,

angles singing, people laughing and children everywhere.

God knows no strangers; He loves them all--

the poor, the rich, the great and small.

Our loving Father is always there,

guiding us with loving care.

God found us a place at the very start,

among the angels who created art.

He gave us a set of angel wings

and asked us to paint magnificent things.

We'll hang the sun out slowly with the break of day;

and we will gently take the stars in and put the night away.

When you see a beautiful sunset across the gorgeous sky,

you'll know in your heart we'll always be close by.

Just reach out your hand in comfort if you need to be near,

and in turn we will comfort you and hold you very dear.

So, remember when you're troubled and burdens seem to much to bear,

we will love you, and we'll guide you and keep you in our care.

God's newest angels,

Melissa and Katie


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