Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Orange Police Beat

Officers from the Orange Police Department responded to the following calls on Jan. 25, and the morning of the 26th:

Possession of cocaine, 2900 16th St, Jack in the Box

Damaged property, 2900 16th St, Jackin the Box

Damaged property, 2206 Pacific

Disorderly conduct, class C, 111 Pine

Forgery of checks, Wells Fargo

Larceny from vehicle, Levingston

Larceny from vehicle, 1703 16th

Possession of marijuana, 2900 16th St., Jack in the Box

Possession of drug paraphernalia, 700 Burton

Retaliation, 2900 16th St., Jack in the Box

Theft, 1223 Palm Dr.

Theft, 2305 4th St.

Theft, KC Pawn

Traffic arrest, 2900 16th St., Jack in the Box

Warrant service, 6406 Hazelwood

Warrant service, 2424 N. 16th

Warrant service, College and Georgia

Warrant service, 201 8th St.

Warrant service, Zurich


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