Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

From the Creaux's Nest


I about said it all last week and it played out the way I said it would.

The Tea Party, that Rush Limbaugh said he was damn proud of, threw roadblocks and was the albatross around speaker Boehner’s neck like I had predicted.

The one thing about the Tea Party that I’ve never heard was ideas on how they would jump in and help advance the economy and jobs.

Everyone is upset; Liberal Democrats are angry because they believe President Obama gave too much, some GOP defense hawks are grumbling about Pentagon cuts and Tea Partiers said cuts, especially entitlements, Social Security, Medicare and Medicade were not cut enough.

Boehner saw 66 defections from his Party.

He had to rely on Democrats to pass the deal and save the country from default.

I don’t believe ordinary citizens fully realize the crisis we faced.

I don’t know who the party winners and losers are but I do know the country wins by avoiding default.

Believe me, it would have been bad.

The President threw himself in the fire to avoid harm to the country but he lives to fight another day.

I was somewhat surprised that Rep.

Ted Poe voted “NO” and Rep.

Kevin Brady voted “Yes” to raise the debt ceiling.

They usually vote joined at the hip.

In Texas 24 congressmen voted “Yes,” (18 R and six D), eight voted “NO” three Demo’s and five Republicans.

It was an unnecessary, time consuming fight that should have been spent on fixing our economy.

The big problem is the way states are gerry mandering districts.

Some day the courts will have to do something about that.

Selective districts led to Boehner’s Tea Party problems.

His members don’t fear getting defeated in their locked in districts.

All of our districts in Texas for state and national office are gerrymandered.

Redistricting lines that assure that one party stays in power.

Now congress is taking a five-week break.

Some will be spinning their lines in their districts, others will go to far away islands, none working on jobs or the economy.***** I’ve got to move on, come along, I promise it won’t do you no harm.


When you look around the state at the problems so many county governments are facing it should give us all renewed confidence in the great job our Commissioner’s Court is doing.

Many counties are facing massive layoffs, others are bankrupt, and some doing away with security, reducing sheriff department personnel, eliminating constable and courts working on a part time basis plus other cost cutting measures besides raising taxes.

Orange County continues to operate on a sound footing without raising taxes.

The proposed 2011-2012 budget will not have any reductions in employees and a safe reserve fund.

We have a Commissioner’s Court that is conservative, efficient and one of the state’s best.

County employees and our elected officials do a good job and care about the job they are charged with doing.

That should make us all proud to be Orange Countains.


What a guy, what a run he’s had.

The Rev. David Berkheimer is one of our most respected people.

His work for the Lord is unquestionable, the distance he has brought Community Church is an amazing accomplishment.

He has pastored a congregation from a medium size Assembly of God Church to one of the area’s largest.

From facilities on 16th St. in Orange, to a first class complex that includes a growing school on M.L.K. This was accomplished through the Rev. Berkheimer’s leadership and the great staff he assembled.

It was a surprise to me when he announced he and Ms.

Valerie’s retirement.

The Church was left in the very capable hands of Pastor Daniel Rose who shares the values and goals set by Berkheimer and the governing board.

Rose is expected to be named his successor but had not been released by press time.

We wish continued success to Rev. Berkheimer and we extend thanks on behalf of a grateful congregation and community.


13 Years Ago-1998

Eric Eshbach, pole-vaulter from Orangefield, coached by Joe Hester, takes first place at the national junior Olympics.

The event was held at the University of Washington.

Eshbach cleared 16 feet, 7 1/4 inches.

Teammate Jonathan Henley took second with a vault of 15 feet, 5 3/4 inches.

Other teammate Justin Menard took eighth place and Eric’s little sister placed ninth with a vault of 5 feet, 4 inches in the girl’s division.

*****Judge Pete Runnels is mayor of Pinehurst.***** The committee to pick a new administrator narrows the selection.*****Maybe the ugliest pitcher in the major league, “The Big Unit” Randy Johnson, has joined the Astros to help get to the World Series.

He struck out 12 in the first Houston outing and collected $2 million for two months.

*****Doug Harrington and family returned from Vancouver and Victoria British Columbia, one of the world’s most beautiful cities.*****Bridge City mayor John Dubose and wife Joyce are back from their 30th anniversary trip.

(Editor’s note: I remember that and the 25th too.

Happy 43rd and best wishes for many more.)*****The Stephens Group from Arkansas, no kin to Harry, bought out Conn’s Appliance Co.*****Beth Dugas is a patient at Herman Hospital.

She was making progress until her lung was punctured.

For three weeks she has just been lying motionless.

Her husband Lewis sits by her side and cries.

When we spoke to him he said, “I remember a dynamic woman who was perpetual motion, today she’s a body in a bed.

My emotions are raw as I see my partner of 43 years not moving or speaking.

I look at my sweetheart and cry.” (Editor’s note: Beth had gone into the hospital for a simple procedure.

She never came out.)*****Kenneth Starr is trying to bring down the President of the United States Bill Clinton.

Starr has spent $60 million dollars.

President Clinton’s popularity is between 65 and 70 in the polls.

33 Years Ago-1978

W.T. Oliver turned in a check for $25,000 to Hughen School to help with the construction of Bob Hope High School.

Oliver received the check at the International Convention of Eagles in Spokane, Washington.

Oliver was an honored guest and speaker.

Others at the head table were Paul Harvey, Terrence Cardinal Cook, Dr.

Norman Vincent Peale and Rabbi Edgar Maguin.

That Cajun, Oliver, was in high cotton.

He drove Harvey to the airport the next day and Harvey mentioned W.T. on his national radio show.

Entertaining at the convention were Bob Hope, Danny Thomas, The Mills Brothers, Arthur Godfrey, Red Buttons, Kay Starr, Roberta Sherwood, Corbett Monica and Frank Fontaine, who died just minutes after his appearance.

(Editor’s note: I believe everyone mentioned above has now passed away.)*****Joe Kazmar wins two games for Hubbard Electric baseball team over the weekend.*****Orange will elect a new mayor.

Davis Cooper and Major Inman are running.

(Editor’s note: Major won.)*****Showbiz John Travolta and Priscilla Presley are dating.*****The death of Pope Paul VI has been felt around the world.

He had been Pope for 15 years.


Joe Elam, Diane Bechard, Diana Tally, Elizabeth McBride, Glenda Delano, Lacey Monceaux, Marilyn Snider, Pat Brandon, Pat Beardin, Ruth Stone, Bob Gephart, Dena Cox, Ethel Hicks, Frank Wiegreffe, Jean Ousley, Jarrod Vogt, Jeannette Edwards, John Harrington, Kody Fisette, Vickie Wells, Ann Collins, Cetha Haure, Claire Williams, Frances Reid, Katelyn Defrates, Mike Shahan, Lucille Richey, Arleen Pryor, Micah Satir, Sylvia Bickham, Nan Briggs, Paul Jagen, Garhett Bonneaux, John Holm, Mike Preston, Mitzi Peoples, Pam Boehme, Randy Hickox, Sarah Fisher, Sleepy Smith, Sonya Villanoueva, Anita Decker, Jill Rowley, Melanie Braus, Gladys Ousley, Clare Calahan, Tessa Bailey, Rodney Hanks, Don Lyons, Kimberly Sensat, O.C. Gunstream, Nathan Parish, Darlene Dearing, Dwight Thacker, Katie Allen, Fred Brent, Jim Finklea, Billie Carter, Clarice Miller, Cody LaRose, Doug Richey, Paige White, Jada Montagne, Edie Anthony and Ken Hartley.


The colorful former Cajun governor Edwin Edwards, who turns 84 next month, has married himself a 32-year-old beauty.

Trina Grimes Scott visited the governor while he served his eight years in the joint.

Gov. Edwards says, “The prison was in love with Trina, they used to watch her walk across the parking lot.

The boys made me the camp hero.” When asked why such a beautiful, young woman would marry him the governor answered, “People who don’t know me don’t know what a wonderful, pleasant, modest fellow I am.” Edwin, haunted by the Feds for years, after three attempts was convicted of bribery and extortion.

He took the time dealt him, served eight years like a man and never complained.

He might find serving a 32-year-old tougher than the jail time.

Don’t forget Edwin; call the doctor after four hours.

*****Pinehurst will host its annual Labor Day Senior Citizen outing.

It’s a great thing they do.

They attract several hundred elder folks; have a nice meal, prizes, live entertainment and good fellowship.

The committee is running about $500 short on donations this year so if you would like to help please call Mayor T.W. Permenter at 920-0608 or drop your donation off at Pinehurst City Hall.*****Congrats to Orange boxer O’Shanique Foster, 17, who just keeps winning in the 123-pound class as he makes his way toward the Olympics.

“Birds” boy is making quite a name for himself.

We knew the West Orange-Stark student when he was just a little, skinny kid visiting our office with his stepmother, Erin.

He makes us proud.*****Last week, on the front page of The County Record, we ran a picture of Candice Harrison and Shirley Zimmerman.

We didn’t ID Shirley, from the Chamber, in the cutline.

She’s one of the good folks we enjoy being around.*****The Wednesday Lunch Bunch dined at Novrozsky’s last week and were honored to visit with two great guys, attorney Ed Barton, who for over five years has been battling cancer and despite bad news still has that upbeat attitude.

Also Asst.

D.A. Doug Manning, who takes a lot of pride in his family and three adopted children.

A great bunch he should be proud of.*****The Atlanta Falcons signed Matt Bryant to a four year contract.

That should take the Bridge City kicker to the end of his career.

Matt is a 10 years veteran.

He was 28 for 31 field goals last year and won games on three of those kicks.*****We were sorry to hear about the death of Dave Shaw, of the band EASY, who died July 26 from multiple organ failure in a Houston hospital.

He was 61 years old.

Dave loved his swamp pop music and donated his talent to many worthy causes.*****General manager of KFDM Channel 6, Larry Beaulieu, 63 will retire at the end of September.

He has one heck of a run since 1974 and has kept KFDM the areas leading station.

Everyone under 37 years of age has grown up with Larry.

His staff affectingly calls him “Uncle Larry.” It just won’t be the same without him.

*****I enjoyed visiting with Mickey Litton and son Phillip Shaffer, who is a salesman at Granger Chevrolet.

Mickey is Moe’s little girl, longtime court reporter and legal secretary.

Phillip is a nice young man, like his granddad Moe I’m sure.*****The Port of Beaumont has a $8.4 million project in Orange County.

They will build a rail loop to their Orange County dock on the Neches River.

Over $3 million will be spent to improve roads in Orange County to the Port. *****Friends who were familiar with Civil Service have been telling me for months that in the end Orange Police Capt.

Robert Arnold would be reinstated.*****Doug Harrington, for many years one of my best friends and confidents, is facing an issue.

A growth has come up in his throat that M.D. Anderson says is malignant.

Next week he will have surgery.

We pray for him.

When Doug was in his early 20’s, he had thyroid cancer but has been well for all these years.

This is something new.

He’s one of the great guys.*****My friend John, in Wink, Texas, says 29 days in above 100 degree heat and the worst drought in history has the mesquite trees whistling for the dogs.*****We are losing State Sen.


I don’t believe too many will be sad over that.

He only visited Orange County a few times.

The senator of the newly created district is Robert Nicholes, from Jacksonville.

A Lamar engineering grad, Sen.

Nicholes will be at the Lamar Orange Student Center Wed.

Aug. 3 at 3:30 p.m., hosted by the Orange Chamber.***** Don’t forget the tax-free weekend starts Aug. 19, in time for back to school.*****Point of interest: Did you know that President Reagan raised the Debt Ceiling while in office by 199.5 percent? That surprises you doesn’t it? There wasn’t the outrage that we just went through.

Obama raised the Debt Ceiling 43 percent and lives to fight another day.*****Special folks we know celebrating their special days.

Even right-winger John Harrington is getting older.

He and President Barack Obama both celebrate the same birthday on Aug. 4.***Our longtime friend Lamar Orange president Dr.

Mike Shahan celebrates Aug. 5.***Two old buddies, two great characters, Sleepy Smith and Robert Carpenter share birthdays Aug. 6.

Now there’s a pair of aces.***One of my favorites Coach Dwight Thacker notches another peg on Aug. 8.***Among the good folks celebrating birthdays is Micky’s boss, everyone’s judge Dennis Powell who is a year older on Aug. 9.***Also a belated happy birthday to Precenct 4 Commissioner Jody Crump who turned 50 Aug. 1 and Joyce Dubose who celebrated Aug. 2.***FaceBook friends celebrating this week.

On Aug. 3, Paula Evans; Aug. 4, Maria Ellis; Aug. 5, Tracy Brugette and Angie Lane; Aug. 7, Amanda Simpson, Lanie Jackson; Penny Bays; Aug. 8, Chris Farkas (Glad to hear he’s still alive and well in Jacksonville, Florida.) and Oiy Vanir.*****On Aug. 5, Neal Armstrong, the first man on the moon, turns 81 years old.

He’s an American hero who never capitalized on his achievement.

His words will live in infinity.

“One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”*****Don’t forget the Sheriff’s Posse Rodeo this Saturday and Sunday.

See you there.


Tony Bennett will be 85 on Aug. 3; Martin Sheen, 71; Martha Stewart, 70 and Tom Brady, 34.***On Aug. 4, President Barack Obama will be 50; Billy Bob Thornton, 56; Jeff Gordon, 40; and Lily Costner, 25.***Loni Anderson will be 65, Aug. 5 and Jonathan Silverman, 45.***On Aug. 6, M Night Shyamalan will be 41; Geri Halliwell, 39 and Melissa George, 35.***Aug. 7, David Duchovny, 51; Harold Perrineau Jr., 48 and Charlize Theron, 36.***Aug. 8, Dustin Hoffman, 74; The Edge, 50; Drew Lachey, 35 and JC Chasez, 35.***Aug. 9, Sam Elliott, 67; Melanie Griffith, 54; Whitney Houston, 48 and Gillian Anderson, 43.


Alex Comeaux was going on 74 him and he was overweight also. Dr. Boudreaux, da town doctor, put Comeaux on a diet. Da Doc said, “Alex, I want you to eat regular for two days, den skip on da turd day and do dis for two weeks. You should have loss five pounds wen you come back to see me, okay?”

Comeaux say, “I’ll do dat Doc.”

Wen Comeaux return to see da doctor he is shocked dat Comeaux done loss 53 pounds.

“Mai, dat’s amazing,” said Dr. Boudreaux, “So you follow my instructions hanh?”

Comeaux say, “Well, Doc, I sure did, but I’ll tole you wat, I tought me I was gonna drop dead on dat third day.”

“From da hunger you mean?” Axe da doctor.

Comeaux answer, “No Doc, it was wuz from all dat day of skippin.”


When today turns into tomorrow.

I look at today’s good-looking women and realize that in about 40 years there will be thousands of old ladies running around with tattoos and big false boobs, Rap music will be the “Golden Oldies.” In a few short years when today’s beauties attend their class reunions they will feel younger than everyone else looks.

As for me, I’ve reached the age where the happy hour is a nap.

Oh well, the nicest thing about the future is that it always starts tomorrow and there are no new sins, the old ones work just fine.

*****Next Monday, Aug. 7, is Purple Heart Day.

We salute all those heroes.

*****For the last few days I’ve been a few steps behind so I’ve surprised myself by getting this much done.

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It is very costly to bring you this newspaper free, delivered to your door and they make it possible.

Check us out on our website TheRecordLive.com.*****Take care and God bless.


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