Hometown News For Orange County, Texas
The Orange Lions Club celebrated their 75th Anniversary Saturday, June 9 at the Sunset Grove Country Club. Lions Clubs International Past President Jimmy Ross from Quitaque, Texas was the guest speaker. Orange Mayor Jimmy Sims presented a proclamation to Master of Ceremonies, Larry David declaring June 9th as “Orange Lions Club Day.” David also gave a colorful talk about the club’s history.
The club was founded by Dick Terry and together with 25 local businessmen, it was chartered with Lions Clubs International on June 2, 1937. The Terry family was honored by the club at the anniversary celebration.
Ross presented six International President’s Certificates of Appreciation Awards from the present Lions International President for long years of dedicated service to the Orange Club. Those receiving certificates were Lee Roy Boehme, Jr, 44 years; John Martin, 46 years; Lloyd O’Neal, 47 years; O.C. “Gunny” Gunstream, 49 years; Roy Wingate, 51 years and Elva Richardson, 55 years. Ross also presented Randall Morris with an International President’s Leadership Medal.
Lions board members Debbie Hughes and Dan Mohon presented J.W. Smith, Butch Campbell and Kyle Walker with Melvin Jones Awards. Jones was the founder of Lions Clubs International in 1917. Mohon then recognized all past recipients of this award. Hughes and Mohon also presented Jack Weich Awards to Jay Hall and Bill Smith. Weich was the founder of Texas Lions Crippled Children’s Camp, now known as Texas Lions Camp for handicapped and diabetic children.
First Vice President L.E. “Stump” Weatherford presented to Pam Scales Crew, outgoing president of the Lions Eye Bank of Texas in Houston, the Eddie Munger Award. Munger helped to organize the eye bank. Addie Wallace, Randall Morris and Bob Appel were recognized as being named to the Lions Eye Bank of Texas Wall of Honor. The Texas Lions Foundation helps with disaster situations such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and fires. Lions named as Texas Lions Fellows to this entity were Randall Morris, Joel Ardoin, Larry David, Bob Appel and Keith and Marlene Merritt.
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