Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

From the Creaux's Nest


Texas burns under 100 degree heat.

This could be the summer that high temps set an all time record.

The good thing is that as long as high pressure dominates, it will keep hurricanes away so don’t complain about the heat.

Back in December, the experts were making the talk show circuit and predicting gas at the pump would go up to $5.

Creaux and I said, “Not so.” We predicted that gas prices would fall to $3 and below a gallon by September. A lot of people were blaming President Obama for the high gas prices.

Those same people are not giving him credit for the lowering gas prices.

In both cases, a president has nothing to do with oil or gas prices. I heard people like Republican congressman Kevin Brady say, “Obama’s oil policies and regulations are why gas prices are high.

That was not the truth.

More domestic oil is being produced than ever before.

Is that because of Obama or despite Obama. You can spin it either way.*****Florida gets 30 inches of rain, Colorado is burning up, wild fires run rampant.

The Supreme Court will rule on the affordable health care bill or they could punt and put it off until after the election or they could play a political card such as Florida.*****If speaker John Boehner wasn’t such a wimp and was any kind of a leader, he would do like speaker Newt Gingrich did when the congress wanted to hold in contempt Attorney General Janet Reno. Newt said, “We don’t play political games with the Justice Department, the chief law enforcement in the land.

The Justice Dept.

should never be used as a political pawn.

That Tea Party bunch will stop at nothing, no matter how radical it is.

They are holding Boehner and the country hostage.*****I’ve got to get to work.

Come along, I promise it won’t do you no harm.


Every presidential election since Pearl Harbor, foreign policy and national security have been on the front burner of the campaign.

Even in the President George H. Bush election, he insisted our first priority was our national security.

Bill Clinton came up with “It’s the economy stupid” but Geo.

W. insisted it was foreign policy and national security.


McCain insisted he was better qualified than Obama because of his knowledge of foreign policy.

Obama ran against the Geo.

W. economy, 10.4 percent unemployment, jobs falling off the cliff at a rate of 800,000 per month and the auto industry was about to belly up.

He took office in the worst recession since the Great Depression, stopped the bleeding and growing the economy became first and foremost.

For the first time foreign policy and national security have moved to the back burner in this year’s election between Mitt Romney and President Obama but both are no less important than they ever were.

The reason I got to thinking about it was a couple weeks ago, when the number two Al Qaeda leader, Al Libie, was killed at any other time in history that would have been a big deal.

The tide has changed.

Mitt Romney has no idea about foreign policy.

I doubt he had any idea who the number two man was.

How has President Obama done on foreign policy? Egypt held it’s first democratic elections, electing Mohammed Morsi, the first Islamic president, Gadhafi is gone from Libya, and he ordered the killing of Bin Laden.

Other Al Qaeda terrorist leaders killed during his watch are, Feb. 9, Badr Mansoo; Aug. 22, Atiyah Abd al Rahman; Sept. 11, Abu Hafs al Shahri; Sept. 30, Anwar al Awlaki.

My prediction is that as soon as the election is over, if he wins, he will take care of Bashar al-Assad in Syria and the little rat in Iran might as well pack his bags.

This year however, our nation’s security is on the back burner.


We were saddened to learn of the death of Imogene McKinney, age 86.

She died Friday, June 22, service was held Monday, June 25.

For many years Imogene had been a voting clerk.

We wrote her story when she retired, after the presidential election of President Obama, nearly four years ago.

She was a wonderful person.

May she rest in peace.*****Also our condolences to the family of Danny Champange, who died last week in Port Neches.

Danny had served in the Navy during the Korean War and earned his living as a sheetrock worker and was an artist at finishing work.

He did a lot of work in Orange County.

May he also rest in peace.


10 Years Ago-2002

Orange County to cut indigent health care cost in half. Judge Thibodeaux and commissioners sign new contract with Gulf Coast Health Center that will save a minimum of $100,000 a year.

The previous contract was with Baptist Orange Hospital that charged $90 per visit.

Gulf Coast will charge $35 a visit with an average of 25 visits per day.*****University of Texas Longhorns win fifth national baseball title by defeating South Carolina 12-6.

Houston Street, son of former U.T. star James Street, pitched 6.5 innings.*****Ron Sigler has spent more than $100,000 to make a nice package store out of the old fire station at 10th and Burton.*****Michelle Stegall wed Kris Franklin on June 30, in Las Vegas.*****Sabrina Royar and Matt Braneff will wed July 6.*****Jessica Lynn Aarons wed “Drew” Dwayne Merritt on May 18.*****Clarence “Gatemouth” Brown entertains at opening of the Four-Corner Club, owned by Bobby Charles and managed by son, Robert.

The club is in Holly Beach.

Many of Bobby’s friends are scheduled to appear.

Jerry Childress and Roy Dunn, former classmate of Charles, sat around and visited with “Gatemouth,” Bobby and several musicians.

Brown was raised in Orange.

(Editor’s note: Brown is also buried in Hollywood Cemetery in Orange.)*****Bridge City Physical Therapy and Pain Management holds grand opening.*****Art Mason is sales manager of Orange Ford Used Cars.

35 Years Ago-1977

Bridge City Chamber of Commerce Gumbo Team wins world championship at the Doug Kewshaw Louisiana Weekend at the Astrodome.

The team won the chicken and homemade sausage gumbo award and also was named Best Overall Grand Champions, the number one gumbo in the world.

Team members were Ethel and Lawrence Foux, Ann Lieby and Barbara Gillis.

Roy Dunn was team captain.

Thousands of people from throughout the U.S. filled the dome floor for gumbo, beer drinking contest, horseshoe pitching championship and lot of music entertainment from several name bands including Kershaw.

James ‘Oink” Theriot, of Port Arthur, made the worst gumbo from sun dried shrimp, boar eyes and other morsels.

W.T. Oliver served as ambassador from Bridge City.

Spotted at the two-day event were Dewey “Teddy Bear’ Cox and Bobby Hebert, of Leo and Willie’s Restaurant.*****Sharon Gregory, of Bridge City, was chosen Miss Texas Teen in Dallas.

She will represent the state at the national pageant in Memphis in September. Sharon is the beautiful daughter of June and Fred Gregory.*****Congratulations to Bobby Smitherman named Rotarian of the Year in Bridge City.*****Berry Weisman and Clay Dugas will both jump off the deep end when they take brides over the weekend.*****It’s a boy for Lanston and Charlotte Fall.

Lanston, the second was born on Tuesday.*****The monthly dinner club will be hosted by Janet and James Fontenot on July 4.

A special beach party is planned.****Angie and David Thibodeaux became the proud parents of a 6-pound, 15-ounce boy born on Father’s Day.

They named him Jacob Paul.

Grandparents are Frank and Evelyn Giarratano and Dallas and Mary Thibodeaux.*****On July 3, Max Windham, Perry Bros.

manager, turned 33 years old.*****Grant Gregory was named water district manager at Bridge City, replacing Bufford.*****Kenneth W. Fields received a Doctorate of Jurisprudence degree with honors from the U. of Texas.

He is a 1970 grad of Bridge City High and the son of Bernice Fields.*****Mr. and Mrs. Neal Bond held a ribbon cutting at their new Western Auto store in Bridge City.

A ribbon cutting for the new Golden Triangle Savings and Loan will be held July 5. Chapman Bell is manager.*****Geri Lynn Anderson will become Mrs. Bruce Taylor on Saturday.

Bruce will coach at BC next season.*****Little Ann Lieby will be 10 years old on June 29.


Jessica Simon, Kristin Lollar, Shanna MacCammond, Shanna Scott, Trevor Kimbell, Jimmy Marshall, Jody Raymer, Dorris Norwood, Jeff Bourdier, Jeri Whitmire, Al Baas, Alyce Haynie, Joan Cummings, Karen Tomlin, Kourtney Derouen, David Ball, Leighia Barron, Tina Bernard, Brett Barclay, Connie Berry, Eric Broom, Kelly Kimbrough, Jana Fisette, Lester Morris, Nancy George, Cobey Sonnier, Rebecca Griffin, Barbara Mulhollan, David Sandlin, Katie Keneson, Chris Huebel, Nancy Wood, Beverly Haggard, Mary Beth McClure, Roy McDonald, Sonya Jarreau, Deanna Shuford, Eula Waters, Frances Osborn, Betty Derrick, Charlie Learned, Dian Arnold, Jeff Eby, Lisa Wilson, Amber Fisette, Marla LeMoine, Maria Garcia, Brennon Mitchell, Mary Martell, Nancy Dupuis, Thomas Findlay, Betty Richard, Jeanne Donahey, Kathy Simmons and Ellen Ray.


Billionaire Warren Buffett’s company is buying the Waco Tribune-Herald newspaper.

It’s his second Texas newspaper purchase.

He earlier bought the Bryan-College Station Eagle.

He is buying small and medium papers with a strong sense of community.

He apparently believes in the future of print with community papers.*****Last week the Southern Baptist Convention elected its first African American president, The Rev. Fred Luter Jr. The historic election is to expand its appeal beyond its traditional white southern base.

The times they are changing.

Many years ago, the KKK mostly came from Baptist states throughout the south.******Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal cuts out $100,000 in budget targeted for .

The Council for the Development of French in Louisiana promotes activities to bring French-speaking people to Louisiana and promotes French education.

Jindal is accused of not caring for the Cajun culture.*****Some folks we know celebrating their special day.

Two good guys mark birthdays on June 27.

David Ball, writer and Record Editor and Jody Raymer, Ms.

Beverly’s other half.***Our longtime friend Doris Norwood also celebrates on June 27.***Kelly Kimbough and Connie Berry mark birthdays on June 28.***Longtime buddy, legal secretary Barbara Mulhollan, celebrates on June 29.***Ann Lieby’s daughter Ann, turns 45 on that day.

I can’t believe it.***Mayor Roy McDonald marks another birthday on June 30 as does Betty Derrick.***Nancy Dupuis, Kee-Kee’s better half, celebrates July 2.***Mayor Pete Runnels and our friend Ellen Ray mark another birthday on July 3.***So I don’t forget Dwayne “Tobby” Marsh always celebrates on July 4, his birthday.*****Coach Jerry Sandusky was found guilty of 45 out of 48 child molesting cases but the case is not over yet.

Victims will file civil suits and criminal trials looms for Penn State officials.*****The Washington Post broke the news that Bain Capital, when Mitt Romney was CEO, pioneered outsourcing jobs overseas.*****Skipper Free, along with daughter, Laura, stopped by Monday. Skipper now lives at the Heritage House.

Laura owns Free Style, in Austin.

At the same time Bobby Taylor stopped in.

He and Skipper are Orange High School classmates.

An Orange High reunion will be held in October and later that month Laura is taking her mom to Hawaii to celebrate Laura’s 50th birthday.*****The Washington lobbyist and national Tea Party are supporting Ted Cruz in the July 31 runoff.

Austin lobbyist are donating to David Dewhurst and they are both getting nasty and talking about how sorry the other one is.*****The Supreme Court opened the gate on corruption Monday with the Montana law.

They ruled that corporations can spend all the money they want on elections.

The billionaires can now buy all the elections they want.*****CAJUN DEFINITION: Dirty Rice: A reader asked if dirty rice was the same as jambalaya? No it’s not.

They are both rice dishes but dirty rice can be made several ways Here’s my recipe.

It’s not the way grandma made it however.


1 lb. roll breakfast sausage

2 lbs. ground beef

1 large onion, chopped

1 bell pepper, chopped

1⁄2 cup parsley, chopped

2 cloves garlic, chopped

1/2 cup green onions, chopped

1 can golden mushroom soup

3 cups cooked rice

Crumble sausage and beef into a large pot, brown and drain. Add onion, garlic and bell pepper, cook until onion is clear. Add green onions, parsley, golden mushroom soup, one can of water and cooked rice. Mix thoroughly.*****The Lunch Bunch will dine at Novrozsky’s this Wednesday but will not meet next Wed., July 4. Two weeks from now the Lunch Bunch will dine at Robert’s.


On June 24, Ross Perot turns 82; J J Abrams.

46; Viktor Petrenko.

43; and Tobey Maguire.

37; and Matthew Lewis, 23.*** Mel Brooks reaches 86 on June 28, while Kathy Bates turns 64.

Also sharing that date is John Cusack, 46.*** June 29 is the birthday of Gary Busey, 68; Richard Lewis, 65; and Nicole Scherzinger, 34.*** David Alan Grier turns 57 on June 30, while Mike Tyson is 46 and Michael Phelps turns 27.*** July 1 is the birthday of Jamie Farr, 78; Debbie Harry, 67; Dan Aykroyd, 60; Carl Lewis, 51; Pamela Anderson, 45; Missy Elliott, 41; and Liv Tyler, 35.*** Michelle Branch turns 29 on July 2.

Others born on that day are Ashley Tisdale, 27; and Lindsay Lohan, 26.*** Tom Cruise turns half a century July 3 and Patrick Wilson turns 39.


Joe Badeaux was driving down Hwy. 14 from Abbeville and wen he got to da Kaplen city limits, him, Policeman Clovis Viator was parked behind da bushes wit his radar on. He turned on his lights and syringe and stop Badeaux, who was going 60-mile per hour in a 50-mile zone.

Badeaux hand him his driver’s license and concealed weapon card.

Officer Viator axe, “Mr. Badeaux, you got a weapon you?”

“Mais yea,” Badeaux answer, “I got a 357 magnum rat here on da seat, I got a 45 automatic in da glove box and a 30-30 rifle here on da floor board.”

Officer Viator axe, “Mr. Badeaux, are you fraid of anyting you?”

Badeaux say, “Not much.”


More than 69,000 bridges in the U.S. need immediate repair or replacement.

More than 146,000 miles of highways need maintenance now.

The repair work would create a lot of jobs, plus the work needs doing.

President Obama sent a jobs bill to the congress.

The deadline for them to act is June 30.

The congress continues to sit on their hands and do nothing to improve the economy.*****Too hot to fish, but if your tough and willing to risk it, Capt.

Dickie Colburn and Capt.

Chuck Uzzle report in their columns that the fishing is good.

So if it gets too cold at home, get out of the house and come wet a hook.

If you want a good guide call either of these guys.

They’re the best in this part of Texas.*****Our sympathies to David Self on the death of his mom in Arkansas.

Also to our friend Rocky Colvin on the death of his mom.*****My time is up, thanks for yours.

Take care and God bless.


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