Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

From the Creaux's Nest


The runoff elections are now history.

I believe the Republican runoffs for United StatesSenate and the Congressional races in Dist.

36 broke all records in spending.

The citizens of Texas didn’t win in the senate race, in fact, it’s a step backwards.


Kay Bailey Hutchison’s level headed leadership will be missed.

She always voted the party line except when it wasn’t the best thing to do for the American people.

She is not an obstructionist.

I believe Democrat Paul Sadler would by far be he best U.S. senator.

I also believe Dewhurst should have run away with the race.

As long as he has served, he should have not been in a runoff.

Some folks agree with me that his ties to Gov. Rick Perry hurt him.

The Perry brand took a downward slide after his ridiculous showing in the presidential run.

People of Texas saw him for what he is.

Can you believe Sarah Palin and others blamed Dewhurst for not being conservative enough? They want extremist in office.

What surprises me the most is the campaign Steve Stockman was able to muster.

He didn’t leave a stone unturned.

I got four mail outs and six phone calls from his phone bank.

On the national scene, Mitt Romney’s road trip overseas is being criticized by his own constituents as amateurish and not ready for prime time when it comes to foreign policy.

I predicted, a long time ago, Romney would pick Rob Portman as his vice-presidential choice.

Maybe we will soon know.*****Well, I have a lot of Olympic events to watch so I’d best get to work.

Come along, I promise it won’t do you no harm.


Last Wednesday, the U.S. Senate voted tax cuts for all but the highest-earning Americans.

The $250 billion senate measure would extend tax cuts in 2013 for most Americans.

The cuts otherwise would expire in January.

However, it would deny those reductions to the top two percent of earners.

The middle class tax break would go to 98 percent of individuals, as well as nearly every small business owner.

It is now up to the Congress.

They are the only people left in Washington holding hostage the middle class tax cuts.

The ball is in their court. If they do nothing and let the Bush tax breaks expire, that means the Congress will let the country go over the cliff, raising taxes on everyone.

After the Senate vote, I’m told by a friend in Washington, that panic set in for Republican congressmen, who find themselves holding the ball with a vote coming up this week.

I’m told it was a mass exodus Thursday by congressmen rushing to their districts.

My friend said it was like flushing out “a covey of quail.” Congressmen caught the first plane available back to their districts.

In an orchestrated push across the country, their talking points would be to place the blame on president Obama.

The congressmen hastily put together gatherings, called “town halls” as many as five, on Friday, the one day they had.

The reason for the so called town halls was not to draw a crowd, the press coverage blaming Obama is what they wanted.

Hoping to divert the blame from themselves when they vote this week.

President Obama has absolutely nothing to do with it.

He doesn’t have a vote.

The Senate passed the bill, now it’s strictly up to the Congress.

They can vote to extend the middle-class tax cuts or against it.

No one else to blame.

A new Gallup report says this Congress is the most dysfunctional since 1947.

I don’t know why that year.

Gallup went on to say this Congress, in the last 19 months, is the worst ever.

They have a chance to change their 99 percent approval rating by doing the right thing for the country and voting for the senate bill that will help everyone but the wealthiest two percent.


10 Years Ago-2002

Longtime community leader and banker, Mike Moreau, suffered a heart attack.

The Bridge City Rotary president is in guarded condition in intensive care at St. Mary Hospital in Port Arthur.

Moreau is senior vice-president and lending officer at County Bank.

County commissioner John Dubose said that after visiting Moreau he felt he was a little better but not out of the woods.

(Editor’s note: Mike recovered slowly and as far as I know he is enjoying retirement.

I’m not sure where he spends his time these days.)*****West Nile Virus victim “BuddyRasberry remains in St. Mary’s ICU but shows signs of improvement.

(Editor’s note: today Buddy is 88 years old and still kicking but not very high.*****Police await autopsy results of 4 year old DannarriahFinley, kidnapped and found dead.*****Lance Armstrong wins his fourth Tour de France with a time of 82 hours, 5 minutes, 12 seconds.

Former Orangeite Susan Halliburton covered the 23 days of the race.*****Some fine people we lost the last few days.

Hub Alexander, 76, died July 25, after having heart surgery.

He was a close friend of Bill Clark and Doug Harrington.

All the women loved “Hub.”***Dickey Van Williams, 68, died July 22.

He and Novie had been married 54 years.***FlorenceMiller, 83, died July 26.

The former real estate agent was the mother of longtime writer and Vidor school principle Shelia Beeson Sarver.***Jerry Dotson, 62, died July 27.

An Orangefield High booster, he owned Dotson’s Exxon Full Service Station.*****In other news, Mike Hoke, who has been hired by the Stark Foundation to help open Shangri La, had to have triple bypass surgery.

He’s doing well now, his heart is hitting on all cylinders.

(Editor’s note: Mike recovered and the great job he did with ShangriLa is now history.)****Orange native, R.C. Slocum, 57, is starting his 14th year as Texas A&M’s head football coach.

He has won 117 games, the most in Aggie history.*****Bridge City footballers, Luke Wolfford and Tyler Briggs, leave for Southern Arkansas University where they will be teammates.

Football two-a-days starts next week.*****J. W. “Kid” Henry arrived in Orange from the Philippines with his bride of two years.

(Editor’s note: When Mrs. Henry returned home, J.W. followed.

Over the last 10 years he’s made several trips back and forth.

I believe he is now living in the Philippines.)*****Texas has signed a reciprocal agreement with Wyoming allowing citizens with concealed hand gun licenses to legally carry guns in both states.*****Rev. Dewitt Rainwater and Sister Mandy celebrate their second wedding anniversary Aug. 4.

(Editor’s note: Today Brother Rainwater and his friend Rev. Leo Anderson have joined up in the other side.

Rainwater was known as the “Singing Evangelist.” His music and preaching can still be heard Sunday 8 a.m.

on KOGT.)

35 Years Ago-1977

The Orange Noon Optimist Club chartered at Monday meeting by representatives of Optimist International.

Lester Alford is the governor.

Benny Mazzola was elected charter club president.

Rick O’Neal was named club secretary.

The club meets Monday noon at the Ramada.*****Don Jacobs has finally made it to Nashville.

He is seeking fame and fortune in Music City.

So far he has pitched songs to Red Sovine and Porter Wagoner, who just completed a new album, and not looking for new songs.

Don will keep pitching and trying to make his mark in song writing.*****Ace and Jo Amodeo hosted the monthly dinner club at their Bridge City home.

Jo served stuffed mushrooms to her guests.

The group, consisting of the Harmon’s, Hughes, Dugas‘, Dunn’s, Conway’s and Fontenot’s, took in Gallager’s in Beaumont.*****Lynn Hall’s birthday was celebrated with a party in her honor at her home.

Lots of goodies and guitar strumming. Jack White’s little brother, Andy, 6 foot, 2 inches, from Brownsville, was in attendance.

Andy is AD at the 4A and 3A schools there.*****Harold and Sheila Beeson had a big homemade ice cream party.

Judge Beeson, of Rose City, made it himself.

He is presently writing a novel.*****Janet Fontenot has 25 percent off on all shoes at her shoe Castle.

April Fontenot makes her first trip to New Orleans by train.*****Coach Neil Morgan opens his Shirt Hut in Bridge City.*****Larry and BarbaraBergeron have just returned from a 6,000 mile trip around the country.

They spent one night with Louis and Nancy Gay in Palm Springs.*****Happy anniversary this week to Ronda and GeraldReidmueller.*****JamesLapeyrolerie turns 7 on the 27th.

40 Years Ago-1972

The West Orange Chiefs have hired Mike Barry as their new head football coach.*****Sandy Parkhurst, who’s on five weeks vacation, and Wynona Gibson plan a big fishing trip.*****Paul Hale is elected mayor of Orange.*****Bobby Smitherman and Peggy Fall married last week.*****Betty Harmon took four kids on a week trip to Disney World and places in Florida.*****Louvenia Hryhorchuk is named to replace Fay Arnold as tax assessor-collector August 1.*****Brown Claybar married Linda Sue Anderson.

The newlyweds will make their home in Houston.

(Editor’s note: 40 years later Brown has recently retired as mayor of Orange.)*****Liz Wickersham is in Houston competing in the Miss Texas World Pageant.


Catherine LeBlanc, Megan Vogt, Melba Flippen, Ruby Parks, Tana Thompson, Yvonna Boehme, Megan Leleux, NaNa Foster, Joyce Dubose, Nathanishe Foster, Sherri Christiansen, Stump Weatherford, Travis Fields, Ayden Sanders, Chloe Halliburton, Cody Hollis, Debbie Desper, Joe Elam, Diane Bechard, Diana Tally, Elizabeth McBride, Glenda Delano, Lacey Monceaux, Marilyn Snider, Pat Beardin, Ruth Stone, Bob Gephart, Dena Cox, Ethel Hicks, Frank Wiegreffe, Pat Brandon, Jean Ousley, Jarrod Vogt, Jeannette Edwards, John Harrington, Kody Fisette, Vickie Wells, Ann Collins, Cetha Haure, Claire Williams, Frances Reid, Katelyn Defrates, Mike Shahan, Lucille Richey, Arleen Pryor, Micah Satir, Sylvia Bickham, Nan Briggs, Paul Jagen, Garhett Bonneaux, John Holm, Mike Preston, Mitzi Peoples, Pam Boehme, Randy Hickox, Sarah Fisher, Sleepy Smith, Sonya Villanoueva, Anita Decker, Jill Rowley, Melanie Braus, Gladys Ousley, Clare Calahan, Tessa Bailey, Rodney Hanks, Don Lyons and Kimberly Sensat.


Bridge City Little League 13-14 year old girls, winners of state, will now be playing for the regional title.

Good luck to these young ladies.***** Orange County assistant district attorney Philip Smith is their manager.*****Bloomingburg jobs reports there are three million jobs available in the country.

Over 2,000 truck drivers are needed right now.

The Sunday Houston Chronicle ran 18 pages of help wanted ads.*****We understand that Ms.

Ruby Pickard has transferred from Beaumont to a Pinehurst nursing home.

We wish this good lady the bet.*****Amber Hinds Williams, assistant district attorney, is working her last day.

She will become a stay at home mom.*****If you happen to be going to Austin, you might want to visit the new Willie Nelson statue.

It’s outside the new Austin City Limits studio, on the corner of Willie Nelson Blvd.

and Lavaca.

In Texas Bob Wills is still the king but in Austin, Willie is the man.********Bridge City High School class of 2002 held a 10-year reunion Sat., July 28 at Claiborne West Park.****Former commissioner Don Cole and daughter Alice visited us last week.

Don is 86 and he keeps fooling everyone.

He weathers illness and bounces right back.*****Ruthie Hannegan took a few days off from being a DA secretary to play grandma.

Her daughter, Katie Hunt, had her third child Tuesday, July 17.

I bet Tommy Reed is one proud great-grandpa.

Tommy fell and broke an arm a few months back so he’s been out of circulation.*****Longtime child support clerk Dale Avant retired from the County on Tuesday, July 31.*****A few folks we know celebrating their special day.

One of the nicest ladies we know, Joyce Dubose, celebrates her birthday Aug. 2, but that’s not all, she and commissioner John Dubose also marked their 44th anniversary on that day.

I attended their 25th anniversary party and can’t believe that was 19 years ago.

They are really fine people and we wish them the very best.*****Two ole’ boys we know celebrate on Aug. 2.

Wayne Morse, the little round man, once Wilson Robert’s and Roy Dunn’s neighbor, often got the blunt of the tricks or jokes in the neighborhood.

Now Howard Morse’s little boy joins the ranks of the old guys.*** Also our good buddy, Stump Weatherford, Dayle’s other half, is a year older Aug. 2.*** The other Roy Dunn, Judge Derry Dunn, will also celebrate Aug. 2.

The good judge will be 67 years young.***Chloe Halliburton also celebrates on that day.***Dena Cox and Pat Brandon celebrate Aug. 3.***John Harington, always vocal, is now mellowed with age.

He celebrates Aug. 4.***Dr.

Mike Shahan, who has been and is a great leader of Lamar Orange marks a birthday Aug. 5.

Best wishes Doc.***Everyone’s buddy, “Sleepy” Smith celebrates on Aug. 6.

A few years ago, he toured Alaska on his birthday.

Wonder what he’s doing exciting this year.***Also celebrating Aug. 6, is the salesman of the decade and singer, songwriter Robert Carpenter.***Brown Claybar, a guy I’ve known since he was a 6-years old, marks 40 years of marriage to pretty Linda Sue.

Happiness and good health to both of you great folks.***Before I close happy birthday to 1 year old Clark Wells, who celebrates Aug. 1.*****Last week, I gave out a phone number that friends of Dan Barker could reach him.

The number was wrong.

I was one number off.

Dan is sitting by waiting for your call.

Here is the correct number, 281-374-7487.****The Wednesday Lunch Bunch will dine at Novozsky’s this week and back to Robert’s next.

Last week, Mike and Kay Abbott showed up for lunch.

In July they were married 24 years.

Kay works for a nice guy, attorney Jerry Pennington.

She also works with our longtime friend Barbara Mulhollan.*****I understand things were quite and peaceful on the first floor of the court house last week.

Employees weren’t having to look over their shoulders.

By the way, Judge David Peck was off at school last week.*****The United States Post Office is losing $25 million every day.

That’s $14 billion a year.

At that rate they will someday go the way of the pony express and telegraph.

That would be bad.

Country folks over 50 depend on the mail, rain or shine.*****The Lutcher Stark classes from 1948 to 1952 meet every Tuesday at Dairy Queen at 10 a.m.

They are planning a big reunion in October.*****I understand that several Orange County young ladies have ventured to Jennings, La., to shop at LaBelle Femme Dress Shop to buy wedding outfits, prom dresses, evening wear and etc.

They say it’s worth the drive.

Tell ‘um we sent you.

They like Texans.*****Best wishes to Joe Luna, everyone’s friend, who has been battling cancer and winning.

However, he is returning to Houston for treatment.*****Here’s something that will be of interest.

The United States Commerce Dept.

has granted a request from Whirlpool, Inc. to impose tariffs on washing machines imported from South Korea and Mexico.

It’s called dumping and that’s illegal under U.S. trade laws.

American companies can seek duties to counteract it.

Harry and Margie Stephens, at Harry’s Appliance, sells only American made products, not so with many other dealers selling imports.


Coolio will be 49 on Aug. 1; John Carroll Lynch, 49.***Peter O’Toole will be 80 on Aug. 2; Mary Louise Parker, 48; Sam Worthington, 36.***Tony Bennett will be 86 on Aug. 3; Martin Sheen, 72; Martha Stewart, 71; Tom Brady, 35.***On Aug. 4, President Barack Obama will be 49; Billy Bob Thornton, 57; Jeff Gordon, 41.***Loni Anderson will be 66 on Aug. 5; Jonathan Silverman, 46.***M Night Silverman will be 42 on Aug. 6; Melissa George, 36.***Charlize Theron will be 37 on Aug. 7; David Duchovny, 52.


Clovis Landry, him, was speeding from Church Point to Eunice when a peace officer turn on his siren and bubble and pull Clovis over. Clovis, him, he jumped out of his car and he say, “Officer, me I can explain.”

Officer Broussard said, “jus be quiet you, I’m going to let you cool you heels in da jail until da Chief gets back, him.”

Clovis, he’s nervous, him, he says, “But Officer, I jus want to say….”

“I tol you to shut up and be quiet. Now for sure, you gonna go to jail,” officer Broussard said.

A few hours went by and da officer, him, looked in on his prisoner and said, “It’s lucky for you Clovis, dat da Chief is at his daughter’s wedding. He’ll be in a good mood, him, when he gets back.”

Clovis, him, he speaks up, “Don’t count on it, I’m da groom, me.”


Marilyn Monroe was found dead in her Brentwood home in Los Angeles 50 years ago, on Aug. 5, 1962.

She was necked and still clutching a phone.

The iconic bombshell was only 36 years old.

Was it an accidental drug overdose? Suicide? Murder at the hands of a political clan or the mob? Marilyn has never really gone away.

She still graces the cover of magazines.

She also remains a phenomenon.

Many new books, fiction and non-fiction, analyzing her childhood, her final days, photo books, lovely photos, nude photos are still in circulation.

Marilyn is still mythical and magical.

Born Norma Jean Baker, on June 1, 1926, she endured a fatherless childhood living in orphanages and foster homes.

She was sexually abused at age 8 by a boarder in one of the foster homes.

She married at 16 to one of her three husbands.

20th Century Fox signed her for a $125 a week contract for six months and changed her name.

The rest, as we say, is history.

She was one of the true beauties of my lifetime.

People will be researching her life for many more generation.*****Well, that does it for me for another week.

Now I can get back to watching the Olympics.

My time is up and I thank you for yours.

Please read us cover to cover.

Don’t miss the treasure our late friend, King Dunn, left us in his recording of early life in Orange County.

Also don’t forget to patronize our family of advertisers and check us out daily on our website, TheRecordLive.com.

Take care and God bless.


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