Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

BCCC announces September Students of the Month

The Bridge City Chamber of Commerce held its September Coffee at COS Printing, located at 1600 Texas Avenue. With school back in session, the Chamber honored its first students of the month from both Bridge City High School and Orangefield High School for the 2012-2013 school year.

The first honoree from Bridge City is Jordan Smith, daughter of Phillip Smith and Kimberly Miller. She holds a GPA of 4.88 and is first in her class of 165 students.

Jordan has earned numerous awards and honors, including being the three-time 3A State Champion for Literary Criticism, Second place in the Stark Reading Competition in 2010, first place in the Stark Reading Competition in 2012 and was named semi-finalist in the National Merit Scholar Program. She is also the captain of both the Literary Criticism and Academic Teams. She has performed many hours of community service, as well. Miss Smith plans to achieve a PhD in English and teach English at the university level.

Orangefield High School’s first honoree is also a very accomplished young woman.

Heather Singletary, is the daughter of April and Thomas Kilpatrick.

Heather holds a 3.68889 GPA on the College 4.0 ranking scale.

She is very active in Orangefield’s Art Club, Marching Band, Color Guard, National Honor Society, UIL One Act Play, UIL Science and their Thespian troupe.

Miss Singletary has won the Big O award and an award for Technical Excellence in One Act plays.

Heather actively serves her community thru Salvation Army, Drive for your school, Art in the Park and Eighteen shades of grey: Greyhound Adoptions.

She plans to attend Lamar University and later Stephen F. Austin with the goal of becoming a teacher.

Both Jordan and Heather received certificates honoring them for their accomplishments along with gift certificates from Walmart, Tiger Rock Martial Arts of Bridge City, Sabine Federal Credit Union, COS Printing and David Self Ford.

BC Student of the Month:

Jordan Smith was named the Bridge City Student of the Month for Semptember by the Bridge City Chamber of Commerce. Pictured above are: Phillip Smith, Jordan Smith, Bridge City Chamber Ambassador Dave Derosier, Principal Mr. Briggs and Superintendent Mike King.


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