Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

From the Creaux's Nest


I don’t believe there are any ready answers to why mass killings in public places, school, theaters, or other crowded venues have escalated over the past few years.

The execution style killings of 20 precious children and six adults in Newtown,Connecticut’sSandyHookElementarySchool just brings more questions of why and an outcry for answers.

There are no quick solutions or fixes.

We’re faced today with a society that exploits violence, mental health conditions, that are not properly treated or not treated at all.

We live in a different gun culture where it’s not enough to own firearms for protection or game hunting.

Today, around the nation, there are 360 million guns owned by individuals.

On the day after the Connecticut school murders, the record was broken for gun purchases in one day in the history of our county.

Our constitution’s second amendment guarantees us that right to bear arms but does it give us the right to semi-automatic assault weapons designed to kill in large numbers? American citizens live their lives as ideal parents, workers, ministers, politicians, teachers and yes, even newspaper people, who own guns.

Gun ownership is not the problem alone and in most cases, is not the problem at all.

The NRA Gun Lobby and right wing conservatives are quick to say “Guns don’t kill, people do.” They have a point; however, 85 people are killed by people with guns every day.

Over 30,000 a year, more than all wars, car wrecks, etc.

So if guns didn’t play a part, 30,000 people a year would be alive.

It would be hard to kill that many with a knife or stick.

Everybody here must take responsibility to help reduce the problem.

It’s not all one way.

President Obama said we must work for change but he’s in a very difficult place.

His base will criticize him for not going far enough; the other side will claim Obama wants to take their guns away.

In fact, I ran into a lady Tuesday that said just that, “the President is using the killing of those children as an excuse to take our guns,” she said.

She and her husband are digging a tomb like hole to hide their guns and they are buying all the ammunition they can while it’s available.

I asked if she watches FOX News. “Absolutely, that’s the only place you get the truth,” she said.

I have witnesses to that being a fact.

So you see there are extremes on both sides.

One thing you can rest assured of is that President Obama and the government will never take your guns.

That’s foolish thinking.

I feel like assault weapons sales will at least be curtailed.

That alone won’t stop the mass killings but we must do whatever we need to make a safer place for our children and our society.

It will take all sides working together, including the NRA and gun advocates.

The time has come to start a positive move.

Yes, while the nation weeps and before the tears dry.

*****I must move on.

I felt like my prospective needed saying.

Dec. 14, 2012 will live a long time in the minds of everyone who has children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Please come along, it won’t do you no harm.


Middle class families have been losing ground since RonaldReagan became president.

Today working people have a smaller piece of the cake or the icing is gone.

As the union declines so does the middle class and that should concern everyone.

All the advances that workers enjoy on their jobs today are due to the hard fights unions went through to improve the pay scale and working conditions.

I recall the bad Texaco strike in Port Arthur in 1950.

The unions stayed out for nearly a year.

The wages were under $3 an hour and the working conditions were awful.

The strikingunion members suffered.

I recall them buying a cow for milk, chickens for eggs and meat and raising gardens just to survive through the strike.

But those efforts are felt today in the good pay and working conditions at all area plants.

Non-union workers have been the beneficiaries of advances fought for by union workers.

Unions are being attacked by politicians; the latest in Michigan, making it harder for unions to collect dues.

The attacks will continue in Republican controlled states.

Next is stripping public sector unions like police, firemen, teachers, etc.

States who have one party control, like Wisconsin, with the stroke of the pen can do away with public unions.

No more bargaining for policemen, sheriff’s employees, teachers.

Texas is controlled state wide by one party and could easily be rubber stamped, doing away with public sector unions.

Over and over I see people vote against their own interest.

Don’t for one minute believe that doing away with public unions wouldn’t make a lot of governing bodies happy.

Millions could be saved statewide if you didn’t have unions to contend with.

Think about that the next time you voteagainstyourowninterest.


A Christmas gift to the nation would be to end the fiscal crisis.

The end is in sight.

President Obama will probably keep in place the Bush era tax rate for households with earnings less then $500,000.

A half million, that’s 100,000 more than he had already proposed.

The top tax bracket would pay only 3.6 percent more but the President will insist the most vulnerable are protected while sticking to his request on infrastructure spending for roads, bridges, schools etc.

and also on the extension of expiring unemployment benefits.

He won’t agree to deep cuts to Medicare health providers.

That should make doctors, hospitals, etc.


The stickler might be a two year debt ceiling deal that would take the issue off the table for that time, and then our governmentleaders could go back to governing.

Over 10 years, the fiscal deal would be around $1.2 trillion both ways, in revenues and cuts.


We were indeed saddened by the death of Dorothy Harmon, age 81, who passed away Friday, Dec. 14, at St. Elizabeth.


Dorothy had been fighting numerous illnesses the past few months.

Time after time the families’ hopes would brighten only to meet another challenge.

She fought on until she was called home.

Dorothy and Don had been married 60 years.

They remained extremely close and best friends and over the years, had two sons and several grandchildren.

She wasn’t only a mother hen to Don but also to all the offspring.

She was an avid reader of this column and as we share an office with Don and Corky her passing hit close to home.

Dorothy Harmon was a very nice woman and always a lady.

Condolences to our friend Don, our prayers are with him and sons Donnie and Kevin and theirfamilies and friends.

Services were held Tuesday, Dec. 18.

May she rest in peace.

Please see obituary.


We were saddened also to learn of the death of our longtime friend Donny Garsee, age 66, who passed away Dec. 13, at Baptist Hospital in Beaumont.

He was a native of San Augustine and had lived in Orange 45 years. He had been employed by Boilermaker Union Local 587 for the last 35 years, and was a member of the First Baptist Church of Mauriceville. Donny loved the outdoors, he loved to hunt, fish and ride his motorcycle. He leaves behind wife Linda, daughters Coleen and Malanie, step-daughter Lacy and step-sons Clark and Quincy, several grandchildren, sister Cathy and brother Danny.


Someone hacked into Patsy Pecks computer and got the names of all her contacts. We received the following e-mail Monday, Dec. 17, at 6:20 a.m. A few months ago Judge Courtney Arkeem was also the subject of a similar scam.

The e-mail requested help in Patsy’s name.

“I really hope you get this fast.

I could not inform anyone about our trip because it was impromptu.

We had to be in Philippines for a Christmas Holiday and Tour.

The program was successful, but our journey has turned sour.

we misplaced our wallet and cell phone on our way back to the hotel that we lodge in after we went for sight seeing.

The wallet contained all the valuables we had.

Now, our passport is in custody of the hotel management pending when we make payment.

I am sorry if I am inconveniencing you but I have only very few people to run to now.

i will be indeed very grateful if i can get a short term loan from you ($1,450 USD).

this will enable me sort our hotel bills and get my sorry self back home.

I will really appreciate whatever you can afford in assisting me with this.

I promise to refund it in full as soon as I return.

let me know if you can be of any assistance.

Please let me know soonest.

Thanks so much…”Patsy Peck

NOTE: Judge David Peck says if you’re gullible enough to send money, send a money order to Patsy’shomeaddress.


10 Years Ago-2002

After 22 years, Justice of the Peace Flo Edgerly retires from Pct.


Dec. 31 will be her last day as J.P. Longtime employee Janice Menard was elected to the J.P. post and takes over Jan. 1, 2003.

Judge Flo celebrates her birthday Christmas Day.

She says, “I can not imagine having a birthday at any other time.

Our Christmas tree has both birthday and Christmas gifts under it.

I get more gifts than anyone.”*****The Bridge City Chamber named Marialaice Saucier “Citizen of the Year.” *****Bill and BettySmith celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary Dec. 23.

(Editor’s note: Betty passed away a few years ago but Bill, the railroad engineer, is still going strong.)*****Point of interest.

This week, back in 1945, Gen.

George Patton was buried after being killed in a Heidelberg, Germany auto accident on Des.


I didn’t realize that he hadn’t made it to D-Day.

*****Bridge City’s Matt Bryant and the Giants beat Payton Manning and the Colts, 44-27.

*****Services were held for Lee Roy Arnaud, 66, who died Dec. 22.

A native of Arnaudville, he was a resident of Bridge City.

His wife Lynn died a couple of years ago.

His children are Tony, MaryAnn and Richard.

****Margaret “Peggy” Toal Garrett, 80, a native of Orange, died in Dallas on Dec. 19.

*****Derrick Bufford, 12, of Orange, wins the ‘Silver Gloves State Champion Bantam Weight’ championship in McKinney.

Derrick is a student at Little Cypress-Mauriceville Junior High.

The 119 pound youth will fight next in Region 6.

A win would sent him to the national championship.*****Van Choate’s Cajun Cookery is now serving snow crabs plus crabs, shrimp, ribs, quail, boudain, catfish etoufee, jambalaya, gumbo, several deserts.

(Editor’s note: Now those were the days when you could eat all you want for $12.99.

I guess the days are gone of large selection, low prices.)

40 Years Ago-1972

Kendig Gulf has grand opening at 3001 MacArthur Circle.*****For the third year in a row, Donald Riley, a sixth grader at Salk School, has been chosen to the Jr.

Football All Star team in three divisions.*****The All Orange County Fellowship of Christian Athletes football team was announced by six coaches.

Coaches were Chief Wilson of Bridge City, Bill Parker of Little Cypress-Mauriceville, Cliff Larson of Stark, Mike Trevathan of Orangefield, Jeep Colburn of Vidor and Glen Green of West Orange.

The team was recognized Sunday afternoon at Little Cypress-Mauriceville.

Auditorium at an FCA rally.

Popular spiritual singer Ray Hildebrant was special guest.*****Clyde Haynes is outgoing state representative, Wayne Peveto replaces him next month.*****James Stringer, county judge, likes to marry people so well he married himself this year.*****Joe Blanda is the town’s most famous barber.*****Bridge City judge is Guy Rasco.*****Pretty Carmon Davis, a realtor, is the goddess of poise.*****West Orange police chief is Tony Taylor.*****John Greco is a colorful doctor who is married to Joan.

(Editor’s note: she hadn’t yet hooked up with Ed Lovelace).*****Sallie Frazier is county clerk.

David Dunn is judge of County Court at Law.

Larry Gunter is city judge of Pinehurst.

Louvenia Hryhorchuck is the new tax assessor.

Casey Peveto is still commissioner, Pct.

1.*****Jerry Peveto, son of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Peveto, wins RCA National Rodeo Championship Steer Dogging for 1972 held last week in Oklahoma City.

He also won $3,500 in prize money.*****Brenda Bradley, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bradley of Bridge City, will leave Dec. 26 for a Christian Mission tour through Europe and the Near East.

She will train first in Switzerland.

She’s a 1970 Bridge City grad.


Dan Brocklehurst, Ellisia Smith, Christina Carpenter, Marcu McLellan, Mitch Hidalgo, Raymond Hughes, Ruth Fournier, Bill Cardner, Janet Holland, Shelby Vogt, Stacey Bates, Andrew Havens, Jeremy Granger, Jeffery Huebel, Elizabeth Parish, Kenneth Pigg, Majed Jaarah, Marion Martin, Matt Reeves, Daniel Perry, Buddie Hahn, Rick Deutsch, Bill Bailey, Glenda Granger, Paula Hall, Rachel Guidry, Donny Robbins, Phyllis Broussard, Rodney Harmon, Yvonne Veillon, Clevie Fontenot, James Robbins, Charlee Lemons, Dale Burns, Debi Foster, Rodney Petty Sr., Walter LeBlanc, Chris Gunn, Jane Holton, Sue Cowling, Holly Bryan, Joy Scarborough, Mindy Granger, Toni Thompson, Trey Clark, Terri Estes, Helen DeRoche, Lewis Sims, Mary Jane McCune, Mike Dillion, Earline Russell, Ruby Ryan, Ronnie Hutchison, Rushia Mae Cooper, Velma Theriot, Evelyn Foster, Janelle Deutsch, Louise Buker, Mary Frances Hartley and Randy Wuske.


At this time of year, for over 20 years, our friend Dot Esbach would come driving up, delivering a gift of her famous fudge.

Dot passed away this year but to keep the tradition going, Cal and Connie Esbach duplicated Dot‘s recipe and blessed us with an annual gift package of fudge.*****Our friend Quincy Procell stopped by.

He has lost over 80 pounds and when he loses 20 more he will have knee surgery.*****Liz Hogan, the insurance lady, is not only easy to look at but she’s also very nice.

She says advertising her business in The Record has been very successful.

Liz has expanded and now has an insurance agency in Buna.

Many people from the Buna area pick up The Record so we wanted them to know about the Liz Hogan Agency with All-State.*****Our friend Donna Peterson Stutes (mom) had hip joint replacement at Methodist Hospital in Houston.

The first time she tried to get up she passed out.

The attendant thought she had a heart attack.

That rumor sped through Orange.

Mom“ is fine, her heart is good.*****The Orange County boys in the NFL all had a good weekend.

Coach Wade Phillips and his Houston Texan defense shut down the Colts 29-17, but Adrian Peterson and the Minnesota Vikings come to Reliant next.***Matt Bryant and his Atlanta Falcons whipped up on Eli and the Giants 34-0.

Matt kicked two field goals and four extra points.***Earl Thomas and the Seattle Seahawks had a great day against the Buffalo Bills, 50-17.

Earl had an interception that he returned for a 57-yard TD.***Dallas won 27-14 in overtime over the Steelers, and the New Orleans Saints whipped up on Tampa Bay 41-0.

Drew Brees and the Saints come to Jerry‘s house Sunday noon.*****People never cease to amaze me.

Last Wednesday, 12-12-12, a North Texas man carved a pentagram into his six year old son‘s back.

He told the 911dispatcher he did it because “It‘s a Hold Day.” He was charged with aggravatedassault with a deadly weapon.

The guy needs to be locked up in a room with Quincy or JohnnyMontage for a little while.*****We ran into Al Lyons, the butcher at Bridge City Market Basket the other day.

We had a lot to visit about and told stories about “Spec“ Faries, who was a famous Orange and Bridge City butcher.

Everyone who ever knew “Spec“ has a story.

He even once worked for Frank Todaro at the “Save-way Super Market, on Park Ave. Those two were a pair of aces.

Both are long gone now.

I wonder if they ended up in the same spot.

If they did, the place is not the same.*****A few folks we know celebrating birthdays.

Mitch Hidalgo, Raymond Hughes, Stacey Bates and Christina celebrate on Dec. 19.***Dec. 20, Annie Hargrave, the nice lady at the checkout at Bridge City Market Basket, also married to Joe for many years, deserves a nice day.***Our buddy Kenny Pigg is a year older on Dec. 20.

Danny should have something special for him.

Most of Kenny’s meals come from Danny’s Deli.

***Dec. 21, is the birthday of one of my favorite people, Judge Buddie Hahn.

When I first met Buddie we were both 35 years younger and it’s been a good ride.

More importantly to the Judge is that Dec. 23 is he and the lovely Ms.

Carol’s 46th wedding anniversary.

They have lived the good and sad times and I wish them only the best in a long, healthy life.***On Dec. 22, Rooney Harmon,YvonneVeillon and PhyllisBroussard celebrate their special day.***Our longtime buddy ChrisGunn, Dayle and Buzzie’s little boy, who is married to the lovely Cindy, is a year older.

He was just a puppy when we first laid eyes on him at Gunn’sStudio.

***A special friend, longtime educator JoyScarborough, will celebrate her big day on Dec. 24.

Back in June, MissJoy injured her leg and her therapy has been slow and has really set this most active lady back.

The injury has taken its toll but she’s not giving up, she’s fighting back and on her birthday we wish her the best and a great year.

***Also celebrating on the 24 is Al’s better half HelenDeRoche.

We wish her a special happy birthday.

***A special day for our friends Rene and LucyHanks, who celebrate 57 years on Dec. 24.

Best wishes for many more.

***Dec. 25, Christmas Day, is double special for a bunch of folks.

JudgeFlo and our friend RonnieHutchison are Christmas babies.

Also EarlineRussell, RubyRyan, Velma Theriot, EvelynFoster, RushiaMaeCooper, Louise Buker,JanelleDeutsch, RandyWuske and MaryFrancesHartley all celebrate on Christmas Day.

Happiest birthdays to all.

Please see complete list in this paper.*****The Wednesday Lunch Bunch holds it‘s 20th anniversary and Christmas gathering , hosted by Robert and his staff at Robert‘s Steak House.

More on this great gathering next week.

On Dec. 26, the LunchBunch will gather at Novrozsky’s, that’s the dayafterChristmas.

*****Next week The Penny Record and The County Record will be out at it‘s regular time on Wednesday.

It will be our special “End of the Year” publication, however we will have an earlierdeadline of Saturday for news releases and advertising copy.

For “End of Year“ sales promotions, the absolute deadline will be 12 noonMonday.

It‘s a great time to advertise during our promotions.


Alcid Comeaux him, walked into da crowded waitin room at Dr. Boudreaux’s office. Da receptionist, Ms. Agnes, her, axe Comeaux why he needed to see da doctor him?

Comeaux say, “Well, dere’s something wrong with my weiner.“ Ms. Agnes her, came unglued, got huffy and say, “Mr. Comeaux, you shouldn’t come into a crowded room and say anyting like dat.”

Comeaux say, “Mai, you axe wats wrong wit me and I toll you.”

Ms. Agnes say, “Mr. Comeaux, you caused a lot of patients in dis room to be embarrassed. You should have said something is wrong wit you ear and wen Dr. Boudreaux axe you in private, tell him wat is wrong wit you.”

Comeaux say, “Okay,” and turned and walked outside . In a few minutes he come back in.

Ms. Agnes smiled and say, “Yes.”

Comeaux say, “Dere’s something wrong wit my ear.”

Ms. Agnes smile her, knowing Comeaux had taken her advice. Den she axe, “Wat seems to be da problem wit you ear, hanh?”

Comeaux anser, “Mai, I can’t pee out of it.”


Thanks to Dr.

Chris Penning and his very capable staff I managed to get through another column.

It ain’t been easy.

It’s coming on Christmas and I have been blessed with many gifts, great friends, good friends, friends, plus over 40 years of loyal readers and a supportive advertising family.

I have a healthy family, well somewhat, a few enemies that inspire me to go on, a life that is never boring and a God that’s dealt me a good hand.

He even put me and the crawfish in the same place, where the world’s most beautiful women are around to admire, in a wonderful, peacefulcommunity, surrounded by great people. When storms hit “Acts of God” like Hurricane Ike, I learned the resolve, strength and kindness of our county.

How could I be more fortunate.

I have plenty to be thankful for this Christmas.

Material things are the icing.

I hope you and your family are also blessed.

From all of us here at The Record, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas but first a happy “End of the World” Friday.

May your turkey and ham come out just right.

Thanks to Capt.

Chuck Uzzle, I’m having wild duck.

Take care and God bless.


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