Hometown News For Orange County, Texas
The Orange Fire Department is the proud owner of a new truck, Ladder No. 1. The truck, costing approximately $1.2 million dollars, officially came into service Friday.
A Port Security Grant, funded by FEMA and the Coast Guard, covered 75 percent of the cost. The OFD was responsible for 25 percent. They traded in their ‘93 model ladder truck to cover part of the cost and only had to pay $138,000 for a million dollar truck.
The grant was given to the OFD to increase their industrial fire fighting capabilities but has no restrictions on how the OFD can use their new ladder truck.
Ladder No. 1 has a pumping capacity of 2,000 gallons per minute, has a 250 gallon foam tank and a 300 gallon water tank. The OFD has not had the opportunity to use it, but they have had extensive training to prepare for that day.
Pictured are Fire Fighters Jeremy Burch, Chad Hall and Probationary Fire Fighter Joel Gilbert. RECORD PHOTO: Nicole Gibbs.
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