Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Drill at BCE Wednesday

The Bridge City ISD will be conducting an active shooter drill 3:45 p.m. Wednesday at Bridge City Elementary.

According to George Navarro, with the BCISD campus police, all of the Orange County first responder agencies have been invited to participate.

Those who have agreed to help and be in attendance at the school include police from Bridge City, Orange, West Orange, Vidor Independent School District, deputies from the Orange County Sheriff’s Office and troopers from the Department of Public Safety.

Also invited to attend is the Bridge City fire department and local EMS with Acadian Ambulance Service.

The drill will be conducted long after students are gone, but BCE staff and other district staff will participate in the drill. It is expected to be completed by 6 p.m.

During the drill, First Responders will systematically clear the building, check for injuries and search for persons with weapons.

School Superintendent Mike King along with other school staff will be in a command center to make decisions and watch the drill on live-stream video.

“I think this will give us a chance to work together and give us a different perspective on how things should work and how to manage help when help arrives,” Navarro said.

This is obviously a scenario school officials hope and pray never develops, but it is important to be proactive in our training for the safety of our students and staff, he added.


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