Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

BCCC announces Students of the Month

The Bridge City Chamber of Commerce announced the Students of the Month for March at their monthly networking coffee held at Kirk’s on 87 located at 4645 South Highway 87. Justus Milligan was chosen as the Bridge City Student of the Month and Reagan Ficken was chosen as the Orangefield Student of the Month.

Milligan is ranked eighth out of his class of 154 students with a 4.49 and is the son of Mark and Cyndi Milligan. He is an Eagle Scout, on the A Honor Roll and is a member of the National Honor Society, Student Council, the Tennis Team and AOPA and EAA. Milligan also has his private pilot’s license. He has served over 100 hours of community service in Scouting including 33 hours spent on an Eagle Project at the Veteran’s Memorial Park and service at the Ministerial Alliance, nursing homes and numerous churches.

Milligan hopes to attend LeTourneau to study aviation science while going on mission aviation trips and plans to become employed by an airline or a corporation.

Teacher comments include “he has the ability to think outside the box while seeing real life applications of math. He portrays all of the moral and civic-mindedness characteristics you would expect from an Eagle Scout.”

Ficken is ranked second out of his class of 121 with a 4.0 on the College 4.00 scale and is the son of Scott and Karen Ficken.

He is Class Vice President, on the Honor Roll, Debate Team, Team Captain of Academic Challenge, Captain of Power lifting and a State Qualifier, plays Varsity Football, a member of the National Honor Society, the National Forensics League, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Interact Club, is a Rotary Club Student, Rotary Youth Leadership Association participant and involved with the Winfree Baptist Youth Ministry.

Ficken has been awarded Big “O” awards, academic all district powerlifting, received the THSPA Certificate of Excellence, is on the Texas Boy’s State Party Platform Committee and County Judge Candidate and UIL Lincoln Douglas Debate, placing fifth in District.

His community service includes Student Life VBS, Relay for Life, Special Olympics, Boys and Girls Club of America, Sheperd’s Inn repairs, Winfree Baptist Pumpkin Patch, Hurricane Relief, Soup Kitchen, World Changers and Christmas in Orangefield.

Ficken plans to graduate from Lamar with a mechanical engineering degree and become employed locally, marry and raise a family right here while preaching.

Teacher comments include “he always accepts a challenge and meets it with a maturity far beyond his years. He is talented, respects the importance of hard work and maintains this work ethic with wit and a sense of humor that is infectious to his peers and teachers alike.”

Both Milligan and Ficken received a certificate honoring them for their accomplishments along with gift certificates from The Classy Peacock, Wal-Mart, Tiger Rock Martial Arts of Bridge City, Sabine Federal Credit Union, Central Office Supply, Firestone Credit Union, David Self Ford and Geaux Mail.


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