Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

From the Creaux's Nest


Welcome to our 53rd anniversary edition.

That’s a longtime for a locally owned publication to make available a free newspaper to everyone who wants one.

Our newspaper is delivered to homes on every street, on every block in our trade area, in addition to over 4,000 papers in stores and drop locations in our area.

The paper is also made available in the Deweyville, Vinton and Mauriceville, etc.


In putting this issue together what surprised us the most is how many local independent businesses and professionals have been in operation for 20, 40, 60, or 80 years.

The real backbone of Orange County are the independent businesses, locally owned, not the big chain stores who have little connection to the community.

We are thankful to each of those who participated in this anniversary collector’s issue.

We are also especially grateful to those good folks who support this free community paper on a regular basic.

We call them our “Family of Advertisers.” Through the 53 years it has often been difficult to meet the printing cost and the high prices of gasoline amounted to a tremendous expense to deliver free to every citizen but we plowed on, often at a loss.

Like the U.S. mail, rain or shine, every week for 53-years, we delivered local community happenings.

That’s amazing to me, and quite a success story.

Last but not least, for all those years, our obituaries have been absolutely without charge.

We have always felt that the public acknowledgement of someone who has shared this earth with us is the least we can do.

We run their obit even if it’s after the funeral service.

We carry all current death notices as they become available on our website as well.

We hear many compliments, like how citizens look forward to Wednesday because it’s “Record day.” We hope to be around for many more years as your original weekly community newspaper.


We got the list down to three candidates but in the end the choice was very obvious.

Over the years, we honored citizens in many different vocations, school teachers, administrators, law enforcement, mayors, city officials and others.

We were long over due to honor this year’s recipient, Judge Carl K. Thibodeaux.

For many years, he has lead Commissioner’s Court, often through some trying times.

Over the years, every election has brought new commissioners for the Judge to work with.

He always saw to it that it was a smooth transition.

Today Orange County is one of the most efficient in the state, with a healthy reserve balance.

Judge Thibodeaux is a true consertative, horned by common sense.

He doesn’t participate in partison politics.

As a judge and leader of the county, he remains truly independent and his decisions are based on the betterment of the county and its citizens.

Several officials who worked beside him say how fortunate we were to have Judge Thibodeaux in a leadership role when hurricanes Rita and Ike struck.

He not only guided us through the vast destruction but squeezed every nickel available from the federal government to rebuild our structures, roads and repair of damages.

No county judge in our history has done more, built more, for less money from the tax payers.

He has explored and used every grant available.

The infrastructure of Orange County has never been better.

Judge Thibodeaux is not a ceremonial judge, he works every day and is dedicated to the workload.

His door is always open to all citizens.

We are proud to have him as our “Person of the Year.” We appreciate his outstanding service.

Take a moment to congratulate the Judge and thank him for the great job he does each and every day, year in and year out.


10 Years Ago-2003

The Bridge City council is honoring Steve Worster with a proclamation that recognizes April 29th as “Steve Worster Day,” the same day the Bridge City High and University of Texas All American is being inducted into the “Cotton Bowl” Hall of Fame.

In 1965-1966, Steve was the talk around the state.

All football fans knew where Bridge City was because of Worster’s exploits on the high school football team.

Bridge City went to the state finals in 1965 and won the state championship in 1966, four years before the city was incorporated.

The University of Texas consensus All American was on the cover of Sports Illustrated in 1970.

Texas went on to be national champions that year.

Coach Darrell Royal recruited Worster but it was Asst.

Coach Emory Bellard, using his son, who developed the Wish Bone offense in his back yard, especially designed for Worster.

He made it famous.

(Editor’s note: The number 30 Steve wore at Bridge City has been retired 47 years.

Steve still makes his home in Bridge City.

******Elana Clinton, a freshman, is the youngest of a staff of pitchers on the Bridge City Lady Cards 12-0 team.

Pitchers include Laura Gremillion and Meagan Goduin.

Elaina, in her first full game pitching debut, pitched a perfect game shutting down a good Kountze team 15-0.

*****Bridge City police sting halts burglars.

After getting a tip, Bridge City detective Jason Ashworth approached Chief Steve Faircloth about setting up a sting.

A spree of burglars had been going on in the city since February.

After at least 14 business burglaries, Ashworth and four other officers, Maj.

Joey Hargrave, patrolmen Frank Carpenter, David Soileau and Shannon Meaux busted three suspects.

Merchant, age 19, Grasty, 26 and Purkey, 18.

Chief Faircloth praised the officers and said 99 percent of the stolen items were recovered.

“This is real police work,” Faircloth concluded.

*****Congressman Jim Turner is the speaker at the Bridge City Rotary Club.

(Editor’s note: That’s when congressmen hung out in Orange County.)*****Randy Jarrel bought a prize chicken at the Mauriceville 4-H auction.

Joel Steirman made another kid happy when he bought his goat.

“Buckshot” and Johnny Montagne were the big buyers.

They claimed Bobby Cormier dodged the auction and action by attending his Orangefield class reunion.

They were going to buy stock in his name but lost their nerve.

(Editor’s note: “Buckshot” is gone now and he’s still missed.

What a fine guy.)

40 Years Ago-1973

Former Bridge City High School linebacker and son of Coach Chief Wilson, takes a bride.

Pretty Debbie Berry and Rusty Wilson wed after his dad signed the okay.

Brad Roy was best man.

(Editor’s note: I wonder if they are still in touch?)*****The meat cutters union is on strike and women are walking the picket lines.

*****Bobbie Bacon at Suds’ Liquor says, “The biggest fishing lies can be heard at Suds on Friday afternoon.

She says the biggest liar of all is husband Ed.

*****Joe Burke likes high school track.

He caught the 4-A regional meet in Houston Friday night, raced to Conroe Saturday for the 3-A competition. Joe says Bridge City’s David Guidry is too short to jump hurdles.

All he does is beat people on sheer guts and determination.

Joe watched Dave advance to the State Finals.

Guidry will also be part of the state bound mile relay team of Bo Worrell, Larry Hagler and Mark Truncale.*****Local hurlers Dennis Duhon and Doug Patterson have received their assignments.

Duhon will join St. Petersburg, of the Florida State League; Patterson launches the campaign with Stockton, of the California League.

Both pitchers are products of Stark High.

*****West Orange is sending seven athletes to the state track meet in Austin.

They are high jumper, Waymon Sibley; long jump, Roy Williams; miler, Miron Gautier; sprinter, Randall Teate; 440 yarder relay quartet consists of Sibley, Williams, Steve Fisher, Teats and Kenneth Britton.


Condolences to Martin and Mary Sneed and their family on the death of their grandson Martin Sneed, III who died April 19.

Services were held Monday, April 22.

That family has seen many heartaches.

May he rest in peace.*****On Thursday, April 25, the George W. Bush Presidential Library will open at SMU. All living presidents will attend the dedication.

Presidents Jimmy Carter, Geo.

H. Bush, Bill Clinton, Geo.

W. and Obama.

Even though Geo.

W’s administration will go down as one of the worst in history, I have never faulted him; it’s who he surrounded himself with.

Personally, I believe I would enjoy a camping trip with the guy.

He’s not the radicals we see today.*****We understand from Judge Janice that her sister, Mildred Lamoine, who has been in Methodist Hospital for three months, is showing signs of improvement.

“We thank God for that,” the Judge said.

Mildred is still very ill but the family is hopeful that someday she will come home and be her old self.

She really is a kick and has mothered Lewis many years since they married as kids.

*****Former Olympic boxing hopeful Oshanique Foster, of Orange, has signed a deal to be training with the Mayweather crew.

Nique and coaches are back in Texas but will return to Vegas next month to attend Floyd’s fight.

*****Our buddy, attorney H.D. Pate will part with his 1966 Mustang hard top.

He and that “Stang” are longtime companions but there comes a time in everyone’s life to start getting rid of your collectables.

He’s not asking much for the car.

Call 735-2428.*****I hear that both Jack-in-the-Box locations on I-10 and Bridge City have been sold and will reopen as another food outlet, possibly Chinese.*****Creative Upholstery, 3109 Martin Street, off of Strickland Drive, is having their ribbon cutting April 25 at 4 p.m.

Go by and tell Rosemary, Jose and the crew we sent you.*****We visited with Quincy Procell who is recovering from back surgery.

The procedure involved more than he expected.

It’s been a rough recovery.

According to Quincy, he couldn’t have made it without the services of Sara Peterson, Barbara Murry and the staff with ILC Assisted Living.

“I was helpless and hopeless and those wonderful ladies got me through it,”*****Willie Nelson will hold a benefit concert for the stricken town of West.

Willie was raised and has a home five miles away at Abbott that was rocked by the fertilizer blast.

The concert will be April 28 in Austin.

*****A few people we know having birthdays this week.

Our fishing guide, columnist and longtime friend Capt.

Dickie Colburn celebrates a birthday on April 24.

Also on that day, is Greater Orange Chamber president Ida Schossow and Barbara Fuselier.***Celebrating April 25 is longtime former banker Darby Byrd, Jeff Fisette and Marriet Litton.***On April 26, Christi Goodyear, Pam Broussard and Donna Lee celebrate.***On April 27, Jack-of-all-trades but mostly cowboy Gus Harris celebrates also Chelsea Ballard.***A group getting older on April 28th are Joe LaMoine, Josh Blanchard, Peggy Dunbar and Stacy Burns.***April 29 finds Dr.

Leifeste getting a year older, also Jimmie Simmons and Judy DeCuir.***On April 30, joining Willie Nelson on his 80th are Harold Haymon, Jenni Barrow, Mary Grimes, Virginia Woods and Roger Brister.

Please see complete birthday list.*****An email asked what Ricin was and why it is so deadly.

Recin is found in the castor bean.

The plant can be found in gardens and grows wild in Texas and the South West.

Castor Oil made from castor beans does not contain Recin but the waste mesh does.

If inhaled it destroys lung tissue.

If injected into the blood stream it kills cells, if ingested it destroys cells in the gastrointestinal tract.

Kids are often told not to chew castor beans because they are poisonous.

*****Despite having a 54 to 46 vote to pass background checks, the measure failed in the Senate.

It was the first gun bill since Newtown.

To pass the bill required 60 votes out of 100 senators.

Both Texas senators, Cornyn and Cruz, voted against background checks.

Ninety percent of Americans support the measure.

Majority leader Harry Ried, despite supporting the bill, voted against it.

By voting no, he can re-introduce the bill.

Those who voted against the bill did so because of threats by the NRA and gun manufactures.

This fight is far from over and could spill into next years elections.

Voting against 90 percent of the citizens may come back to bite them in 2014.*****Orange boxer Cody Richard is 13-0 as a pro boxer after a second round knockout of Andre Lopez Saturday at Evangeline Downs Casino.*****Former West Orange -Stark and Northwestern star, Roy Locks Jr., was hired by Central High Coach Toby Forman to be his defensive coordinator.

Beside his football knowledge, Roy is just a great guy.

It runs in his family.*****Attorney General Greg Abbott was in West following the fertilizer plant explosion.

He appeared very gubernatorial and that wasn’t an accident.

I’d bet he’s running, regardless of what Gov. Perry does.*****What would be a bad deal for Orange County is the Texas Republican plan that would adopt the current political map.

It’s time to draw political lines that again gives us a local vote in Austin and an area voice in Washington.

Right now we’re under the thumb of Houston area voters that got us Steve Stockman.*****The Lunch Bunch will dine at Robert’s this week and back at Novrozsky’s next week.

Everyone is always welcome.

Good folks, good food, great stories.


On April 24, Shirley MacLaine will be 79; Barbra Steisand, 71 and Kelly Clarkson, 31.***Al Pacino will be 73 on April 25; Renee Zellweger, 44 and Jason Lee, 43.***On April 26, Carol Burnett will be 80; Channing Tatum, 33.***Jay leno will be 63 on April 28; Penelope Cruz, 39 and Jessica Alba, 32.***Jerry Seinfeld will be 59 on April 29; Daniel Day-Lewis, 56 and Michelle Pfeiffer, 56.***Cloris Leachman will be 87 on April 30; Willie Nelson, 80 and Kirsten Dunst, 31.


We got a note from Cuzan Sostan, wit an update bout Aunt Maude Breaux, wat turn 86 las week. She also went on trial. It went like dis….

Da defense lawyer ask Aunt Maude, “Tell us in you own words wat happened on da first of April dis year.”

Aunt Maude say, “It’s like dis. I was sitting on my porch at sundown, enjoying da nice spring weather, wen a young man comes creeping on da porch and sat nex to me.”

“Wat happen after he sat down?” axe da lawyer.

“He started rubbing my thigh,” answered Aunt Maude.

“Did you stop him?” axe da lawyer.

“No, I didn’t,” say Aunt Maude.

“Why not?” axe da lawyer.

“It felt good,” said Aunt Maude. “No one do dat since my Felix pass away turdy years ago.”

“Wat happen next?” axe da lawyer.

“He rub my breast,” say aunt Maude.

“Did you stop him?”

“No, I didn’t stop him me.”

“Why not?” axe da lawyer.

Aunt Maude looked at Judge Boudreaux and answer, “It’s like dis you honor, I was feeling so spicy me, dat I jus lay down on dat swing and said to him, do wit me wat you want.”

“Well, did he?” axe the lawyer.

“Hell no, he jus yell, ‘April Fool’” and dats wen I shot dat little coon ass, me.”

Cuzz, Aunt Maude beat dat rap. I got to go to da store for Sugar Bee. Tell everyone hello, tell Cox to put Epson salt around his tomato plants, dats a secret wat will make a lot of big tomatoes.

You Cuzz,



Kree Harrison, our girl on American Idol, after last week has her back against the wall.

After coming in first or second all season, she was fourth last week, mostly because of song selections, This week’s performance will decide the top three, an important plateau.

I believe if Kree makes this week’s cut she will likely win it all.

Her voice is the best but she needs everyone’s vote.*****Since we visited last week after the Boston Marathon bombing, one brother was killed, the other will face the death penalty in Federal Court. We also had the fertilizer explosion in West, killing 13, injuring many.

Most of the structures were destroyed.

I bet it’s the fault of the state regulators looking the other way.

The Houston Chronicle quotes Gov. Perry as saying, “Texans don’t like regulations.” Tell that to the people in West.

*****We again thank our faithful readers over the years.

There is plenty of good reading throughout this issue, historical, human interest and current events.

Check out “Life on the Fast Track” and Ms.

Pearl’s anniversary poem, plus much more.

Also take advantage of all the anniversary ads for good deals and good folks to do business with.*****My time is up for another week.

I thank you for yours.

Take care and God bless.


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