Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Former State Representative says “it’s time to get county finances in order”

Recently, former Republican State Representative Mike “Tuffy” Hamilton formally announced that, after much encouragement and urging from the citizens of Orange County, he will seek the Republican nomination for County Judge.

“I love our county and it’s pretty clear that we all need to get on the same page, become fiscally responsible, and start recruiting jobs to our community. Unless we all work together, this will not happen,” said Hamilton.

“People have been asking me to do this because they know I have a proven record as a conservative. They know I can balance a budget and make the tough decisions needed without raising taxes,” continued Hamilton.

Hamilton was called a “Lone Star Conservative Leader” by the Texas Conservative Roundtable, during his time in the State Legislature. He is also known for his hard work on behalf of public education and for being the only Republican in the area supported by all teacher and school groups. Hamilton was also named to the “Legislative Hall of Fame” by the Texas Association of REALTOR, earned the “Fighter for Free Enterprise” award from the Texas Association of Business, and was endorsed by the NRA.

“If elected County Judge, I pledge to use all my state experience to help Orange County get out of the problems it’s in. We have a lot of resources, but we are not using them in the right way. Let’s bring everybody together, get on the same boat, and sail into a great future.”

Hamilton has been in the restaurant business here for twenty-three years and provides meals and other assistance through his disaster relief catering service. Hamilton and his wife, Terry, have four children and are also proud grandparents.

Mike “Tuffy” Hamilton Announces for Orange County Judge

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