Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

From the Creaux’s Nest


What a great Easter Sunday.

We had perfect weather for outdoor gatherings.

Everyone I ran into Sunday was in a good frame of mind and thankful for the lovely day the Lord sent.

Personally, I was again blessed with a nice Easter basket and my friend Marlene came through with another large, chocolate rabbit that will last the year.

She also gave me something I’d never seen before, white Peeps with red eyes and green bowties.

I’m told Peeps are not just yellow anymore.

*****The Boston Marathon came off without a hitch.

Adding to the 118 year old marathon was a victory by the first American runner since 1983.

Meb Kelfezighi ended the 31-year drought with a time of two hours, eight minutes and 37seconds in the 26.2 mile run.

*****Several countries are still looking for the Malaysian flight 370.

I said in the beginning it may not be found.

Whoever ditched it didn’t want it found.

Someday the mystery will be solved but for now there is no debris from any wreckage and that’s strange.

CNN each hour is still giving “Breaking News.” The next breaking news soon will be that they have quit hunting.

*****I’ve got a ways to go and my phone line and internet are down.

Information I need I can’t get.

Sooner or later, I’ll have to give in to technology and get one of those fancy cell phones.

They tell me you can even take pictures with them.

My buddy Comeaux, who died a few years ago, wouldn’t believe it.

He would accuse me of making up a story.

He would say, “Taking pictures with a telephone, now come on.” For now I’d best be on my way, come along.

I promise it won’t do you no harm.


Reagan Taylor Alton Dugas, 50, passed away in Austin after a long battle with pancreatic cancer.

He outlived the odds.

Pancreatic cancer is usually a fast killer.

We had known Reagan, the son of Beth and Louis, for most of his life.

Throughout all those years I never met anyone who didn’t like him.

Reagan, as a youngster, was a bundle of energy, as an adult he never met a stranger.

He was very personable and could sell any thing by first selling himself.

For a while he sold advertising for The Record.

His obituary, running inside, tells the Reagan story.

Please check it out.

A memorial service will be held Saturday, April 26, 2014, 11 a.m., at Claybar Funeral Homes in Orange.

There are many great stories about Reagan’s short life that could be told by lifelong friends.

Ron Sigler was one of the people raised with the Dugas youngsters.

He says they were either at the Sigler home or the Dugas home.

He and I both agree that they were an interesting family and Reagan was the anchor and is the first sibling to join his mom and dad, two unique people.


We were saddened to learn of the death of Harold Force, 94, who died Monday, April 21 of an apparent heart attack.

We had known this good man many years.

We would see him at different gatherings, most often at St. Mary Catholic functions.

Despite being a Baptist, Harold always accompanied his lovely, late wife Marguerite, who was a Catholic and in turn she attended Baptist functions with him.

A short time ago, on Feb. 15, when he turned 94 we contacted him about publishing a story about his life.

He declined saying maybe some other time.

The last old friend of mine to make it to 100 was Uncle Jim McKay, who died 20 years ago at age 101.

I really believed Harold was going to be the next centurion but the Lord called him home.

He seemed to be in good health that’s why his death surprised me.

He was blessed, a good way to go, no Chemo, no long suffering.

As long as I’d known him he was retired.

He lived a good life.

Funeral services will be Friday, April 25, 2 p.m.

at Claybar Funeral Home in Orange.

Visitation will be Thursday from 5 p.m.

to 8 p.m.

He and Marguerite, his wife of 64 years, have four children, Gayle, Hal, Anita ad Paul.

Our sincere condolences to them and their families.

Harold was a class guy.

Another from the greatest generation has left us.

May he rest in peace.

Please see obituary.


When Con.

Dave Camp, chairman of the Ways and Means committee, announced he was retiring, everyone thought senior committee member Con.

Kevin Brady would be appointed chairman of the powerful committee.

I said back then, in this column, “Not so fast, if Paul Ryan, Brady’s main rival wanted it he would get it.” Brady is the most deserving.

He outranks Ryan on Ways and Means but seniority now days don’t get you the gavel.

Power has become more centralized in the House leadership.

Brady has been a good soldier, voted right down the Party line, has been loyal to the Speaker but Boehner is weak and others, like Eric Canter, seem to pull his string.

Another thing is that the new chairman won’t be picked until the next session and there could be a younger crop of congressmen coming in.

Ryan is 44 and Brady turned 59 a few days ago.

Brady, a native of South Dakota, has been a reliable conservative, a hard worker, although some of his votes haven’t been particularly good for our little part of Texas, he never drifted from the Party line and earned his strips.

He may someday be chairman but not this time.

If Ryan wants it he has the advantage of fame, budget chairman, former VP candidate and most importantly, is joined at the hip with Canter, who really is running the congress.

Ryan, in a showdown with Brady, is no contest.

Remember you read it here first several months ago and it still stands, Brady will become the chairman only if Ryan lets him have it.

Brady has no other rival.

Remember Ryan has dreams of being president and in the GOP, being chairman of Ways and Means gives him a lot of stroke with big money folks.

Ryan’s dreams may never come to pass, but in the meantime, the chance Brady has waited nine terms for might just slip by him.

He’s at the right place at the right time and his chairmanship would be good for Texas but the deck is stacked against him if they draw from the bottom of the deck.


To me some of the things going into this space just doesn’t seem like ten years ago, more like three or four.*****The Orange Chamber has named Ross Smith, president and CEO of Akrotes Inc., “Small Business Person of the Year.” Smith, a 1966 graduate of Little Cypress-Mauriceville, attended Lamar and the University of Houston. He was a 25-year employee of A. Schulman, Inc. A former Orange Chamber chairman, he is involved in many service organizations. He is a member of the Lamar State Foundation board, a former recipient of the “Community Building” award, a Mason and an active member of St. Henry Catholic Church.

(Editor’s note: That shows how versatile Ross is, Masons and Catholics.

Ross is one of the guys that we’re fortunate to have in our community.)*****County Commissioner John Dubose has been named as a board member of County Bank.

Dubose was recently honored by the state of Texas with the esteemed “Texas Courthouse” award given yearly to an outstanding public servant.

Bank president Carlos Vacek said, “Mr. Dubose will be a valuable asset to our bank board.

He’s a longtime resident, very intelligent and as a CPA he has a lot of financial experience.” Other board members are Billy Burrow, Mike Moreau, Dr.

Rod Fisette and Vecek.*****Marcelle and Cowboy Adams’ pretty daughter Theresa, educator and wife of Frank Beauchamp, is following in Marcelle’s footsteps by entering politics.

Theresa is running for Orange city council.

Her mom was Orange County’s first female commissioner.

(Editor’s note: Mrs. Beauchamp was elected and is still serving on the city council.

*****Former NFL football star Pat Tillman was killed in Afghanistan.

*****Happy anniversary to Ramona and Joey Hargraves.

They were married this week in 1986.

*****Tony and Karen Fuselier held grand opening of Cajun Corner Furniture with a big party, street dance and entertainment by Tee Bruce, Herby Stutes, Jiven’ Gene, Jerry Ballot, Barbara and Joe, Jessie Domingue and Skipper Free.

*****Quarterback Eli Manning is drafted by San Diego then traded to the New York Giants after he refused to play for the Chargers.*****Bridge City High beats Buna 11-1.

Kevin Angelle pitches another great game.Hunter Hayes was 3 for 3 at the plate.

Jamie Knight was down from Dallas to watch his former teammates.

*****Happy birthday Pat Faircloth born April 25, 1954.

*****Longtime resident Nellie LaPoint, 77, died April 25.

She is survived by husband Stanford, two sons, Delbert and Danny, three daughters Betty, Martha and Jo Ann.

40 Years Ago-1974

The “Thrill of Flight” van will be at Little Cypress April 26.

The United States Air Force multi-engine jet will give students the opportunity to experience flight without leaving the ground.*****John O. Sanders, son of Mr. and Mrs. Otis Sanders, joins U.S. Air Force.*****State Rep.

Wayne Peveto asks to be returned to state house.*****Cancer society begins house to house drive.

Barbara Scott is chairman.

*****Bob’s Barber Shop is now open at Deweyville Circle, across from Claybar’s store.

*****Bridge City Cleaners, owned byAnn and Jimmy Segura, have a new repair center.

Knitted and woven garments invisibility mended, expert alterations also.*****A Beltbuster at Dairy Queen, 10th St. at Park Ave., will set you back 79 cents.*****County Judge Grover Halliburton reelected.***** Mr. and Mrs. Marian Loiacana were wed at St. Mary’s, in a mass celebrated by Father Secco.

He is 80, his bride is 60.

*****Bonita Hebert will fly to California May 25 to visit son Ronnie, who will graduate from college June 10.

*****Sis Keogh received a palm tree from a son as a Mother’s Day gift. She and Mike planted it in the front yard.

*****Vivian and Leland Morrow celebrate their 29th anniversary.

*****In town this week for a short visit was Bill Potter, former Orange County deputy sheriff.

His health has failed and he now makes his home in Houston.

*****Raymond “Bubba” Ridley wins state pole vaulting championship for B.C. with a height of 14 feet, 6 inches.

Bubba did it with a cane pole, landing in sawdust.

*****Judge Claude Wimberly re-elected to J.P. court, Precinct 1.

*****Larry Gunter is a runoff for J.P. Precinct 2 with Judge Marlin Shelton.

Gunter is Pinehurst city judge.

*****A washer and dryer will cost you $388 for pair at Hubbard Electric, 985 Roundbunch in Bridge City.


Don’t forget the big Sheriff’s Posse Rodeo Friday and Saturday.

It would be great if local folks went western this week.

Talk it over with your office staff, bank workers, plant employees etc.

We need to see a lot of cowboys in the community.

Go western.*****Last week, in the Bridge City/Orangefield “Students of the Month” pictures run our paper, I was surprised to see the picture of B.C. student Jayden Trahan, son of Terri and Rick Trahan.

He’s a big old boy now but as a baby he was trapped in his crib in a house fire.

The Bridge City firemen did a great job going through flames and smoke to get to him.

They worked to save his life and after an extended time in the hospital Jayden was declared to be in perfect health.

I was pleased to see that little baby is now an outstanding student.

Bridge City firemen say they will never forger that child rescue.

What a great, happy ending.

Another of the “Outstanding Students” is Brittany Dowdle from Orangefield, our longtime friend Joyce Dowdle‘s granddaughter, by way of son Chad and wife Tracey.

We‘ve known Chad since he was in diapers.

Congrats to all the students.*****Our friend Margie Stephens, who has been battling kidney stones was in the hospital at Beaumont Baptist to get the stones water-blasted.

Late Tuesday I hadn’t heard the results.*****A few folks we know celebrating birthdays in the next few days.

On April 23, Coach Jason Smalley celebrates.

I hear he likes cake.***Rev. Paul Zoch, Samantha Briggs and Lacy Rutledge all share birthdays.***Also on this day Lou and Cathy Garriga celebrate 54 years of wedded bliss.*****On April 24, our buddy, the great fishing guide Capt.

Dickie Colburn will probably celebrate on Lake Sabine.***Also marking a birthday is Barbara Fuselier and Ida Schossou.

This is also Arbor Day.*****Celebrating on April 25 are Jeff Fisette, Marriet Litton, Brother James Gilbert and this would also have been the birthday of the late Darby Byrd.*****On April 26, Creely Riana Leblanc was born in 2006, weighing in at 7 pounds, 2 ounces and 19 inches long.

The proud baby of Robin and James Leblanc.

Happy 8th birthday.

***Also celebrating is Christi Goodyear and Pam Broussard.

*****OnApril 27, Gus Harris, of Framer’s Mercantile, celebrates.

Maybe someone will bake him a cake.

***Also having birthdays are Chelsea Ballard, Mike Cain and Nikki Worthy.

*****On April 28 Dr.

Nina Scales Leifeste is a year older as is Joe LaMoine, Jimmie Simmons and Candice Vigil.*****I don’t know if you have had a chance yet to visit the new Cardinal $1 Express store in Bridge City.

It’s located in the former King’s Pharmacy building, 1160 Texas Ave. They have new stock coming in every week and the best part, everything is a dollar.

Check them out.*****Lee Reeves, at Cecil’s Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep, has to be happy with the news coming out of the New York Auto Show.

The Dodge muscle cars, the Charger and Challenger for 2015, are making big news with updated versions of both.

The Challenger is inspired by the classic 1971 model, makes 31-mile per gallon, has a new split grille, projected headlamps, LED tail lamps, a reshaped hood and updated suspension.

The Charger will feature a new eight-speed transmission paired with a V-8 or V-6.

I wonder how soon we will get to see these at Cecil’s.*****Our buddy Dan Buffington, the telephone man, has been grounded and is now on medical leave.

Dan woke up one morning to discover that he had multiple blood clots near his lungs and legs.

Dan is not a guy that’s happy with being idle and he’s looking forward to the day when the doctor releases him.

Speedy recovery my friend.*****The Wednesday Lunch Bunch will dine at Novrozsky’s this week and at Robert’s next.

Good fellowship and everyone is always welcome.*****Peggy and Richard Albair, owners of Peggy’s on the Bayou, finally got to take a few days off and spent them in San Antonio.

For many years they have been the hardest working couple I have known and this was a well-deserved but short vacation.


Brandon Fisher, Glen Prince, Lacy Rutledge, Jason Smalley, Linda Robinson, Nancy Rendall, Paul Zoch, Samantha Briggs, Jeremie Breaux, Kathie Stephson, Shaun McAlpin, Sydney Bowman, Jacob Reynolds, Ida Schossow, Dickie Colburn, Robert Schilicher, Sean Edgerton, Peggy Granger, Barbara Fuselier, Crystal McCarthy, Darby Byrd,Glenn Jeter, Jeff Fisette, Louise Savoy, Marriet Litton, Roberto Deleon, Bro.

James Gilbert, John Austin Chalmers, Pam Broussard, Julie Williams, Luke Domas, Stephen Russell, Christi Goodyear, Donna Lee, Gus Harris, Nikki Worthy, John Applebach, Mike Cain, Rosalyn Hollingsworth, Tim Batchelor, Chelsea Ballard, Ferrel Ashby, Peggy Dunbar, Stacy Mitchell Burns, Joe LaMoine, James Seitz, Josh Blanchard, Jimmie Simmons, Judy DeCuir, Nina Leifeste, Tommy Bourgeois, Candice Vigil and Drew Wappler.


Nolan DeVille and Oris Gilbeaux, lifelong friends, fulfilled dere dream of bot gradating from da LS&U medical school.

Dey decide dat dey would go home to Abbeville and in spite of two different specialties; dey would open a practice togetter to share office space and personnel.


Deville, him, was da psychiatrist and Dr.

Gilbeaux da proctologist.

Dere sign read “Hysterias and Posteriors.” Da town council was livid dem and insist dey change da sign.

Dey say to bring dere suggestions to da mayor for his approval, so da two doctors brought a couple suggestion to Mayor Leblanc.

One say, “Schizoids and Hemorrhoids.” “Oh no’ said da Mayor.

Den dey try, “Manic Depressives and Anal Retentives.” Da Mayor turn thumbs down on dem.

Da doctors left and said dey would be back.

A few days later day came back wit a list, “Minds and Behinds.” No good.

Dey try again, “Lost Souls and Butt Holes.” Da Mayor say, “Absolutely not.” “Freaks and Cheeks.” Da Mayor shake his head no. “Loons and Moons” didn’t sell either.

Da young doctors, at dere wits end, gave it one more shot.


DeVille and Dr.

Gilbeaux, specializing in “Odds and Ends.” Da Mayor approved it and everybody loved it.


You don’t want to miss our special collectors issue next week as we celebrate another anniversary with great stories and advertising.

We will also name our “Person of the Year.” If you are an advertiser, you’ll want to be in this issue.

We are fanning out around the community searching for interesting stories.

We also welcome your congratulations in the form of advertisement run in our publications.

For years we have brought a free newspaper to the entire trade area, at every house, on every block, on every street, plus 4000 store copies, now we would appreciate your help.

We are accepting ads at a special reduced price to make this anniversary issue a big success.

We are read by more Orange Countians than all other publications We reach far more consumers at home than any other media and always encourage consumers to shop at home when possible.*****My time is up, thanks for yours.

Take care and God bless.


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