Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

From the Creaux's Nest


Congratulations to the Bridge City Historical Society for another great Fourth of July show.

It is estimated to have been shared by over 3000 people.

The kids had a great time and will carry the event into their adult years.

The future park and museum location, on Cow Bayou, was a perfect spot to launch fireworks.

Bridge City City Manager Jerry Jones tells us that a grant might be obtained to build the facility.

The land is a donation from Gislia Houseman, widow of the late Tony Houseman.

*****Orange County fared well over the Fourth holiday.

No car wrecks, deaths, drowning or shootings.

I did hear of a shooting in Mauriceville Monday night resulting in a death.

*****Well, it’s come on some nice weather this week with hot afternoons around 92 degrees.

It apparently hasn’t been a great year for gardeners, not many of them are bragging.

I hear tomatoes just refuse to turn red and cucumbers plants have been loaded with flowers that aren’t producing.

I hope it’s just a late crop.

*****Wanda and Coach Les Johnson did come by and brought some very nice tomatoes from his Bastrop garden.

He said he is having a good season and says if nothing happens, like a storm, he will have a bumper crop of pecans.

*****I’d better quit jarring and get started.

Hop on board.

Come along, I promise it won’t do you no harm.


What to do with a bad situation? Over the past year we have been forced to confront the bad problem of thousands of families fleeing persecution and gang violence in El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala.

Now here comes nearly 60,000 children who have fled unattended across our border.

Regardless of what you might think, they are coming to the United States lawfully under a bill passed by the Bush/Cheney administration.

I’ve notice on television that almost daily up to a million people flee some counties and somehow other governments takes care of those refugees.

Now some lawmakers are calling for our government to turn these children away.

Republicans, including Gov. Rick Perry, are attempting to make political hay by blaming President Obama for the border situation even though he has increased border patrol 500 percent and deported three times more illegal aliens than any other president.

President Bush said it was an act of love to allow those families refuge.

That of course infuriated some of his Republican Party.

What we have needed is an immigration bill, passed by both houses and signed by the president.

The House Republicans have been irrational; they have made a cynical short term calculation to resist all immigration reform that might lead to nasty infighting that would hurt their opportunities in the up coming elections.

It’s too hot a potato to touch.

It’s far easier to blame the Obama administration, in hopes the citizens will not notice that they have accomplished absolutely nothing in the last six years.

To do nothing, and then blame, is pure politics.

The GOP has shown its boundless tendency to choose demagoguery over advancing the national interest.

They have not even managed to pass non-controversial measures.

Yet they squawk when the President is forced to take matters in his own hands because the Congress won’t act.

They have bashed and criticized the President so bad on talk radio and FOX News that they have managed to drive his numbers and popularity down to a low ebb.

This while sitting on their hands not accomplishing their desired affect of defeating him in the last election.

They can’t hurt him now with two years remaining but they have also managed to drive their own numbers down to the lowest in our history.

Known as the worse Congress ever, it’s time for our legislatures to start thinking about governing.

Our country is going in the ditch and they are driving the truck.

Thanks to President Obama our unemployment is at it’s lowest in six years, 6.1 percent, down from 10.2 percent when Obama took over. Over 288,000 jobs have been added in the last month, seven million in all. The Dow is at an all time high. The President did it alone but it shouldn’t be that way. There is so much more the two Parties should be working on for the good of the country, not just for favorable party election results. The President has no choice but to do what he has to do, govern.


Todd Lindsey, 45, met a tragic death on July 13.

*****The West Orange-Stark Mustangs drop down to 24 3-A. *****Parker P.T. Thompson gets three stints.

Everyone seems to be getting them.

Judge Carl Thibodeaux got one and had another one replaced.

“Buckshot” Winfree got a couple and Franklin Scales got a couple, as did Curtis Lee. (Editor’s note: Ten years later Carl is the only one still living.)*****A big party is planned for Jessie Brown’s 86 birthday on July 18.

She and Nolton have been married 65 years.

(Editor’s note: Both have left us in the past 10 years.)*****The Bridge City Pony playoff action begins.

Dustin Breaux, Clay Edwards, Anthony Cessac, Kyle Kressler, Blake Hubbard, Jared Raggio, Michael Seal, Sean Cade Gros, Grant Encalade, Eric Matthews, Justin Reynolds Carr are 13-year old all stars.

Coaches are Joey Encalade, Scott Raggio and Scott Snyder. (Editor’s note: Not a bad group.

I wonder where all those boys are today.

They are now 23 years old.)*****GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN: Patricia Delay Hall, 73, of Bridge City died July 5, 2004.

A Lamar grad with an accounting degree, she was a superintendent of accounting at Dupont where she had worked for 33 years.

She is survived by husband Miles Hall, several children and grandchildren.***George F. “Phil” Dickman, 53, of Orange, owner of D. Signs in Bridge City, died July 11.

He is survived by his wife Ronna, daughter Shonna, son Nathan and their families.

***Oswald Guillot, 95, died July 10.

A native of Marksville, LA., he is survived by a large family of children and grandchildren.

He was preceded in death by his wife Edna Mae Bourque Guillot. ***Julie Ann Coulter, 39, died July 6.

She is survived by husband Richard,sons David, Cameron and Brady. ***Alice LeVirl Coulter, 76, died July 5.

A native of Orange, she was a teacher at WOCISD for over 32 years.

***Ralph McKee, 59, Orange native, died July 9.

He was laid to rest at Autumn Park in the McLewis Community on July 12.

***L.O. “Sonny” Breaux, 76, of Bridge City, died July 6.

He was a veteran and member of the Bridge City Knights of Columbus.

***Linda Dee Bernard, 74, died July 7.

She was the garden center supervisor at K-Mart.

35 Years Ago-1979

Jo Amodeo, who has been with Orange County Abstract for several years, is returning to Port Arthur Abstract where she previously worked before coming to Orange.

She starts her new job August 1, which is also she and Ace’s 15th anniversary.*****Hubbard’s Audio and Sound, on Roundbunch in Bridge City, is holding a grand opening this week.*****Sue, Penny and H.D. Pate return from a vacation trip to Gatlinburg, Tennessee.*****The Chapman’s, Fred, Violet, Lisa and Fred, Jr., have returned from visiting the home folks in Florida.*****Mark Dunn is recognized by the Texas Community newspapers Association as the recipient of the award for Best Original News Feature, of which there were over 2,600 entrants.

The award winning feature story was titled, “Profile of Child Neglect, A Danger to Society.”*****Staudt’s Jewelry holds big Christmas in July sale.

Everything is 25 percent off.*****Frenchie Credeur, head mechanic at P.S. Tire and Supply, will put his “Wildman” Ford race car on the line July 22 and July 23 at the Lake Charles Dragway.

The NHRA sanctioned Louisiana State Championship is on the line.

Frenchie is ready to put the pedal to the metal.

*****Now open: Orange Plumbing, 1301 Main St., Denis Cable is owner.***Paul’s Paint and Body Shop, 2420 Texas Ave. in Bridge City, is owned by Paul Eason and has 24-hour wrecker service.*****Tony Griffin, native Orangeite and longtime business man dies.*****Ten years ago, on July 20, we put the first man on the moon.

Neil Armstrong will forever be in the history books.

“One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind,”were his first words as he stepped out of the space ship.

*****Steve Worster, former Bridge City football player, University of Texas All American and father of a two-year-old son became the proud dad of a baby girl on June 8.*****State Representative Wayne Peveto was guest speaker at Bridge City Rotary.*****The Village Squire, 240 Dobbyn, Bridge City, celebrates fifth anniversary.

“Today’s fashions for men and women,” is owned by Ed Cone. The unique clothing store is housed in a building that was originally built as the First Christian Church.

*****Bridge City hires Andy Verrett as new police chief.

The former Bridge City resident was hired from the Port Neches Police Department.

*****The day after Gene Edgerly was released from the hospital with back surgery, his son Todd was involved in an auto accident.

Willie Gregg is short a drummer with Gene out of commission.

40 Years Ago-1974

Jim Dunaway, 34-years-old, a native of Cleburne, Texas, runs for Orange City Council, Place 1.

Dunaway, after graduating from Arlington State College, attended the University of Texas Law School and graduated in January, 1964.

After working for the state comptroller for six months he became associated with the law firm Hurstmeyer, Harris, Dorman and Dunaway.

(Editor’s note: Jim was elected and later became mayor of Orange.)*****Sis and Mike Keogh celebrate their 25th anniversary.*****Judge Fred Trimble is described as the sharpest dresser about town.*****The best fried chicken livers in the area can be found at Ames Fried Chicken on MacArthur Circle.*****Jerry Wilson, wife of Congressman Charlie Wilson, writes an exclusive weekly column, “Petticoat Politics,” for the Dunn family owned Opportunity Valley News.

Jerry writes a behind the scene report about Washington happenings not reported in the media.

(Editor’s note: Charlie and Jerry later were divorced.

At one time, as youngsters, H.D. Pate and Jerry dated.

She always remained a good connection for H.D. In politics you never know how some people are wired together.)*****The National Football League Players Association strike is having an effect on season ticket sales.*****Bob Wills, who introduced western swing to the world, is in a Fort Worth hospital and not expected to live.

(Editor’s note: Bob Wills was the king.

His music lived on.)*****Some of the area folks doing tournament fishing are Tom Humphrey, Willie Hayes, Troy Woodall, Bob Zavada, Durwood Shull, Bill Gregory, Gary Glende, Gerald Thibodaux, Jim Taylor just to name a few.

*****Orange Savings Little league champs are Paul Remano, Kenny Smith, Sam Moore, Allen Townsends, Randy Boon, Gary Stephens, Shedrick Logan, Jessie Remano, Fredrick Brown, Duke Cotton and Kevin Newton.

Coaches are Louis Moore, Billy Joe Smith, Earl Evans and Henry Cotton.


Orange County will be participating in National Dance Day, July 26, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Riverfront Pavilion. Several area dance groups will be performing. Stay tuned for more details. See story.

*****Congratulations to Keith Ellis who just graduated from basic training at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio.

Keith is the son of Mark and court coordinator Jennifer Ellis*****Aurora Silveira is the “Fig Lady” at the County Courthouse.

It seems Aurora occasionally surprises employees with bowls of fresh figs, making fig lovers very happy.

*****A few folks we know celebrating birthdays: On July 9, Patrick Halliburton, Steve Stanley, Clark Eastman and Liz Barclay celebrate.

*****Our buddy Donna Riley, who we have known since she was a bumbling teenager, celebrates on July 10.

She has fared well.

*****On July 11, a lovely lady we’ve known through two lifetimes, Dayle Gunn Weatherford, celebrates.

Celebrating also, a good ole boy, Cleon Hogan, notches another year.

Lana Griffith is also a year older.

*****On July 12, a nice lady, our friend Christy Khoury celebrates.

Also former commissioner Sue Bearden and the lovely Joette Webb share a birthday.

This would have been Roy‘s mom Marie‘s birthday, who he has written about often.

On this day also Cheryl Ladd turns 68.

*****On July 13, Virginia (Ms.

Ginny) Cox, Millard’s better half, turns 86.

She is in Oklahoma and "Neighbor" Cox is hoping she will be home for her big day so he’s baking a cake and planning a big surprise.

Coach Billy Bryant and Steve Sarver share this birthday.

Two great guys.*****Former educator Ella Stuebing, retired, celebrates, as does Dee’s other half and David’s big brother, Calvin Rutledge, celebrates on July 14.*****On July 15, lovely Peggy Stringer Claybar celebrates a birthday as does Melissa Eshbach and our friend, Corky and Don’s little brother, Tommy Harmon.*****Local Bullet Baseball team played a perfect game in Fort Myers, Florida.

They won three games and lost three.

The team finished 33 out of 88 teams.

Coaches are Tony Dallas, Stephen Patterson and Roderick Robertson. The Robertson’s took a road trip after the tournament visiting Tampa and Clearwater, Florida.

They finished up the trip in Louisiana visiting New Orleans, Thibodaux and Vacherie.

County Clerk Chief Deputy Brandy says they had a blast.

*****Duck Dynasty on A&E is not a show I ever watched or wanted to watch.

In fact, I don’t watch reality shows.

I’ve never watched the Kardashians, John and Kate, Jersey Shore, Honey Boo Boo, Naked and Afraid and all the others.

At its peak, Duck had 11.8 million viewers; today it still has a bunch but the show is down to 3.4 million.

I predict another season is what they will last.

The Kardashians are down from 4.8 million viewers to 2.1 million.

Why in the world would anyone spend an hour watching Khloe’ Kim and Kourtney shop.

This may be their last season just like the Osbournes; they will fade into the sunset.

*****Attention motorcyclist, avoid the 1-10 access road near the Longhorn location in Orange.

While motorcycling home from work County Clerk Deputy Kevin LeBoeuf disturbed the bee hives at the location.

A few swarmed his face and one stung him.

Fortunately he was able to outride them without further injury.

*****The Wednesday Lunch Bunch is in its summer mode.

The attendance drops off, vacations etc, Smaller groups have been showing up.

More interaction and more stories are told that way.

The Bunch had a great time last week at Novrozsky’s.

This week the Bunch will dine at Robert’s. Everyone always welcome.

*****Mark Benton is one heck of a nice guy.

He’s an auto mechanic specialist.

Bryan Boltz says, “Mark can fix anything but a broken heart and he would try to fix that.”*****I understand Commissioner Burton had a couple of stints inserted two weeks ago.

It’s getting to be if you don’t have a stint you’re not one of the “Jet” set.

I hear Burton never missed a beat.

*****Remember the words CHIKUNGUNYA Virus.

You’ll be hearing it a lot.

It’s a viral disease that can cause fever and severe joint pain and is spread to people by mosquitoes.

One case so far has been reported in Central Texas.

You can bet there will be more.

Hopefully, not much more.


Eryn Lucas, Janice Gresham, Linda Dews, Liz Barclay, Maude Ball, Patrick Halliburton, Steve Stanley, Charles Vidrine, Clark Eastman, Emily Blanchard, Glenda Whitley, Henry Woodard, Kathy Fraccastoro, Paula Auffurth, Bertie Seitz, Corrine Welker, Dawnie Wilkinson, Donna Riley, Laura Childress, Brennan Magee, Michael Brinson, Miranda Welker, Peggy Hebert, Sarah Cornwell, Shelby Welker, Arta Miller, Charlotte Stout, Cleon Hogan, Lana Griffith, Larissa Barclay, Joette Webb, Wickie Carter, Nancy Byers, Terry Meyer, Craig Simmons, Danna Fournet, Dawanna Landry, Dera Breaux, Virginia Cox, Earline Garrison, Kristen McCurry, Marsha McCullough, Mary Morton, Rodney Barrett, Steve Sarver, Susan Everett, Angela Zenos, Billy Bryant, George Millsap, Jared Ganze, Margaret Richey, Joe Rion, Melani Woodruff, Calvin Rutledge, Ella Stuebing, Lance George, Ledia Miller, Mark Grizzaffi, Melissa Darbonne, Melissa Eshbach, Mitchell Heil, Peggy Claybar, Tommy Harmon, BJ Graham, Cassey Polk and Marlin McKinney.


“Tee-Not” Arceneaux, wat works for Joe Primeaux at da lumber yard in Erath, was pushing a board through da buzz saw wen he accidentally shears off all ten of his fingers.No one else was around. “Tee-Not” he jump in his car and drive to da hospital in Abbeville and goes to da emergency room. Da young doctor say, “My god, dis is bad yea. Well, give me da fingers and I’ll see wat I can do me.”

“Tee-Not” answer, “But Doc, I don’t got dem fingers me.”

Da young doctor says, “Wat you mean, you don’t got da fingers? Man, it’s da year 2004, we got microsurgery and all kinds of incredible techniques. I could have put dem fingers back on you like new. Why in da hell didn’t you bring da cut off fingers, hanh?”

“Tee-Not” was furious him. He axe, “Now tell me how in da hell Doc, was I suppose to pick up dem damn fingers, hanh?”


Wrapping up a few things. A Federal Judge Monday granted preliminary approval to a landmark deal that would compensate more than 4,500 NFL players.

The NFL agreed to remove the $675 million cap on damages.

Former Orange County football players included in the suit are Christine Dronet, wife of the late Bridge City great Shane Dronet, who took his own life.

Also joining in the suit are James “Rocky” Colvin and Patrick Gibbs. Up to $5 million and as little as $25,000 will be awarded.

*****The U.S. House set aside, $3.3 million to investigate the Benghazi attacks in May 2012.

The House Intelligence committee has already spent $4.4 million and the Veteran’s Affair and Ethics committees have spent $5 million.

A big waste of a lot of money strictly in an attempt to discredit Hillary Clinton if she runs for president.

Some things just don’t make any sense to me.

*****Here is something else that boggles the mind.

Since 2004, 10 years, 4, 474 have been killed by guns in Chicago.

Many thousands have been injured and still a half year to go.

Police say guns are the cause of the city’s high murder rate.

On the Fourth of July 18 were killed.

*****Another waste of time is John Boehner’s lawsuit against President Obama.

That is strictly political theater, throwing red meat to the extreme element of the Republican Party for the November elections.

Americans should be tired of dysfunction and say enough already.

*****While on the subject of national politics, I was asked who I predict will be the GOP nominee in 2016.

I can’t make a prediction right now but Rand Paul is the only one that makes any sense.

However being Liberation he probably can’t win in the general election.

Also since Jeb Bush’s rocket didn’t take off, I believe he’s out.

That leaves only Mitt Romney. If not Mitt, then who? Yep, I believe he will try it one more time.

A guess*****President Obama will meet with Gov. Perry while in Texas Wednesday.

A political plum for Perry.

***** It’s time for me to fold this tent.

I’ve probably stirred up enough for one week.

Thanks for your time.

Please read us cover to cover and shop our family of advertisers when you can.

Have a nice week.

Take care and God bless.


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