Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

BCCC names students of the month

The Bridge City Chamber of Commerce announced the Students of the Month for October at their monthly networking coffee, Oct. 14, at Tiger Rock Martial Arts, in Bridge City.

Emily McCall was chosen as the Orangefield High School student of the month, and Erik Harvey was chosen as the Bridge City High School student of the month.

Emily McCall, is the daughter of Drew and Lisa McCall. She is ranked 3 out of 136 with a 4.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale. Emily’s clubs and organizations include:

  • UIL Current Events
  • Treasurer of Interact
  • National Honor Society
  • Art Club
  • TAFE
  • Library Club
  • Sophisticats
  • 17 year dance student of Lorna Badon School of Fine Arts and Thayer Dance Academy
Emily’s awards and honors:
  • First Place State and Regionals for UIL Current Events Team
  • Sophisticats won Grand Champion and other awards at Dance Line competition
  • All-A honor roll for entire high school career
  • Honor student

In community service, Emily has volunteered for Camp Fire USA; Project Graduation; Lions Club Carnival; Orangefield Elementary Life Skills summer program.

Sherry Windham, Emily’s Art teacher, says, “Emily McCall is one of the most conscientious students I have ever taught. She never has to be reminded to finish or to turn in her work. She is organized, talented, a self-starter, and always on task, an absolute joy to teach!”

Fred Cascio, honors English 4 and Spanish 3 teacher, says, “This is the second year that Emily has been one of my students, and I am always delighted with her work and her accomplishments. She always brings to English class a fresh, keen perception of the subject matter and is always willing to share her insights. She is an invaluable asset to our college group.”

Emily hopes to attend the University of Texas and is undecided about a major.

Erik Harvey, is the son of Lee and Stephanie Harvey.

Erik is ranked 2 out of 178 with a GPA of 4.77.

Erik’s awards and honors include:

  • AP Courses – English, Math, Science and History
  • Dual Credit Courses – U.S. Government and Economics
  • Presidential Honor Roll – All Four Years
  • Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA): Conference Participant 2014; Youth Alumni Leader 2015
  • HOBY Leadership Conference – Texas A&M University
  • National Forensics League – Academic Excellence
  • Numerous Academic Excellence Awards in Honors Classes
  • Academic All District 2013-2014
Erik’s clubs and organizations:
  • National Honor Society
  • Class Treasurer 2015
  • Texas Association of Student Councils Leadership Workshop 2014
  • Student Council Leadership RepresentativeErik’s community service includes:
  • Volunteered at local Hospitality Center 2014
  • Painted Ministerial Alliance
  • Canned Food Drives 2011-2014
  • Special Olympics Coach 2012-2015
  • Volunteered at local animal shelters 2011-2012
  • Rebuilt houses for less fortunate 2012
  • Child care at local churches 2013-2014
  • Link giveaway 2014
Cathy Riley, English Department Chair and Director of Bridge City Strutters said, “Erik Harvey is a leader in all aspects and a stellar student.

I came to know Erik when I taught him English III AP. I am currently teaching Erik in my English IV AP class, and he is also an escort for the Bridge City Strutters Drill Team.

Erik is a conscientious student who strives for perfection – an absolute gentleman and an outstanding role model for others to emulate.

In fact, Erik is revered by the BCHS student body and faculty because he demonstrates a positive influence as he leads by example.”

Faye Parish, secondary math teacher, said “Erik Harvey is a fine young man. He is easy going and full of life. He has been very active in the community with Special Olympics and our local Ministerial Alliance. He truly cares about people. Erik has a quest for knowledge and wants to know “why”. He is constantly questioning and learning. Like the truly gifted student he is, Erik comes up with his own way to get answers. He is innovative and not afraid to try something different and not afraid of failing. He has already been interviewed by the Lamar Engineering Department for a full-ride scholarship.”

When asked about his future plans, Erik said “I plan to go to a university and major in chemical engineering, hopefully with honors.”


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