Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

St. Mary students celebrate 100 days of Service

St. Mary Student Council sponsored their annual, 100th Day of Service Celebration.

The homeroom classes, Library, NJHS, Art Club and Student Council participated by selecting an organization they would like to support. The PreK-3 students brought in homemade cookies for the local fire fighters; PreK-4 students brought 183 baby food and items for the Rainbow Room of Orange County and Kindergarteners collected 113 items for Orange Christian Services.

First grade collected 103 baby items for the Rainbow Room; second grade collected 107 items for the nursing homes; Third grade collected over 135 baby wipes for the Rainbow Room; fourth grade collected 301 pounds of dog food for the animal shelter; fifth grade collected over 150 items for the nursing homes; Sixth grade collected money and items for Sr. Sharon Steglich’s favorite charity, The Angela House; seventh graders donated $300.00 to Heifer International eighth grade brought in over 300 items for The Angela House.

National Jr. Honor Society brought in 100 diapers for the Rainbow Room; Art Club donated $100.00 for the handicap access at Claiborne West Park; the Library donated 100 books to AAUW and Student Council brought in over 100 baby items for the Rainbow Room.

Pictured are the Pre-K 4 class, who raised donations for the Rainbow Room and fourth grade class with their donations to the animal shelter.


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