Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

LCM names teachers, employees of the year

Little Cypress-Mauriceville CISD named the District Teachers of the Year during the annual End of Year Recognition Celebration this week. The event is a gathering of staff, which celebrates the successes of the year, District-wide, and recognizes service award recipients, retirees, and Teachers and Staff of the Year.

Each campus elects a Teacher of the Year, whose application is then submitted to a committee of judges not affiliated with the District. From among the three elementary and three secondary teachers, one for each category is selected to represent the District as Elementary or Secondary Teacher of the Year. These two are then submitted to Region 5 Education Service Center for their level of the competition. The region winners are then submitted to the State level at Texas Education Agency.

Selected as Elementary Teacher of the Year, was Rachel Choate, of Little Cypress Intermediate. Wendy Hanks, of Little Cypress Junior High, was named Secondary Teacher of the Year. Representatives from other campuses include Hillary Jeanis of Mauriceville Elementary, Teresa Hargrave of Little Cypress Elementary, Betty Martin of Mauriceville Middle, and Cory Broom from LCM High School.

Child Nutrition and Maintenance Departments also name an Employee of the Year during this celebration. According to Maintenance Director, Phillip Matthews, “To be eligible for EOY, employees must be eligible for employee of the month six times during the school year. These requirements include that they must not have any absences, safety violations or work deficiencies. At the end of the year the maintenance advisory committee votes for five finalists of those eligible and supervision selects the final employee of the year.” Pat Wyatt, grounds-man at LCM High School was chosen as this year’s Maintenance Employee of the Year.

Qualifications for the Child Nutrition Employee of the Year include no lost time accident, a satisfactory evaluation, no written disciplinary action for this or last year and the person may not have been the winner the previous year. Each campus nominates someone and the winner is selected by the Director of Child Nutrition based on manager comments, years of service, employee performance on the job and dedication. Suzanne Magee, Director of the program recognized Carolyn Ward as the Child Nutrition Employee of the Year.

Photo top right: The District Teachers of the Year were introduced by Superintendent Dr. Pauline Hargrove and Assistant Superintendent Mr. Greg Perry. They are, from left, Mr. Perry, Rachel Choates, Wendy Hanks and Dr. Hargrove.


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