Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

BC brothers face sentencing for killing dolphin

Two Bridge City brothers will face sentencing in U.S. Magistrate Keith Giblin's court for killing a bottlenose dolphin in Cow Bayou on Feb. 17. The brothers pleaded guilty to the charges of federal wildlife violations and face up to one year in jail and a $20,000 fine.

Cory James Moseley, 23 and Cade Ryan Moseley, 18 were fishing on Cow Bayou near Orangefield and saw two stranded dolphins. They shot at them with a compound bow and Cade Moseley hit one of the dolphins killing it.

The second dolphin was found and rescued by wildlife agents and San Antonio's Sea World personnel.

The case was investigated by the NOAA Office of Law Enforcement, U.S. Coast Guard Investigative Service and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorney Joseph R. Batte.

Cory James Moseley and Cade Ryan Moseley are accused of shooting and killing a bottlenose dolphin in Cow Bayou earlier this year. Photo courtesy of NOAA


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