Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

From the Creaux's Nest


The United States, Russia and other world powers reached a historic deal Tuesday that will curb Iran’s nuclear programs.

The agreement is aimed at easing the threat of a nuclear armed Iran in the Middle East.

The agreement was reached after long negotiations. President Obama spoke to the nation early Tuesday saying, “This deal offers an opportunity to move in a new direction.” He said if negotiations had not worked the only other option would have been war.

Shortly after the president spoke, Tea Party freshman senator Cotton, from Arkansas, was calling it a bad deal.

Other legislatures on the Republican side joined in saying they would fight against congress approval despite not having been briefed yet on the final agreement.

Obama’s most pressing task is holding off efforts by Republicans to throw a monkey wrench in his ability to suspend existing sanctions.

Some of the war hawks and Israel were against negotiations and preferred the threat of going to war instead.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has long wanted the U.S. to attack Iran.

The 100-page accord aims to keep Iran from producing enough material for an atomic bomb for at least 10 years.

The deal imposes new previsions for inspections of Iranian facilities, including military sites.

Secretary of State John Kerry said persistence paid off.

“Believe me, had we been willing to settle for a lesser deal, we would have finished the negotiations a long time ago, Kerry said.

On the other side, hardliners like Hezbellah and other forces oppose the deal Iran signed on to.

It remains to be seen what the outcome will be however, President Obama has the upper hand because of his power of veto legislation.

Politics and posturing will be the order of the day for GOP presidential candidates.

In most cases it has nothing to do with the deal, they don’t want Obama to put another feather in his legacy They will fight him all the way.

The deal, good or bad has nothing to do with it.*****I’d best be going.

Come along, I promise it won’t do you no harm.


This week, July 21, marks the 85th anniversary of the Veteran’s Administration. On this date in 1930 President Herbert Hoover signed Executive Order 5398, which brought together the U.S. Veterans Bureau, the Bureau of Pensions and the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers into a single new agency, the Veterans Administration.

In 85 years VA has gone from an independent federal agency to the Department of Veteran’s Affairs, the second largest federal department after the Department of Defense.

VA’s health came today in a bright star in the U.S. Health Care industry.

The VA’s sacred mission has not changed; it’s rooted in Abe Lincoln’s 1865 promise to“Care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow and his orphan.” A new generation of combat heroes now turns to VA for health care, disability, home loan guarantees, education assistance and other benefits.

We should commit to keeping for another 85 years Hoover’s prediction and Lincoln’s promise.

God Bless the VA.


10 Years Ago-2005

The hurricane Emily is roaming around in the Gulf.

She is now up to 155 miles an hour.

Satellite shows she is going away from us and headed to the Rio Grande River and into Mexico.*****No kidding: John Patterson, with the Washington Nationals, has recorded his 11th “No Decision.” He pitched six innings, 115 pitches, nine strikeouts, one walk, no hits, and no runs when he left the game in the sixth.

Nothing, I mean nothing, the Nationals did could bring home a win.*****The boys from Abbeville, Ned Theall and The Boogie Kings and Warren Storm put on one heck of a good show Saturday at the Port Arthur Civic Center.

Roy visited with his former classmates.

Jerry LaCroix and Dwayne Yates were at their best.

*****Orange native coach Bum Phillips is home in Goliad after triple by-pass surgery.

*****Margie Stephens is excited about the rumor that the Astros may trade for Kevin Millar, of the Red Sox. Kevin is a Beaumont resident and former Lamar baseball star.

(Editor’s note, what ever became of him anyway?)*****Pretty Sunni Oceguera has joined the Sel-Best Realty team owned by Robert and Connie Hanks.

*****Last Thursday night, Dupuis Service Station was broken into and robbed.

They got all the money out of the safe.

Kee-Kee says it’s the worst of times to have such a loss; his daughter Elizabeth is getting married and he needs that money awfully bad.

He says if the folks who got the money will return it, he will give it back to them in notes after the wedding.

He just needs to get that behind him.

*****Another guy having some tough luck is attorney Sharon Bearden. The rear end fell out of his truck, lightening struck his house and killed three televisions and the air conditioner He also lost a pair of his britches.

So if you see a couple of guys walking around in one pair of pants, call the law, that will be Bearden’s britches.

*****Hanna and Halli Malagarie celebrate their first birthday July 15.

Parents are April and Scott.Janice Overman is one proud granny.

*****Jeff Anderson and Ryan Kimbrough celebrate birthdays this week.

40 Years Ago-1975

The cities of Pinehurst, Orange and West Orange proclaim Roy and Crystal Wingate Day.

The proclamation was signed for the cities by mayors A.R. Morgan, Paul Hale and Glenn Seale. The Wingates were recognized for their two years of work as co-chairmen of the Sabine Area Bi-Centennial Commission.

*****Gordon and Diane Baxter have just returned from Israel.

Di bought Roy Dunn an “Evil Eye” that he is wearing around his neck.

He said he didn’t understand the significance of the Evil Eye, but if Diane felt he needed it, that was good enough for him.

*****Bill and Patsy Nacol hold grand opening of their new jewelry store on MacArthur Circle.*****According to a column in the Enterprise, by Don Jacobs,Huey Meaux presented Gordon Baxter with two gold records for being the very first to play Freddie Fender’s hit songs, “Before the Next Tear Drop Falls,” and “Wasted Days and Wasted nights.” Huey, in between his hair cutting job at Winnie Barber Shop, is Freddie’s producer and promoter.

*****Happy birthday to Stacy Savoy who celebrates her eighth.

*****Helene Litton heads up house-to-house campaign to raise pledges for the Bridge City/Orangefield Community Center.

The fun totaled $72,712 in a week and went over $82,500.*****The Bridge City Knights of Columbus installed new officers; Mason Hebert, Sr., grand knight; Father Frank Schanzer, chaplin; Lamar Roach, deputy grand-knight; Mayo LeBlanc, chancellor, Herbert LaPointe, recorder, Lou Garriga, financial secretary and Don Calliouett, treasurer.*****Betty Jo Spence is president of the Orange County Sheriff’s Posse.

She is the first woman to serve the organization as president.

*****Doug Harrington was in Rusk last week but he must have escaped because he was back to pushing pills on Monday.

He was in Rusk to attend a mental health seminar.

*****”Teddy Bear” by Red Sovine, is the number one country song this week.

*****Dean Rutland, governor of Rotary District 591, visits Bridge City club.

The district is made up of 37 clubs in Southeast Texas.

Roy Dunn is club president.


Last week, in 10 Years Ago, we asked what had become of the Belles of St. Mary’s, Daisy, Pearl and Theresa Guillotte.

Judge Pat Clark informs us that the three wonderful Christian ladies are still very active and continue to participate in church activities and also attend funerals regularly.

Daisy is now 94, Pearl 88 and Theresa, 85.

God bless them..*****In 1960, 55 years ago this week, John F. Kennedy won the Democratic presidential nomination.

Thus began Camelot.

LBJ became president after JFK’s murder and five years and a few days later, Aug. 1965, LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act.*****Thanks to Carina Kirk and friends who donated multiple fans to help save the animals at Pinehurst Animal Shelter.

The staff and animals really appreciate it due to the hot weather.*****Congrats to Brittany Dereuen who placed second in the Adult Women’s Tennis Tourney in San Antonio this past weekend.

She says she’s enjoying her summer before beginning her first year teaching math at BCHS. ******Our prayers and best wishes go out to Bill Lloyd. Hang in there buddy.

*****David Letterman, who appeared with Martin Short and Steve Martin over the weekend in San Antonio, gave his Top 10 List.

Number one was “Thanks to Donald Trump now the Republican mascot is also an ass.”*****We were glad to hear from Ms.

Pearl. She has submitted a poem and we look forward to reading it in this issue.

It’s been a while.

We hear she is doing well and we are thankful for that.

*****Orange County employee Wayne Broom and son Corey are on vacation in Panama Beach, Florida.

We know they are having a great time.

******Soon to be mommy, Paige Psenik, was surprised with a baby shower given by the Life Group ladies at CGCC Church.

Baby Kyndell will be welcomed with much love.*****Last Thursday afternoon our buddy Tommy Simar was in his shed, which is full of his treasurers, when he fell and was trapped between his possessions.

Unable to get him out wife Sue and a friend used a dolly to free him.

He had broken his hip; on the same side he had recently had knee replacement surgery in February.

He‘s in St. E in Beaumont.

We wish him a quick recovery.

Sue says, “I’ve been warning him that he should clean that shed out.” She just doesn’t understand about us boys and our treasures.

*****Former Orange County resident and Emergency Management Director Chuck Frazier is entertaining granddaughter Harper and daughter and son-in-law Jessica and Ryan Crowell in Chicago.

Chuck and wife Marnie are happy to have family visit.

*****St. Paul’s Methodist Church member Amanda Pringle is attending her 19th year of church camp.

Keep up the good work Amanda. *****A few folks we know celebrating their special day during the next few days.

On July 15, our buddy Corky’s little brother Tommy Harmon turns 71.

He one of the good guys.*****Peggy Claybar, a lovely, sweet lady, married to David many years, has a birthday today as does pretty Melissa Eshbach, Faye Beth Purifoy, Cassey Polk and a guy we’ve known since short pants, Tracy Addison. Celebrities celebrating on this day are comedian Gabriel Iglesias, 38 and wrestler Jesse Ventura, 63.

This would have also been the late J.B. Jones’ birthday.

*****July 16 finds a good guy, well know about town, Preston Fuller, turning a year older today.

He is joined by pretty former school teacher, Brad’s better half, Carlis Roy and Judge Peck assistant Kay Abbott.

They join football player Barry Sanders, 46 and coach Jimmy Johnson, 71.

This also would have been the birthday of the late Clarence Dale Newton who we know Granny misses every day.*****July 17 is the birthday of former Record employee, Ms.

Edee, widow of Charles Pratt, also Keith Burton, Don Hightower, Harold Lonadier and Deborah Ashcraft. They are joined by country singer Luke Bryan, 38, actors David Hasselhoff, 62, Donald Sutherland, 79 and Lucy and Desi Arnez’s daughter Lucie Arnaz, 63.

*****July 18 finds former Bridge City City Manager, Lucy’s husband, Don Fields celebrating as does Cheryl Richard, Cynthia Chatagnier and Hardy Barclay. They share birthdays with actor Vin Diesel, 47, country singer Ricky Skaggs, 60 and astronaut John Glenn, 93.*****On July 19, Michael “Mike” Hoke celebrates as does Robin, the Carl Thibodeaux’s lovely daughter, Paige Williams, Pam Scales Honeycutt, Liz Langston, Brandon Jones, Denise Sams, Preston Wayne Sullivan and Melissa Martin.

They join singer Vikki Carr, 73 and actor Anthony Edwards, 52.

*****July 20 is the big day for the Stephson triplets Amanda, Megan and Summer and also Rebecca Toal and Ken Foster. Joining them in celebrating are guitarist Carlo Santana, 67, singer Kim Carnes, 69 and Grey’s Anatomy actress Sandra Oh, 43.*****On July 21 Amiel Leleux, Danika Dubose and Joel Bourdier celebrate.

They join actors Josh Hartnett, 36, and Jon Lovitz, 57, country singer Brandon Heath, 36 and singer Cat Stevens, 66.

This was also the day six years ago that our good friend Cal Broussard died.

We still miss him.*****Our prayers and get well wishes to Betty Jo James. We hope she will be felling better soon.*****The Wednesday Lunch Bunch will dine at Robert’s Restaurant this week and next.

A good group attended last week’s meeting.

Everyone is welcome, good food, good fellowship.

*****The Democratic opponent of choice is Scott Walker. He announced Tuesday and gave his Dick Cheney speech.

That will maybe work in the Republican Primary but will be very divisive in the General Election.

*****The great escape wasn’t in Clinton, New York, even though that was pretty good.

Mexican drug lord ‘El Chapo’ Guzman’s escape from a maximum security prison was a masterpiece.

A $3 million, mile long tunnel that came up under his shower.

It must have taken months, many workers to construct this air conditioned tunnel with rail cars.

This was his second escape, the first one in 2001 set him free for a dozen years.

This escape didn’t have but a few minutes lead time, about the length of a shower.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

‘El Chapo’ means ‘Shorty’ but unlike the Clinton jail escapees, he’s not short of money, he’s a billionaire.

*****Former Orange County Engineer Assistant Maggie Jackson and daughter Amy Faircloth were spotted on Bailey Road.

The sunsets are unbelievable according to Maggie.

*****Our prayers and special thoughts go out to Pam Smith for a speedy recovery.

*****Shelly Manning and children, Maya, Robert and Mason traveled to sister Paula Williams this weekend.

The kids always have a great time at Aunt Paula’s.

*****Thanks to everyone who participated in the Blair Nicole Ray Memorial Fishing Tournament held at Lake Sam Rayburn.

Nineteen teams entered raising $1000.00 for scholarships.


Mark Grizzaffi, Melissa Darbonne, Melissa Eshbach, Mitchell Heil, Peggy Claybar, Tommy Harmon, BJ Graham, Cassey Polk, JB Jones, Marlin McKinney, Rhys Outlaw, Phil Dickman, Clarence Dale Newton, Lorie Dubose, Mary Dorsey, Carlis Roy, Edee Pratt, Theresa Krout, Deborah Ashcraft, Don Hightower, Harold Lonadier, Cheryl Richard, Cynthia Chataignier, Don Fields, Harry Barclay, Kurt Moerbe, Marion Whittle, Matthew McKinney, Michael Hoke, Robin Thibodeaux, Dorothy Hagy, Melissa Martin, Paige Williams, Preston Wayne Sullivan, Amanda Stephson, Kenyettia Foster, Megan Stephson, Rebecca Toal, Summer Stephson, Amiel Leleux, Danika Dubose and Joel Bourdier, Von Broussard.


Not wanting to leave da confessional unattended Father Desormeaux called his Rabbi friend Avrahom, from across da street and axed him to cover for him. Da Rabbi told da Father he wouldn’t know what to do or say. Father Desormeaux told him to come over and watch him. Rabbi Avrahon and Father Desormeaux are sitting in da confessional wen a woman come in. She say “Father forgive me for I have lied. Father axed “How many times?” Da woman answer, “Tree Times.”

Father Desoromeaux tell her to say tree Hail Mary and put $5 in da box, go and sin no more.”

A few minutes later a man comes in and says, “Forgive me Father for I have sinned, I stole.” Father axed, “How many times?”

“Tree times.” Da Father tell him to say tree Hail Mary and put $5 in da box.”

Da Rabbi tells da priest he’s got it. Father leaves and a women enters and says, “Father forgive me for I have sinned.”

“Wat did you do?” axed the Rabbi. “Me, I committed adultery.”

Da Rabbi axed, “How many times?”

“Just once Father.” da woman says.

Da Rabbi say, “Go do it two more times, we have a special dis week, tree for $5.”


I can hardly wait for the first Republican presidential debate featuring only ten candidates, to air on FOX, August 6.

There will probably be 19 candidates by than. It will be interesting to see who makes the cut.

The big gathering is being described as a circus, cattle call or a big mess.

With so many on the stage, even their sound bites will have to be scaled down and a quick run through there talking points that will make for gaffes, over steps and some political disasters by candidates desperate to get a message across.

There won’t be any “oops” but there will be slip ups that will haunt them well after the smoke clears.

The top three in the polls will try to look presidential; the second three will attack the top three.

The rest will just try to get noticed.

Everyone will go after who is perceived to be king of the mountain. On Sept. 16, CNN will sponsor the second debate.

The network plans it to be the 10 leading candidates but maybe more if a tie in opinion polls.

CNN will also have a second tier. I would think who doesn’t make to top tier is chopped liver.

When it’s all said and done, there will always be some candidates who complain about the moderator.

With Donald Trump and Chris Christie on the stage if they make it, it will be worth the price of time.

I don’t look for many surprises, just talking points we’ve heard before.

*****I’ve got to move on, thanks for your time and loyalty.

Take care and God bless.


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