Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

LCM opens online registration for returning students

The Little Cypress-Mauriceville School District has opened online registration for returning LCM students. Parents should have received a letter from Superintendent Dr. Pauline Hargrove in May notifying them that LCM was launching online registration in August and providing them a login and password for this process.

The registration link with step-by-step instructions is on the LCM website at www.lcmcisd.org in the yellow banner at the top of the web page. You can register from most devices with Internet access, though it may be difficult on a cell phone. If you do not have access to the internet, computers are available for your use on each campus. Although there may be additional forms that will need to be signed at a later date, the majority are electronic and should take you much less time to complete than in years past.

Online enrollment will last until Aug. 16. Please note that your child’s elementary class rosters and secondary schedules will not be available to them until parents complete the online forms.

You may call the LCM administration building’s main number for assistance, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. from now until Aug. 16. The number is 883-2232, extension 2380 or extension 2000. Callout and e-mail reminders will be sent occasionally throughout the registration period to families who have not completed the online forms.


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