Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

From the Creaux's Nest


There is a lot going on the rest of the week.

Bridge City and West Orange-Stark both play their homecoming games.

At B.C., the 1965 Cinderella team will be honored on the 50th anniversary of playing in the state championship game.

They lost but were the first Orange County team to play for the state championship.

The following year, they became the first Orange County team to win a state championship.

In his “Down Life’s Highway” column, Roy writes about that time and how it affected a small Texas town.

Since then WO-S has appeared in and won several state championship games.

Bridge City however, was the first.*****Also going on this weekend is a big Cajun dance at the V.F.W. Hall to be held Saturday.

A lot of music, food, fun and dancing with a Cajun girl.

Come pass a good time.*****Bridge City‘s Matt Bryant and the 5-0 Atlanta Falcons come to the Superdome.

It looks like another loss for the Saints.*****I’ve about gave up on all my college and pro football teams.

I have a very long way to go.

Hop on board and come along.

I promise it won’t do you no harm.


The debate in Las Vegas Tuesday night will occur after my deadline so all I can do is speculate.

The two-hour live debate, on CNN, hosted by Anderson Cooper, features former first lady and former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, Vermont U.S. senator Bernie Sanders, her closest rival in the polls, former Maryland governor Martin O’Malley, former Virginia senator Jim Webb and former Rhode Island governor Lincoln Chafee. All of these candidates are very knowledgeable, with vast experience in government, a far cry from the front runners in the Republican Primary.

Hillary walks a tight rope as she moves herself to the left in order to appeal to undecideds that are not firmly in Sander’s camp.

She must be careful not to swing too far from the center because that is where she will need to be in the General Election.

She will also try to distance herself from the Obama Administration to give herself room to take on V.P. Joe Biden if he enters the race.

Sanders has the most to gain.

He’s not a nationally know candidate and is an admitted Socialist who would have a hard time in the General Election but he comes across as very likable.

Clinton and Sanders won’t stray into personal attacks, however O’Malley, Webb and Chafee will have to get personal to draw contrasts with Clinton.

This is the last big chance for O’Malley to come up in the polls.

I suspect nothing will change much Tuesday evening.

When the smoke clears, Hillary will still poll 70 percent among Democrats and Sanders won’t have hurt himself.

The other three contenders will make little headway.

O’Malley maybe.

All they wait for is to see if Biden enters the race.

I believe it would be a mistake.

I just don’t believe he can win despite being very qualified.

He comes off as the uncle who is the clown at the family gatherings.

As far the debate, it tends to favor interaction and candidates quick on their toes, who can give precise responses.

The pundits will say who they think won but voters may see it differently.

If you happen to be for a certain candidate, you will see them as winning and the game goes on.


State Senator Robert Nichols, from Jacksonville, who represents Orange County, has been touring the district pushing his bill, SJR Proposition 7, on the Nov. 3 ballot.

The bill proposes an amendment to the state constitution to dedicate a portion of the revenue derived from the state sales and use tax and the tax imposed on the rental of a motor vehicle to the state highway fund.

Under current law, those funds are deposited to the general revenue fund.

The amendment would dedicate $2.5 billion from the sales and use tax annually to the state highway fund starting Sept. 1, 2017 and expire Sept. 1, 2032.

Beginning Sept. 2019, 3.5 percent of revenue from the sales and use tax on motor vehicles exceeding $5 billion would be dedicated to the highway fund annually.

The new revenue according to Sen.

Nichols would be used only to construct, maintain or acquire right of way for public roadways.

Not toll roadways.

The population of Texas is growing at almost 1,000 new Texans per day.

All These people need safe roads and bridges to drive on.

Proposition 7, would present a politically viable means to secure a portion of the funding Texas needs.


Nichols, who introduced the bill, says “Proposition 7 is a sustainable funding solution to our highway infrastructure need that does not increase taxes and dedicates existing tax revenue towards transportation projects.” Nichol’s and his side-kick, administration assistant J.D. Hale will continue to travel the district and should be back in Orange County again before the Nov. 3 election in order to push a good turnout for his bill.

The Senator said, “If passed by voters, this legislation will be the largest single increase in transportation funding in Texas history without issuing debt.”


10 Years Ago-2005

Three weeks have gone by since hurricane Rita hit Orange County.

Hurricane Rita has fooled nature, it believes its spring. The fig trees that should be bare of leaves are loaded with small figs.

Spring flowers are starting to bud.

The ‘Hurricane Lilies’ are in full bloom.

Orange County is way ahead of the other eight counties in the clean up effort. County Judge Carl Thibodeaux used money from the six-million dollar reserves and immediately started the restoration.

Some of the other counties, without the money reserves, have had to wait on government money.

Roads in the county have been cleared and are all passable.

The county still has a burn ban in effect as debris is still everywhere.

In Bridge City, near Roundbunch Rd., at Texas Ave., everywhere you look, in every direction, is destruction and rubbish.


Mark Messer’s place and the building that once was the old post office lost all roofing.

At the end of the cleaned road, Bland Extension is a foot high pile of tin rubbish.

The Bridge City-Orangefield game scheduled for Oct. 18, will be played in Bridge City at 4 p.m.

Since no stadiums have lights most games for the next few weeks will be played in daylight hours.***In the City of Pinehurst, city hall is operating on generators.

A full staff, including police, fire and utilities have been at city hall since Rita.

Mayor Jerry Hussey reported all roads passable.

Water and sewer are also being powered by generators.

Orange County Sheriff Mike White, just prior to the landing of Rita, released minor, non-violent prisoners with instructions to contact authorities to settle their cases.

The move helped save some of the cost of housing and feeding.

The jail suffered significant damage in the storm, including damage to the roof and air conditioning units.

Orange County has piles of logs, tree limbs, shingles, garbage and corrugated steel.

Life has changed since Rita.

Some people are homeless but thankfully schools and some businesses are opening.

Electricity, as of Oct. 14, is almost all restored. The courthouse is set to open next week.

Chuck Frazier, the Emergency Management coordinator says he has made arrangements with the Newton County judge to allow North Orange County residents to get ice and water from a Deweyville POD site.

The annual Orange Lions Carnival, due to open the weekend Rita came, sustained significant damage to its rides and Lion members are working to clean the area and remove and repair rides.

Mathews Jewelry suffered a total loss.

Owner Stan Mathews has reported that he has begun rebuilding on Strickland Drive, next to Crazy Jose’s.

Betty and Corky Harmon reported three large pine trees fell through their home.

That was typical of many homes in the area that were destroyed.

Nearly four weeks after Rita destruction is still everywhere.

Chain saws and hammers can be heard from all directions during daylight hours.


The Astros and Rangers blew a chance to wrap it up in four games.

Now we have to hope at least one team will move on.

I would like for it to be the Astros.

Collin Gros, of Bridge City, was at the Astro-Kansas City game Sunday that Houston won.

He got to see a first.

A ball hit the roof and came down fair.Biggio said that had never happened before.

He should know.

I wonder when the ball came down if it had been caught would it have been an out.*****Boss Day is Friday.

Like Columbus Day I wonder why? At least on Boss Day some good could come from it.*****We were sorry to hear about our friend Donald Wayne Cole,who has been diagnosed with melanoma cancer.

The Bridge City Fire Department will have a fund raiser at Bridge City Wal-Mart Saturday.

Our prayers are with this good man.***** Our buddy at Dupuis, Earl Duhon, has been given the green light.

He is now cancer free.

Just a couple more procedures and he’s done.

He said all the prayers did it and for that he is very thankful.*****Anheuser Busch and Miller reach a tentative agreement on merger.

A cash deal of $64 million that will bring some of the world’s most popular beers under one roof.*****A few folks we know celebrating their special day: On Oct. 14, our good friend since 1965, Harry Stephens, who opened Harry’s Appliance over 50 years ago and still in operation, celebrates his birthday.

Also celebrating are Kim and Lon Hubbard’s lovely daughter Olivia.

They are joined by R&B singer Usher, 36, fashion designer Ralph Lauren, 75 and James Bond actor Roger Moore, 87.*****On Oct. 15, Orange County’s longest serving county judge, Carl Thibodeaux, reaches a milestone.

Also celebrating are Sonny Childs, Becky LaFleur, Jennifer Peveto, Kory Freeman, Derek Borel and Allison LeBlanc.

They join celebrity chef Emeril Lagasse, 55, Michael’s brother, Tito Jackson, 61, and royalty Sarah Ferguson, 55.*****Oct. 16, finds Barbara Harmon, Tommy’s longtime bride, celebrating.

Also Wayne Mulhollan, Barbara’s longtime husband, Channing Larkin and Brad Brown.

Celebrities joining them on this day are actresses Angela Lansbury, 89 and Suzanne Somers, 68.*****On Oct. 17, Judge Jimmy Scales, who has the pleasure or the burden of being married to Donna for many years, celebrates.

He is joined by a bunch of other great folks.

John’s lovely wife Linda Heard and our longtime friend Sue Collins, Dr.

Wesley Palmer, Coach Bob Puntes and BCISD employee Cheryl Royal, Bobby and Sherry’s lovely daughter Rachel Tisdale and Johnny Dubose.

They join country singer Alan Jackson, 56 and actress Margot Kidder, 66.*****On Oct. 18, Penny Becker, Tom Taliaferro, Bill Andes and Emily Hughes all celebrate.

Also celebrating on this day are singer Chuck Berry, 88 and NFL coach Mike Ditka, 75.*****On Oct. 19, Phillip Todora, who is fortunate enough to be married to Janice has another birthday.

Also our friend John and Joyce’s daughter Judge Joy Dubose Simonton celebrates.

They are joined by boxers Floyd Mayweather, Sr.

62, and Evander Holyfield, 52.*****On Oct. 20, Jason Yeamon, Kim Ezell, Jeanne Mullins and Jenne Mullins all celebrate.

Celebrities joining them are rapper Snoop Dogg, 43, singer Tom Petty, 64.

Happy Birthday to all.*****Playboy will drop naked women from their magazine.

Hugh Hefner, 89, still editor-in-chief, said it’s okay by him.

The internet fills the demand.

Now you’re just one click away from every sex act imaginable for free so it’s just pass’ today All us guys only read Playboy for its good stories anyway.

Sure!!!!*****Ten years ago, after Rita, everyone was uplifted when the Houston Astros beat the St. Louis Cards 5-1 and were headed to the World Series to be played against the Chicago White Sox.

Margie Stepens still remembers that night.

She woke Harry up to tell him the news.

Can history repeat itself?*****The Wednesday Lunch Bunch will dine at Robert’s this week and at Luigi's next week.

Everyone always welcome.


John Heyduck, Eloise Stewart, Martha Kile, Ronny Arnold, Stacy Rhodes, Trey Miller, Dillon Crabtree, Eunice Barrett, Jerry Evans, Olivia Hubbard, Shirley Hudson, Becky Lafleur, Jennifer Peveto, C.J. Benoit, Sonny Childs, Sue Freeman, Kory Freeman, Suzanne Miller, Allison LeBlanc, Derek Borel, Eleanor Dahl, Morgan Lamb, Nancy Newton, Wayne Mulhollan, Barbara Harmon, Brad Brown, Christopher Brown, Edneshia Johnson, Channing Larkin, Gene McKinley, Linda Heard, Glinda Gomez, Pam Bowman, David Sargent, Harry Stephens, James Brown, Jeff Braus, Johnny Dubose, Linda Nicks, Rachel Tisdale, Sue Collins, Wesley Palmer, Bebe Ricks, Bob Puntes, Cheryl Royal, Evelyn Nobles, Lynn Bates, Mary Everett, Mary Kendrick, Penny Becker, Tom Taliaferro, Bill Andes, Dina Defrates, Emily Hughes, Frank Fraccastoro, Griffin Lemley, Julie Prosperie, Phillip Todora, Kristin Bertles, Madeline Kirby, Blake Hunt, Joy Simonton, Kyle Johnston, Leona Simmons, Mozelle Francois, Mary Nixon, Beth Baas, Rodney Cartwright, Ashley Sanchez, Jason Yeaman, Jeanne Mullins, Jenne Mullins and Kim Ezell.


Tree couples, an elderly couple, Joe and Clotile Broussard, a middle-age couple, Paul and Inez Comeaux and a young, newlywed couple, John and Marie Badeaux all wanted to join da new church dat was a little different. Da pastor, Rev. Calvin Gaspard, said, “We have special requirements us for new parishioners. You must first abstain from having sex for two whole weeks.”

All da couples, dem, said. “We can do dat us.”

In a couple of weeks da couples come back to see Rev. Gaspard. Da Rev. him, he ask da Broussards bout no sex. Old man Broussard replies, “No problem at all pastor.”

Brother Gaspard say, “Congratulations, welcome to da church.”

Den he ask da middle-age couple. Paul Comeaux answer, “Da first week was not too bad. I had to sleep on da couch da second week but we made it.”

Brother Gaspard welcome dem into da church.

Da pastor axe da newlywed couple if dey had abstained. Badeaux him, fumbled around awhile and said, “No pastor, we did not us.”

“What happened?” axe da pastor.

“Well, it’s like dis,” replied Badeaux.Marie her, was reaching for a can of paint on da top shelf and dropped it. Wen she bent over to pick it up, I was overcome wit lust me and took advantage of her rat dere.”

Pastor Gaspard say, “Paul, you and Marie understand, because you didn’t abstain you will not be welcomed in our church.”

“We know,” said Badeaux. “Me and Marie are not welcome at Home Depot anymore eater..”


Congress should disband the Benghazi inquest. The congress has spent $4.6 million so far, on seven different hearing, on Benghazi and Sec.

Hillary Clinton has been exonerated in each one.

Now another hearing is scheduled for Oct. 22 .

In May, 2014, Republicans set up a full blown house select committee on Benghazi with the partisan goal of going after the other party’s leading presidential candidate.

That was underscored when House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy boasted on Hannity’s Fox News show that the inquest had driven down Clinton’s poll numbers.

He was telling the truth, and he couldn’t run away from his remarks that drove him away from seeking the speaker-ship position, to replace John Boehner.

Now a whistle blower has confirmed the planned witch hunt to destroy Hillary.

The congress will try to save face.

They will come up with some claims, even if they are not significant, they will make them sound serious.

The Talking Heads will jump on the band wagon and repeat the talking points over and over What the congress should do is fold the Benghazi committee, claim they won, declare victory, because they accomplished what they set out to do, destroy Hillary‘s image in the eyes of many voters.

She came from one of the world’s most respected women to now having only 38 percent of voters believing she is truthful.

That is only three points ahead of Donald Trump.

Seven committees have debunked conspiracy theories.

It’s time to wrap this injustice up.

They have done all the damage to Hillary that can be done.

Now that we know the investigation is a sham, it is as likely to reflect poorly on the accusers.

What’s more.

such an obviously partisan use of congress’ role as overseer is sure to undermine future investigations.

Three weeks ago, I said the Republican Party was unraveling.

The week after Speaker Boehner walked out of Dodge saying enough already.

They are so in disarray that they can’t elect a speaker.

The national polls show the Republican congress, with a 16 percent approval rating.

Disapproval is 84 percent.

It’s time for them to quit playing political games and start governing.*****Thanks for your time.

Take care and God bless.


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