Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Bacon named BCCC Student of the Month

The Bridge City Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce the Bridge City High School Student of the Month for November is Bailee Bacon. Bailee was presented her certificate by Chamber Ambassador and Board Member Lucy Fields at the Chamber’s Networking Coffee on Nov. 10, hosted by Bridge City Bank. She received gift certificates and gifts fromseveral local merchants.

Bacon is the daughter of Hilton and Lana Bacon. She has a GPA of 4.30 and ranked #17 of 164.

Awards and honors include:

  • Basketball Newcomer of the Year 2013
  • KFDM 12 Star Athlete of the Week
  • National Honor Society – 3 years
  • Rotary Youth Leadership Award
  • LEAP English
  • College Algebra, Government and Economics
Clubs and organizations include:
  • Student Council Senior Class President
  • Student Council National Honor Society Representative
  • Varsity Basketball – 4 years
  • Varsity Softball
  • BCHS Flag Runner
  • Ready, Set, Teach
  • Police Explorers
In community service, Bacon has volunteered at Southeast Texas Hospitality Center with her church youth group as well as the Ministerial Alliance and Beaumont Food Bank.

Mrs. Arron Conner has had Bailee in Principles of Human Services and says, “Bailee is a sweet, caring young lady both in and out of class. She is always ready to help others in time of need. She comes to class every day with a big smile and positive attitude; what a joy!!”

In Ready, Set, Teach and Lifetime Nutrition, Mrs. Michelle Huff describes Bailee as “a very hard worker, her fourth grade students adore her and is very deserving of the honor. I also work with Bailee on Friday nights. She is my first female to be our BCHS Flag Runner. Bailee is a very sweet young lady and I love having her.”

She plans to attend Lamar University after graduation.


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