Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Save the Date: BC Community "The Light of the World"

Jennifer Clarke for The Record

Terri Gauthier has made a habit of helping others. In addition to being a business owner in Bridge City for over 27 years, a member of the city council, and a member of the Bridge City Chamber Board of Directors, Gauthier is the creator of Project Glow (Go Light Our World). Through this project she seeks to establish "a holiday tradition in our community with a beautiful Christmas presentation illustrating the meaning and heart of Christmas," says Gauthier.

Through a coordinated effort, local businesses, public servants, the school district, and the Ministerial Alliance, are all working together to increase "community participation for a greater cause." Gauthier notes "the youth in our community have an opportunity to use their gifts and talents to benefit others," but adults in the community are volunteering their talents and time as well in order to put together the Christmas program, and all proceeds go to the Ministerial Alliance to benefit local families in need. Gauthier suggests "by giving to others, we are highlighting the true meaning of Christmas."

The Ministerial Alliance is a non-profit organization that serves the local community through providing financial assistance to indigent families as well as food, clothing, shoes, and medical assistance, says Gauthier. The Ministerial Alliance operates through monthly donations, love offerings, and special projects such as "The Light of the World" Presentation.

Prior to Hurricane Ike, through Project Glow, Gauthier oversaw the production of the Christmas Program "The Light of the World" for seven consecutive years. This will be the first year the program returns since the storm. "I would like to see it become an annual charity event" in the community, says Gauthier. She is passionate about community involvement and focuses on inspiring others to also help people in need.

Beginning the holiday season with the presentation "creates a good feeling to start the holidays," says Gauthier.

She has received a great response.

Many volunteers including the local police department and fire department are involved in the production.

"It is a way for everyone to become connected to their community," suggests Gauthier.

This year, the Bridge City Strutters, Cardinal Singers, 5th Grade Honor Choir from Bridge City Intermediate, Bridge City Middle School Choir, the Drama department of the high school, the Bridge City Police Department, the Volunteer Fire Department, and local businesses: Amy's Elite Dance Force, Studio C, and Tiger Rock Martial Arts are joining in the performance.

The program will be held at Bridge City High School, December 3, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. Tickets are $5.00 and can be purchased at the door. All proceeds will be donated to the Bridge City/Orangefield Ministerial Alliance. Gauthier hopes that the entire community will make time to attend a "performance for a cause, not just applause."

Mark your calendars, save the date, and "Light up the Night," says Gauthier.


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