Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Trinity Baptist to begin celebration of Christmas

Christmas excitement has been in the air at Trinity Baptist Church of Orange. Sunday, Nov. 29, the church will start their celebration of the Christmas season with “The Hanging of the Greens”. The service will include several members reading scripture and explaining why the traditional flowers and greenery are used at Christmas.

During the service the children will decorate the Christmas tree at the altar with Ancient Christian Symbols known as Chrismons. The symbols represent a variety of biblical and theological concepts. Chrismons are made with gold decorations of beads, ribbon and glitter. The Chrismons were handmade by members of the church. Dan Cruse will explain the meaning of each Chrismon as the children hang them on the tree.

Each Sunday during the Christmas season the church celebrates the Lighting of the Advent Candle with different church families participating with a scripture reading and prayer. Advent begins four weeks before Christmas and ends on Christmas Eve. Advent is the period of anticipation before Christmas. No, it’s not the presents that are being anticipated, but the biggest gift ever given to the world – the birth of Jesus.

On Nov. 29, the Candle of Hope will be lit by Jerry and Lynae Sanford,

December 6, Trent Ling and Macy Brush will light the Candle of Preparation; Dec. 13, Cliff and Helen McCardel will light the Candle of Joy. On Dec. 20, the Candle of Love will be lit by Rene and Judy Marsalon. December 24, during the 6 pm Candle Light Service, Gayle Peveto, Billie Burns and Elaine Meyers will light the Christ Candle. The Christ Candle reminds us that Jesus Christ should always be the center of our lives and is the true meaning of Christmas.

Under the direction of Dan Cruse the TBC Choir will present special themed Christmas music during the Candle Light Service.

The Candlelight Christmas Service will be held Sunday, Dec. 24, at 6 pm. Everyone is invited to come celebrate the birth of Christ during the special service. Refreshments will be served immediately following the service. Trinity Baptist Church is located at 1819 N. 16th St., in Orange.


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