Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Sen. Nichols, Rep. White meet with local elected officials

State Senator Robert Nichols (R-Jacksonville) and State Representative James White (R-Hillister) recently met with local elected county officials to discuss legislative priorities for the upcoming 2017 Legislative Session. The meeting was arranged by the Texas Association of Counties.

“Visiting with county officials gives me an opportunity to listen and understand how local governments are affected by the decisions coming out of Austin," said Nichols. "A one-size fits all policy doesn’t always work in 254 separate Texas counties. I’m committed to preserving local control so decisions can be made closest to where they have an impact.”

Issues discussed in the meeting included ensuring flood relief assistance is available to affected areas of Southeast Texas, support is given to local public schools and a favorable economic climate is preserved for businesses to grow.

"I'm honored to join my state senator, Robert Nichols, and my local government partners to discuss growing our local prosperity, uplifting our local public schools, and maintaining safe communities in Southeast Texas,” said Representative White.

“East Texas is well served in the Legislature by Senator Nichols and Representative White. Their accessibility and dedication to understanding local issues ensures our voices are heard at the State Capitol,” said Hardin County Commissioner Chris Kirkendall.


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