Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

LCM One Act Play on a roll

Award Winners from left are Tyler Regan, Jake Portie, Connor Alexander, Mariah Blair and Kaylee Patillo.

The Little Cypress-Mauriceville High School UIL One Act Play Company competed at the Bi-District Contest held at Lamar-Port Arthur on Wednesday, March 30. The group previously advanced from their district contest with a first place ranking from all three judges. The students again earned a First Place ranking from every member of the judging panel advancing them to the 4A Region III, Area 2, One Act Play Contest on Saturday, April 9 at Magnolia High School.

Additionally, the following students were recognized for outstanding performance: Jake Portie, Kaylee Pattillo and Tyler Regan were named to the Honorable Mention All Star Cast, Mariah Blair was named to the All Star Cast and junior Connor Alexander once again claimed the top award of Best Actor. The students are under the direction of Cory Broom and Caroline Hennigan.


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