Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Benefit scheduled to help church damaged in flood

There will be a benefit garage sale for the Pocket Community Church Saturday, May 7, from 9 am-3 pm, in the parking lot of the New Anointing Church, 10681 N. Hwy. 87, Orange.

There will be household goods, pictures, VHS tapes, purses and miscellaneous items. Most of the clothes will be priced .25 each.

There will also be dinners served for $5 each. They will include, links, drink, chips and dessert, as well as a cake sale.

All proceeds will benefit the church which was damaged in the recent flooding in March.

Donations may be made to any Wells Fargo Bank, worldwide, or to Pocket Church ℅ Edgar Hennigan, account number 1204780595.


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