Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Closures ahead for Memorial Day weekend

The extended holiday weekend is approaching, which means multiple business and government office closures are ahead.

The majority of all local, county, state and federal offices will be closed on Monday, May 30 in observance of the Memorial Day holiday. All non-essential offices in the cities of Orange, West Orange, Pinehurst and Bridge City will be closed on Monday. Offices will re-open at normal business hours on Tuesday, May 31.

All non-essential Orange County government offices will be closed on Friday as well. Garbage will run as normal in Orange and West Orange, as well as most other locations. Garbage collection service for information on collection schedules.

The United States Postal Service will not be delivering mail on Monday, but it will resume normal operation hours and delivery on Tuesday.

Financial institutions such as Community Bank, Bridge City Bank and First Financial, Sabine Federal Credit Union, MCT Credit Union and Mobil Credit Union will be closed in observance of the Memorial Day holiday and reopen on the next regularly scheduled business day.


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