Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

MVE makes presentation at statewide conference

Presenters from MVE from left are - Angie Jones, Kindergarten teacher; Carie Broussard, Assistant Principal; Kim West, Counselor; Buffy Knight, Principal; Erica Warner, 4th grade teacher and Melissa Brewer and Sandy Ivy, Special Education teachers.

On June 29 and 30, Mauriceville Elementary School was honored to present "PBIS - It's What's For Dinner" as a Showcase Campus at the Texas Behavior Support Conference. This is the statewide conference held at Education Service Center (ESC) Region 4 in Houston. MVE was one of seven campuses that were selected to present to educators how Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) has been implemented on the MVE campus and the impact the system has made on campus discipline and culture.


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