Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

WOC to begin online pre-registration

West Orange – Cove CISD will open on-line pre-registration for the 2016-2017 school year on Aug. 1. From August 1 – 12, all parents of current WOCCISD students will be asked to enter Family Access, our parent portal, and begin on-line pre-registration by verifying student demographic information.

Households that are NOT currently utilizing Family Access, must complete the Family Access application process before they will be able to participate in on-line pre-registration. Hard copies of the Family Access application form are available at campus offices and at the WOCCISD Educational Service Center. Application forms are also downloadable from the WOCCISD website: http://www.woccisd.net/apps/pages/family_access_materials

Once a parent completes the application form, submits the application to his/her child’s campus in person (with identification), he or she will be emailed an access code and user name in order to begin the on-line pre-registration process through the Family Access Parent Portal.

If a parent does not have access to the internet at home, computer stations will be made available at our campuses and at the WOCCISD Educational Service Center to assist with the on-line pre-registration process beginning August 1. Computer kiosks will be located in the main foyers at the West Orange – Stark Elementary, Middle, and High Schools. A kiosk will be available in the cafeteria at North Early Learning Center.

Dates and times in which staff support will be available will also be announced and shared through callouts, our website, and social media postings. Campus computer station accessibility for parents/guardians will continue throughout the school year.

The advantage of on-line registration is that parents will only need to submit personal information one time; as opposed to, completing a form for each child. On-line pre-registration will eventually include the online completion of some of the forms that you are asked to complete annually. Over the next few years, all registration documents will be placed on-line and registration with hard copy documents will be discontinued.

West Orange – Cove is excited to move forward with this new process. We appreciate the support of our parents and community as we transition to this new system.


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