Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Orange County Marriage Licenses - Aug. 8-12

The following marriage licenses were issued by the office of Brandy Robertson, Orange County Clerk, for the week of Aug. 8-12:

Sean W. Robinson and Leadenisha D. Kimble

Javied J. Akhtar and Gurinda Akhtar

Jason D. Carter and Jamie L. Rickman-Goodwin

Chad A. Hunter and Latisha D. Thibodeaux

Sean A. Hamilton and Ashley R. Abrego

Bishal Regmi and Shreedu Pradhan

Chey B. Jackson and Regina D. Franco

Kurt A. Stoneking and Christin L. Bennett

Robert L. Grantham, Jr. and Leslie A. Barnes

Billy R. Burch and Patricia A. Thibodeaux

Khan R. Ullah and Larysa Kalchenko


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